Inactive [FUN/TP/MECH] AutoCraft v1.1 - The PVP styled Movecraft alternative [1.4.2-R1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by orange451, Jul 31, 2011.

  1. Offline


    AutoCraft - the Movecraft alternative!
    Version: v1.4
    This plugin allows people to create PVP airships designed like those in MoveCraft. What makes this plugin better? ships make their calculations faster, ships NEVER rip apart, ships have TNT cannons and bomb droppers (for pvp experience).
    • TNT cannons made out of dispensers
    • ships that NEVER rip apart during flight
    • no plummeting to your death in your ship
    • faster ship calculations (less laggy)
    • no blacklisting random players with illegitimate reasons
    Download the plugin here

    Version 1.4
    • recompiled with the new bukkit (I noticed some problems w/ ships flying, fixed now).
    Show Spoiler

    Version 1.3
    • napalm (by default) now requires 1 slime, 1 lava bucket, and 1 diamond block to fire
    • napalm can now penetrate water and 1 single obsidian (similiar to torpedoes)
    • made less calculations being done for torpedoes/napalm leading to less stress on the server.
    Version 1.1
    • added napalm
      • /ac napalm
      • /ac n
      • config variables:
        • dropnapalm=true/false
        • cooldowntimeNAPALM=x
    Version 1.0
    • added new commands to the ships' data files (cooldowns)
        • cooldowntime=x
        • cooldowntimeDROP=x
        • cooldowntimeTORPEDO=x
    (x being any integer)​
    • allowed halfblocks to work
    • added the rotatable minecraft 1.9 blocks
    Version 0.9
    • Fixed an important bug created from the last update, where it moved the pilot of the ship twice for all movement based commands.
    Version 0.8
    • I fixed the server crash with ship turning. It was actually an endless loop being made (oops).
    Version 0.7
    • I pulled aircraft turning, as they crashed the server at times. Turning will be back when I figure out what is crashing (There are no errors)
    Version 0.5
    • I fixed a possible area where memory leaks /could/ occur
    • I put all the torpedoes fired in one single timer, so even less calculations are done
    Version 0.4
    • I added torpedoes
    • I added more configurable files
    • I added a new default ship type
    Version 0.3
    • fixed the glitch where the ships passengers wouldn't be moved with the ship
    Version 0.2
    • fixed /ac d's cool down timer on ships that can't drop bombs
    Version 0.1
    • Releasing my plugin

    Known Bugs:
    • If you fly into a structure of your ships type, your ship can become welded to the structure.
    in your permissions group location, add autocraft.[shiptype] to allow them to use a certain ship type. For instance, if the ship is called "transport" and you want EVERYONE to be able to use it, in the default group, add "autocraft.transport".

    How to use
    • Throw the plugin into your plugins folder (and the folder included in the ZIP)
    • use /ac ingame for help
    • /ac help to view the help file
    • /ac allowed [ship type] to view what is allowed for a specific ship type
    • /ac dismount to dismount a ship you are piloting
    • /ac napalm to drop napalm from an autocraft ship (if enabled)
    • /ac drop to drop bombs from an autocraft ship (if enabled)
    • /ac fire to fire TNT from a cannon on your ship (if enabled)
    • /ac torpedo to fire a torpedo from a cannon on your ship (if enabled)
    • /ac info to view information about the ship your are piloting
    • /ac list to view all the [ship type]'s the server has available
    • /ac pilot [ship type] to pilot a ship type
    • /ac turn [left/right] to turn your ship



    • Sycoprime - for porting the Movecraft plugin to bukkit for which gave me the inspiration to make this plugin. I also referenced your cardinalDirection arraylist to help with rotations.
    • GarretSidzaka - for showing me movecraft, giving me the idea to make my own plugin similar to movecraft, and supplying me with ideas on how to make my plugin act
    • KoryuObihiro - for helping me figure out the getData() method and how to spawn TNT entities into the world.
    Additional Details:
    • This plugin was started on July 28th 2011, at 7:32 PM
    • TNT cannons require AT LEAST 4 TNT in a dispenser.
    • TNT drop cannons require AT LEAST 2 TNT in a dispenser
    • cannon length means the amount of iron blocks you can place behind a diepsnser (the more iron blocks, the farther the TNT will go)
    • this plugin comes stocked with 5 different ship types
    It'd be appreciated :)
  2. Offline


    Hey guy,

    got a short question on Bugs, wich movecraft has or had. Has this Plugin bugs like:

    -Water is multipling by flying around
    -Pistons do funny things when they're turned outside and you're flying
    -Moving is verry laggy
    -you dont know that you're stuck when you land

    Just wanna know this before testing...

