Inactive [FUN] Tetris v0.5 - Perfect game when bored [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Streammz, May 23, 2011.

  1. Tetris
    Version: 0.5

    How do you mean addicted? I just play tetris in minecraft!
    With this plugin, you can play Tetris in-game!
    Also, It has permission support, visual effects etc.

    • Load up tetris at any location (or change settings to limit it to locations)
    • Original tetris, blocks are the same.
    • Highscores + server-wide anouncements (if configured)
    • Various graphical effects (Red-screen of death, startup counter, more are planned)
    • Restore support after game-over that supports all blocks
    • Permission support
    • Plays the original Tetris theme (TM)
    • Spectating
    • Admin-only areas

    v0.5 - Download here
    If you really appreciate my work, please support me so I can create plugins faster in the future.
    Frequently Asked Questions (open)

    Does it lag the server?
    I've got an public Tetris server which has been tested with 5 players playing at the same time on an 1gb server, and it was lag-free.

    How do I make predefined Tetris locations
    In the settings file, change "canUseTetrisEverywhere" to false and "MustStandOnBlockType" to an uncommon block id (sponge/jack`o lantern etc)

    Will this break any terrain?
    I've made the Field.Restore() in the script so it supports any block (chest/sign etc) and prevent any dupes thats caused with that.

    I've got an error in the console
    Please post it on the topic and include your settings.txt with it too.

    How to reset the field?
    type /tetris again and it will go away

    What is the permission node for /tetris ?
    Its 'tetris.use'

    How to I rotate / move the blocks?
    After the game starts you'll see gold/iron/diamond blocks on the side of your screen, if you 'press' them (left/right click), you'll move them
    Currently gold is left/right, iron is rotate and diamond is down.

    How do I spectate tetris players?
    /tspec <playername>

    How do I make admin-defined tetris area's?
    With 0.4+, you can change the settings to use ONLY admin-defined areas, thats useful for tetris arena's.
    So here's how you make them
    - In the settings.txt, change "CanUseTetrisEverywhere" to false, and "UseAdminLocation" to true
    - Reload the server
    - In-game, people which are OP or have 'tetris.create' permission, can now use /tbuild (short for TetrisBuild to place blocks where tetris can be played on.

    Heres a graphical example:
    [grass][grass][grass][grass] -> [grass][wheatsprout][wheatsprout][grass] -> [grass][wood][wood][grass]
    [dirt][dirt][dirt][dirt] -> [dirt][grass][grass][dirt] -> [dirt][dirt][dirt][dirt]
    */tbuild* again
    Now people can play tetris when they stand on the wood

    How do I change my button binding?
    In the settings.txt when updated to 0.4, there should be a part with Button Binding and several shortcuts, Its all explained there what all means.


    Review by @jamescosten

    Planned for 0.6:
    V0.5 (12 Nov):
    • Updated for RB #1337
    • Added light @ night/dark area's when playing
    • Removed PermissionsPlugin depency (built-in permissions now)
    • Classic mode support (doesn't spam messages in chat in classic mode)
    Older versions (open)
    V0.4 (27 May):
    • Fixed restoring the field when old data contained wallsigns
    • Tbuild mode to make admin-only areas (see FAQ)
    • You can now change button binding to your own liking (I got too much complaints about this), see settings.txt / FAQ
    V0.3 (25 May):
    • You can now spectate tetris players using /tspec <player> (short for TetrisSpec <player>)
    • The game will anounce (if configured) whenever an player beat somebody's highscore
    • Music goes faster when the blocks go faster
    • You can "scroll blocks down", if you scroll with your mouse, the block will go 1 space down so you can make it go faster down if you want.
    Oh and the version number will show the 0.3 now too, instead of 1.0.0

    V0.2 (24 May):

    • Fixed 5th highscore not saving
    • Added /highscore so you can check highscores (not sure if this conflicts with other plugins)
    • Added music boxes that play the tetris theme
    v0.1 (23 May):
    • Initial release with all the main functions
    Undrtakr, NEO, fugue2005 and 10 others like this.
  2. Offline


    I would suport this, chess too, Chinese checkers, space invaders, simple and old games like that
  3. nicolb2305 likes this.
  4. Offline


    We just made a 2 man Tetris battle arena.
    It's awesome.

    I have a few things to make it better though:
    * You can't choose the direction where the arena appears.
    It would be cool if you can right click the gold block and set the direction this way.
    For example you place a gold block and right click any of the sides then the Tetris field will appear in this direction.
    * Fix the tetris field on the gold block
    Currently the glass field where you are standing on is 4x4.
    You can't center the field properly since there is no middle on the 4x4 glass area.
    Try to get a center where you stand and don't spawn the player between 4 blocks.
    * Try to remake the music.
    It may sounds good but we made our own, try to add more bass and make it quicker.
    * Add a spectator room
    Would be cool if you are able to enter the field through a door and can watch the field to the left and the right where the player is standing.

