[FUN/TP/MECH] Redf1sh's toolkit

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by redf1sh, Mar 15, 2011.

  1. Offline


    RedTools - A grab bag of useful commands:
    Version: v0.1

    This plugin provides several useful tools for administrators and players alike, or at least that's the goal. Some of these commands have very narrow uses (like the compass one), once I add permissions I'll make it more flexible.
    Feel free to suggest improvement or new features, if I think they'll be useful I'll try to add them in (though I don't want the plugin to get too cluttered).

    Also, any suggestions for an "effect" for teleportation? It used to light the ground on fire where the user was standing, but that was a poor decision [​IMG].

    What's it do!?
    • Easy to use teleportation and summoning commands: abduct your friends way faster!
    • Set every players compasses to a specified player (or back to the spawn).
    • Rename yourself: Set your name to that of some shopkeep(or anything) and yell at people like a crazy person.
    • Light players on fire with a simple command.
    • Gives an iConomy reward for killing certain monsters (zombie/skeleton/creeper/spider).
    Current build: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/23533366/redtools.jar
    Source Code: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/23533366/RedTools.zip


    <player> will match on the beginning of a players name, and is not case sensitive.
    So you could /ri red to light me on fire, instead of needing to type /ri redf1sh.
    • /rc or /redcompass <player> - Sets everyone's compass to the target's location, will also set anyone who joins compass to that location.
    • /rn or /redname <somename> - Sets your display name to something else, or resets it if you don't supply a new name.
    • /rp or /redport <player> - Teleports you to the target player with fancy voodoo magic.
    • /rs or /redsummon <player> - Summons that player to your current position.
    • /ri or /redignite <player> - Lights the target on fire.
    (Currently there are no commands for adjusting mob killage, but there will be soon).

    Version 0.1
    • Initial Release

    My TODO list:
    • Add a simple location/places feature.
    • Add config files.
    • Add permissions/groupmanager support (currently only ops may use commands, everyone gets a reward though)
    • Allow admins to set the iConomy reward given on a per-monster basis, as opposed to just $1 a kill (the current default).

    I tested this plugin primarily on craftbukkit b524 with iConomy 4.4 (you will need iConomy to get rewards, but it should work without - will just complain often). Lemme know if it breaks!
  2. Offline


    Please update to latest RB and change the title to reflect the version it works with.

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