    Thanks in foreward
  3. Offline


    Um....anyway to disable them needing a main block type?
  4. Offline


    This plugin is based upon a main block type.
    On another note...
    Since the update to mc 1.8, I was told the permissions I used is no longer supported. I was also told I should use bukkit's built in permissions, anyone know any documentation on it?
  5. Offline


    I recompiled the plugin for bukkit 1185, for I heard it bugged with version 1000.
  6. I am impressed with your plugin.
    Until now, used to use on your server plugin movecraft.
    I would like to change it on yours.
    I have several questions:
    1st Is it possible to set some component of the vehicle who is required? for example in the airship movecraf percent wool can be set in the ship.
    2nd Can you add some engine vehicles, eg furnace? and of course fuel.
    3rd How to set the distance is the shot canon?
  7. Offline


    1. We don't use percentages, like Movecraft. What I did, is have a preset amount of a mainblock type needed in order for the ship to work. Airships need at least 30 woll by default, if I remember correctly.
    2.I could, but that would take me quite a bit of time that I really don't have right now.
    3.the iron blocks behind it (look at the cannon length though).
  8. Offline


    Is there anywhere we could see the source code? I'd love to take a look at how you did the movement and the torpeedo's for a pluggin inspiration I have.
  9. I also would gladly look into the source code
  10. Offline


    I really don't like giving out my source codes, if that's alright with you.
  11. Offline


    That's really a shame. The more good plugins that close off their source, the slower progress is made. I do hope you start maintaining the plugin again soon, then, because it still lacks SuperPerms support and I've noticed at least one bug with it (signs losing their text when you move the craft).
  12. Offline


    I recopiled the plugin with Craftbukkit 1240, and the newest bukkit.
  13. Offline


    if you use permissionsEx this works just fine. permsex has a legacy adapter to emulate the only permissions 2.7.6.

    about the open source, this plugin was started from some disagreements with the movecraft person. basically because i critized the movecraft guy, the blacklisted me specifically from his plugin, then lied several times about remove the blacklist. orange was a code whiz looking for a challenge so i donated to him so he would make this. now it has turned into so much more. since the bad blood from movecraft before, i recommended that orange keep his source to himself.
  14. Offline


    Coding politics are the worst politics.
  15. Offline


    i found this out the hard way :p
  16. Offline


    Well, I would still appreciate SuperPerms being implemented, as well as signs not getting their text deleted on an autocraft.
  17. Offline


    could this move smooth using spout/spoutcraft? that would be awesome!
  18. Offline


    Thanks for you plugin is it working, good job ! And good luck for the rest this plugin saved me !
    We hope it is updated regularly !
    Sorry for my english i'm French !
    Thanks, KaYaToX
  19. Offline


    Hey Orange,

    nice plugin mate...
    Question or request hehe...

    Is there away to protect your own ships from been hijacked by other players? Like in movecraft you just add ya name on the third line of a sign... But i am unsure if this has this or not... If it doesnt it would be nice if you can add this into the next update or something.... Also maybe add stuff for faction naming or towny naming as well? As i do run two servers with these plugins. I know its big ask but yeah just an idea/request. If it cant be done that's kool mate.

    thanks again for the plugin mate.