    That's all for now, ask if you don't understand what I mean and I will make some screenshots.
  5. This will require me to change 50% of the code, so sorry, i won't do that.
    That way you won't have the 'perfect' view with sight to everything in the game you need.
    My current plan was to make it how longer in the game, how quicker it goes.
    Planning that for an later version :)
  6. Offline


    Are you able to center the field on 4 gold blocks then?
    Like when you place 4 blocks it centers it on these 4.
    I copied the exact arena with a black tetris screen
    I want a gold block on the floor so when you write /tetris the only thing that changes is that the glass is closed behind you and the game starts.
  7. Offline



    Fantastic, outstanding, creative, LOVE IT! (and it even works!)
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    HAHAH OMG @Streammz you are the kingest of them all!

    *edit: Could you please include dates in your changelog?
  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    Very nice

    A few things:
    Custom music/more options would be sweet
    Right clicking should turn the blocks one way left the other. (with rotating at least)
    A preview of the block before the block appears would also be cool although you can sort of tell itd be better to have a full physical block in waiting.

    Thats it. Thanks for this.

    Edit: Also what is the permissions node? I can't seem to find it if you have posted it.
  12. 'tetris.use', its in the FAQ
    also, i don't really understand what you meant with the rest of your post.

    I don't use an midi file, I used an hardcoded song but its currently a bit wrong
    If you want your own music, just disable it in the settings and use your own ;)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  13. Offline


    left clicking the iron should rotate one way right clicking should rotate the other way

    currently the blocks only rotate in one direction.
  14. afaik that has always been like that in tetris

    @all out of curiousity, has anyone beat a score of 73k? ^^
  15. Offline


    Hamachi is full, can't you portforward?
  16. Never tried it, but i'll sure try
  17. Offline


    Hamachi is nooby :p
  18. yep, but i didn't bother asking my parents for the router password, doing that now ;p
  19. Offline


  20. @moonjokes i'll be seeing what I'll do with it

    i made the hamachi server empty again, you can now join.. i'll be portforwarding this evening when my father comes home

    Version 0.3 is out!

    • You can now spectate tetris players using /tspec <player> (short for TetrisSpec <player>)
    • The game will anounce (if configured) whenever an player beat somebody's highscore
    • Music goes faster when the blocks go faster
    • You can "scroll blocks down", if you scroll with your mouse, the block will go 1 space down so you can make it go faster down if you want.
    Oh and the version number will show the 0.3 now too, instead of 1.0.0

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  21. Offline


    What about this?
    I made a video here, you can use it if you want.
    As you see I copied 2 of the tetris fields beneath each one and I want to start the game at the exact position it is now.
    It is possible as it is right now too but it always starts one block too far left/right.

    Our highscore is 33460 at the moment, gets pretty fast at the end.
  22. what plugin is that plugin that plays midi, if i may ask?
  23. Offline


    Answered you on Youtube, it's MidiBanks.
  24. Offline


    only problem I have is, anyone can place a goldblock and play...I wanted to link this with turnstile.

    **hmm maybe i will try a forbidden item, like 95

    edit: Had to change to 88. Any chance a permission for creating a game could be added
  25. 'tetris.use' is the permission ;)

    also guys, I've been thinking about the music, midis etc.
    I'll leave it exactly like this (no .midi files, just plain old hardcoded music which may be extended), if people want their own music they just disable it, maybe in a later period i will configure so you can execute commands on start of the tetris (so you can do /midi tetris as example for commandbook)
  26. Offline


    How about a light source inside the arena?
    Brown blocks are pretty hard to see with original texture pack at night.
  27. Offline


    Oh you didnt quite understand him: He wants to allow people to play tetris *only* on admin-defined areas. With the 'tetris.use' node, everyone can play tetris on a gold block.

    What he wants is a 'tetris.create' node for admins to place a tetris-block, so that not everyone with 'tetris.use' can create tetris fields, only on the allowed ones.

    I hope that makes it clearer!
  28. Ah yeah, i'll be trying to add that in 0.4

    portforwarded my IP

    Connect now with this (open)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  29. Offline


    Crazy man, I saw this from Minecraft Forums and thought ""
  30. Offline


  31. Offline


    Scrolling your mouse should rotate the block instead of making the block go down faster,
    would be more easy than always look up because when you look up, you can't see (most of the time)
    the piece going down

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