[FUN] PVP Arena v0.0.5 - Team Style PVP Arena [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Carbon131, Jul 6, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Wait, what? No, I didnt change anything and it works fine for me. What happens if you try to set the first waypoint? It should work perfectly, I just tried it?

    I again linked you the commands you have to use. youtube has several guys showing how to do it, and it works perfectly, it's definately not the plugin's fault :)
  2. Offline


    Thank you Slipcor, you're a baller. :)
  3. Offline


    can you like add a feature which lets you have territories and like if another player steps into it both you and the other player get teleported to the arena. and can you make it support teams?

    im an op but i still cant use commands. i also dont have a permissions mod. as they dont work for me

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  4. Offline


    When I try to "/pvparena region set" I get this message: Bukkit sad. Bukkit want you to acess command, but Bukkit cannot let you. Bukkit will leak tears :'(
  5. Offline


    what is your version number? what command did you try? what error did you get?
    /version pvparena

    what is your version number?
    /version pvparena
  6. Offline


    I have the same problem as danielpw. my version number is 0.0.5
    isn't it the newest?
  7. Offline


  8. Offline


    I have the latest version of pvparena, i tried /pvparena redlounge, message came up "Bukkit sad. Bukkit want you to acess command, but Bukkit cannot let you. Bukkit will leak tears :'("

    But i dont want a permissions mod as they didnt work for me. I am an op but still no changes.
  9. Offline


    When that message appears, it seems you need permission.

    I cannot seem to get waypoints to set. I changed the wand twice from stick to diamond sword.
    When I try any other commands, its says "PVP arena] All way points must be set up first"
  10. Offline


    @portal00 I will look into this! if you did that and that happened it might be an error from our side.

    @xh4ng the plugin is designed not to need permissions :) concerning your question, see the conversation, I added a detailed instruction
  11. Offline


    when I type "/pvparena redlounge"

    it says all waypoints must be set up first
  12. Offline


    @xh4ng you dont need to talk here and in conversation - I answered. so far its not a bug thats caused by a missing plugin as I can see

    I just managed to establish an arena with vanilla craftbukkit and only pvparena installed - so that is not the problem :)

    edit: you need iConomy - my bad :)
    edit2: fixed! http://www.slipcor.de/public/mc/pvparena.jar
  13. Offline


    CONFIRMED working on the vanilla install.

    No problem using /pa region set (server leaves a message saying it's working)

    I've set up the entire arena. Installing pluggins now to see where the issue is.

    Seems to be an issue with Permissions 1.4 or PermissionsEx. Working fine with everything else, including MobArena

    @slipcor - Can you have a look at how polished MA is? If you try to use another command while in MA, it says no. Right now, you can be in MA and use /pa, which will warp you out of MA and thus cause a problem.

    I'm getting fibre today (30/30!), I'll for sure invite every one here to come experience the baddasssness that is my PowerEdge Dual Xeon CPU's in Raid5 - for some pvp fun :)

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  14. Offline



    do you have Permissions AND permissionsEX installed?

    erm.. what error do you get actually? did you download the latest version I just did?

    Concerning MobArena ... sure, I can hook into that! Next version will feature MobArena check :)
  15. Offline


    items: 259,46:2,298,299,300,301
    items: 272,310,311,312,313
    items: 276,306,307,308,309
    items: 261,262:64,298,299,300,301
    amount: 0
    entry-fee: 0
    items: none
    enabled: true
    disable-block-placement: false
    disable-block-damage: false
    block-tnt: false
    block-lighter: false
    disable-lava-fire-spread: true
    disable-all-fire-spread: true
    wand: 280
    min: -33.0, 71.0, 207.0
    max: -33.0, 71.0, 208.0
    world: Mistral City Project Phase 7
    manually-select-teams: false
    team-killing-enabled: false
    randomly-select-teams: true
    yaw: -57.213295
    pitch: -6.300001
    z: 225.59375
    y: 71.0
    world: Mistral City Project Phase 7
    x: -43.34375
    yaw: -216.21326
    pitch: 21.150005
    z: 224.0012593780504
    y: 71.0
    world: Mistral City Project Phase 7
    x: -28.32978289595903
    yaw: -331.86322
    pitch: 5.3999953
    z: 223.30000001192093
    y: 65.0
    world: Mistral City Project Phase 7
    x: -29.355016046649176
    yaw: -162.6632
    pitch: 1.4999973
    z: 224.37829088865416
    y: 65.0
    world: Mistral City Project Phase 7
    x: -42.854215458243544
    yaw: 41.036835
    pitch: 28.950003
    z: 223.11977546014722
    y: 70.0
    world: Mistral City Project Phase 7
    x: -36.23821938319684
    yaw: -72.06329
    pitch: 31.050005
    z: 224.37853271245146
    y: 70.0
    world: Mistral City Project Phase 7
    x: -36.228875612804934

    I've got all the waypoints
  16. Offline



    I bet you are using a version prior to v0.1.0.4 :)

    1) you are using no permissions plugin
    2) you are suffering under a bug that I resolved :)

    Download my latest version: http://www.slipcor.de/public/mc/pvparena.jar
  17. Offline


    Thanks for the plugin, but is it possible to have the dying players teleport to the spectator area instead of getting the respawn screen? Similar to how MobArena does it. Other than that, everything else is spot on so far.
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


    yes, the next version will feature a configurable exit. Atm I'm planning to include:
    - old (position where you joined)
    - exit (specified exit warp)
    - specatate (spectator, like MobArena)

    @danielpw please update to my version, see some posts above this for the link :) I fixed several issues
  20. Offline


    Your version instantly worked. Thanks you!!
  21. Offline


    yay :D

    working on the next version right now :)
  22. Offline


    Hey Slipcor, I had both permissions installed. I think my server is just about hooked up and ready to go. Just finished reconfiguring my Fibre optic connection. 30 mbps up and down :D

    You should check out where your plugin is being deployed. ;)


    Can you please direct me to the correct permissions mod?

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  23. Offline


  24. Offline


    Good sir, you appear to be on fire. :)

    Permissions working with PA :)
  25. Offline


    xD wonderful :) I would like to announce everything the right way, but I cannot - the latest version features a customisable enter block (by block ID or NAME) and the possibility to restrict classes to permission groups. The nodes are:


    Caution, it is case sensitive :D
  26. Offline


    Damn, can you confirm:

    disable-block-placement: true
    disable-block-damage: true

    works? Looks like I can blow a bunch of shit up... :S

    I can also destroy blocks in the arena. I'm trying to hook another mod up to completely disable building/destroying in that specific area as well.

    @slipcor thats awesome man!
  27. Offline


    it only works if protection: enabled :D (some lines above)
  28. Offline



    Read thru past discussions. You're probably using Iconomy6. Revert to 5 and problems solved.

    Derp.... :S

    thanks ;)

    PS I can still destroy torches lol

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  29. Offline


    @solace glad to hear it works :) -

    @MrAbiter future versions will work with many iConomy systems - stay tuned :)
  30. Offline



    THANKS for your hard work man. I was wrong about those torches the re-appear after a few seconds. Why don't you jump on and check it out?

    minecraft.cybertron7.com :)
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