  20. Offline


    How do we create private ships with this, I run a a Space world server and I don't want ppl stealing a ship when the owner is offline.

    oh and

    2011-10-11 21:28:31 [SEVEREnull
    .bukkit.command.CommandExceptionUnhandled exception executing command 'ac' in plugin AutoCraft v0.9
    at org
    at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at org.getspout.spout.SpoutNetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    Caused byjava.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string""
    at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
    at com.orange451.AutoCraft.ships.ACReadShip.computeData(
    at com.orange451.AutoCraft.ships.ACReadShip.readData(
    at com.orange451.AutoCraft.commands.ACCommandPilot.perform(
    at com.orange451.AutoCraft.commands.ACBaseCommand.execute(
    at com.orange451.AutoCraft.main.handleCommand(
    at com.orange451.AutoCraft.main.onCommand(
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    13 more
    -10-11 21:28:56 [SEVEREnull
    .bukkit.command.CommandExceptionUnhandled exception executing command 'ac' in plugin AutoCraft v0.9
    at org
    at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at org.getspout.spout.SpoutNetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    Caused byjava.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string""
    at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
    at com.orange451.AutoCraft.ships.ACReadShip.computeData(
    at com.orange451.AutoCraft.ships.ACReadShip.readData(
    at com.orange451.AutoCraft.commands.ACCommandPilot.perform(
    at com.orange451.AutoCraft.commands.ACBaseCommand.execute(
    at com.orange451.AutoCraft.main.handleCommand(
    at com.orange451.AutoCraft.main.onCommand(
    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    13 more
    -10-11 21:29:16 [INFOledhead900 lost connectiondisconnect.quitting
    -10-11 21:29:16 [INFOConnection reset
    -10-11 21:29:19 [SEVEREjava.lang.[NullPointerException]
    2011-10-11 21:29:19 [SEVEREat net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:63)
    2011-10-11 21:29:19 [SEVEREat net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(
    2011-10-11 21:29:19 [SEVEREat net.minecraft.server.Packet254GetInfo.a(SourceFile:16)
    2011-10-11 21:29:19 [SEVEREat net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    2011-10-11 21:29:19 [SEVEREat net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(
    2011-10-11 21:29:19 [SEVEREat net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:94)
    2011-10-11 21:29:19 [SEVEREat net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    2011-10-11 21:29:19 [SEVEREat
    2011-10-11 21:29:19 [SEVEREat
    with this config

  21. Offline


    I am using the multicraft control panel and i cant seem to install the plugin........ HEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP???~?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?
  22. Offline


    are there any blank spaces after the numbers?
    The error has to do with adding the allowed blocks to the materials list.
    I reuploaded the AutoCraft JAR file, hopefully fixing the issue.
  23. Offline


    Is there a way to turn off the block restrictions for all crafts within any of the configs?
  24. Offline


    so i really like this plugin but our server needs a way to have ships be harder to steal (instead of people jumping on top and flying away) so is there away to make a sign control thing (like movecraft) to pilot ships?
  25. Offline


    now at version 1.0!
    Version 1.0
    • added new commands to the ships' data files (cooldowns)
        • cooldowntime=x
        • cooldowntimeDROP=x
        • cooldowntimeTORPEDO=x
    (x being any integer)​
    • allowed halfblocks to work
    • added the rotatable minecraft 1.9 blocks
    enjoy :3
  26. Offline


    WARNING: Do NOT put chests on crafts, it WILL crash the clients of players nearby upon movement, and you WILL probably end up staying up all night trying to figure it out up until you finally realize what it is... and you WILL pity yourself because of this.

    Also, a note to the developer... chests and vehicles don't mix. perhaps there is a way to fix this or prevent this from even becoming an issue.
  27. Offline


    Where are you basing your accusations from?
    I am able to fly ships with chests.
  28. Offline


    I wouldn't call it an accusation, but for a while i certainly had a problem on my server where if someone was flying a ship or something in the space world, and they happened to fly by someone who wasn't in a ship, the stationary player almost every time had a client crash. At first i figured this was caused by an inconvenient plugin conflict and so my brother and i went over to my test server and started pulling plugins off and testing the vehicles and looking for client crashes to go away, until we finally ran out of plugins to pull off and it was basically just AutoCraft and BananaSpace, SafeCreeper, and AdminCmd that was left, and as we were about to give up and ditch the plugin altogether, my brother started tearing up my ship and after he broke the chests on the ship, i flew around in the chest-less ship and the problem went away completely. I confirmed this on my real server and all clues pointed to the chests being the issue.

    Has nobody else had this problem?
  29. Offline


    No clue why chests would crash you...
    anyways... a nice little update is being released, napalm :D
    command: /ac napalm or /ac n
    config property names:
  30. Offline


    I love you.
  31. Offline


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