Inactive [FUN] SimpleSign v1.5 - Sign Colors + Functions (traps) [953]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by captainawesome7, May 21, 2011.

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    Go here for new versions!
    SimpleSign - Use colors in signs and make sign traps/functions

    Version: 1.5
    SimpleSign is a fun plugin. It adds colors to signs, just type &a-f/1-9 and it adds traps/functions. The sign functions are below, as well as the permissions node required for making a sign with that function.

    • Colors to signs
    • Sign Traps/Functions
    • Permissions
    Traps+Functions Example:
    Traps+Functions (open)
    Traps+Functions (open)

    *Note, the [TRADE] sign needs to be clicked directly, to prevent fraud ;) *
    To make a sign do something, set it up as shown below:
    The TP sign uses:
    X coords
    Y coords
    Z coords
    For the take sign, use the following setup *Note the chest is generated automatically, and you CAN use a chest protection plugin on it*
    When somebody right clicks on the top sign, then will perform the action, if it's kill they would die, etc.

    Trap And Function Types:
    InDepth (open)
    InDepth (open)

    In Depth Explanation:
    Commas indicate the next line of the sign:
    • [TP], x, y, z - Teleports the player to the given coordinates
    • [GIVE], id, amount, durability - Gives the player the itemstack, amount and durability are optional
    • [HEAL], heartamount - Heals the player the given amount of hearts
    • [HURT], heartamount - Damages the player the given amount of hearts
    • [SETHEARTS], heartamount - Sets the players health to the specified amount
    • [SPAWN] - Teleports the player to the world's spawn
    • [TAKE], itemid - Takes one itemstack of the given ID from the player, and puts it in a chest next to the bottom sign
    • [SPAWNMOB], Mobname, amount - Spawns the given mobname and amount is optional, first letter of mob name Must be capital (ie: Chicken)
    • [KILL] - Kills the player
    • [THROW], force - Throws the player up into the air, a force is needed, effective forces are 1-10
    • [BURN] - Burns the player for 1000 ticks
    • [LAVA] - Places still lava where the player is standing, be careful with this one!
    • [MSG], mt, mt, mt - Sends the player the message on the other lines put together to equal one string. Supports colors with &a-f/1-9 (not on sign, but in message)
    • [CMD], args, args, args - Makes the player perform the command. Use %name to represent the interacting player's name. DOES NOT add spaces between lines, so this would work as /give captainawesome7 dirt 64:
    • Code:
      [COLOR=#ff0000]   give capta[/COLOR]
      [COLOR=#ff0000]   inawesome7[/COLOR]
      [COLOR=#ff0000]   dirt 64
    • [PS] - Stands for poop shower, it showers the player with 8 coco beans (or whatever they're called)
    • [TRADE], args, args - Trades the top item and amount for the bottom item and amout, Format and example (You need to right click this sign directly, not a sign 2 above it):
    • Code:
      [COLOR=#ff0000]   4-2[/COLOR]
      [COLOR=#ff0000]   1-1

      [COLOR=#ff0000] idtobetaken-amounttaken[/COLOR]
      [COLOR=#ff0000] idtobegiven-amountgiven
    Permissions Nodes:
    The nodes are to MAKE the signs, not use:
    • [TP] =
    • [GIVE] = simplesign.give
    • [HEAL] = simplesign.heal
    • [HURT] = simplesign.hurt
    • [SETHEARTS] = simplesign.sethealth
    • [SPAWN] = simplesign.spawn
    • [TAKE] = simplesign.take
    • [SPAWNMOB] = simplesign.spawnmob
    • [KILL] = simplesign.kill
    • [THROW] = simplesign.throw
    • [BURN] = simplesign.burn
    • [LAVA] = simplesign.lava
    • [MSG] = simplesign.message
    • [CMD] = simplesign.command
    • [PS] = simplesign.poopshower
    • [TRADE] =

    Show Spoiler
    Show Spoiler

    The source code is included in the .jar (/me/captain/SimpleSign/)

    Planned Changes
    Add more types of signs/traps :)

    Version 1.5
    • Added %name variable in the [CMD] sign
    Version 1.4
    • Added [TRADE]
    • ^ That one is slightly AWESOME ^
    Version 1.3
    • Added [PS]
    • ^PoopShower LOL^
    Version 1.2
    • Added [CMD], arg, arg, arg
    Version 1.1
    • Added [THROW], force
    • Added [MSG], Message text, message text, message text
    • Added [BURN]
    • Added [LAVA]
    Version 1.0
    • Release
    [​IMG] To me to support my plugins :)[/CODE][/COLOR][/LIST]
  2. Offline


    Can you add the Permission nodes? (With colored sign).
  3. Offline


    @KubiPL Ok, in the next release
  4. Offline


    You should make colors for every single line, like:
  5. Offline


    @Riolu You can do that if you want, but you can put colors wherever you like, for example:
    &2No &6Derping
    &2No &6Herping
    &4Have Fun
  6. Offline


    Yes, yes, I know, but some trouble with it :(
    When you uses color codes, it's takes the maximum number of characters per line.

    P.S.: Nice add with [TRADE] :D
  7. Offline


    There is no good way to get around that.
  8. Offline


    That divide by 0 thing is awesome, except in my case it crashed everybody in the vicinity.

    If it didn't, it'd be one hell of a prank.
  9. Offline


  10. Thank you :D, but all-in-one maybe the best solutions.
  11. Offline


    It is really an awesome plugin so that I can make a real hospital.

    Nevertheless, I recommend you to modify something.
    1.HEAL sign. Give a cool down time for the heal sign!
    If you don't do that, the amount of hp added each click is useless. Players will click it like crazy, isn't it?
    2.GIVE/TAKE sign. Please give a cool down time, too.
    Same reason as above. An even better design is
    reload time >0 means normal reload time
    reload time =0 means no reload time
    reload time <0 means you can take one only!
    I hope it helps :)

    Except those flaws, the mechanism of the plugin is clever as no one will see the ugly [XXX] in the 1st line! (And most similar plugin does)
    I love it so much!

    Attached Files:

  12. Offline


    What are the color codes?
  13. Offline


    Use & and then the number or letter found here:
  14. Offline


    THANKS, im using SimleSign on my server and it is very useful and easy to use.
    its a great plugin and worth trying out.
  15. Offline


    Why do u ignore my comment:S?
  16. Offline


    Maybe because I have no plans to implement what you requested me to.
  17. Offline


    How do trade dye?
    i use

    it doesn't work:(
  18. Offline


    Thats because durability isn't supported.
  19. Offline


    So will you support it in the future?
  20. Offline


    In a little while, I'm working on a new Achievement plugin, so I will do that later
  21. Offline



    Why is anyone able to use colors on signs, can you fix this so it requires permissions.
  22. Offline


    I guess, but how is that a problem?
  23. Offline


    Colored signs on my server mean they were done by staff and are extra important, if anyone can do it, it nulls the point :(
  24. Offline


    Alright, I'll do some general plugin updating tomorrow, and add this one to my list.
  25. Offline


    sorry.. can you update aswell
  26. Offline


    It should work fine
  27. Offline


    so your saying it will work for 953?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2016
  28. Offline


    To my knowledge yes
  29. Offline


    This is pretty cool.
  30. Offline


    I cant seem to get this to work. Is my essentials plugin overriding this one? My essentials signs works but this wont :(

    When I type "/plugins" though, it says your plugin is running :(

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