[FUN] PVP Arena v0.0.5 - Team Style PVP Arena [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Carbon131, Jul 6, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    yes the problem is fixed with your latest version thank you!
  2. Offline


    What i have to write for a reward of two ironingots for example?
  3. Offline


    instead of "265" => "265:2" :)
    formaldehyd likes this.
  4. Offline


    Can you update this plugin?
  5. Offline


    I can't wait to set up this plugin on my server again so I will be happy if you give me a link to the new version :D
  6. Offline


    can u put a link for the youtube tutorial for pvparena and it doesnt let me set waypoints. It says set waypoints first when i put /pvparena redlounge and if u could can u teamviewer me. It says Could not pass event PLUGIN_ENABLE to pvparena.
  7. Offline


    I'm getting an Immense amount of lag? Any way I can fix this?

    This is prior to assigning the area....

    And yes i'm using the latest version you posted a few posts prior to mine!

    Thanks for your help :)
  8. Offline


    Google the 'Minecraft Item Codes' and just add that number to the config.yml :)

    Everyone here owes Slipcor a thanks btw, he's baddass and on the BALL with these updates!

    You may have a conflicting mod. Do you have PermissionEX installed? If you do, please look through the history of this thread for links from slipcor, he has a version with PermissionEX fixed.

    Youtube video isn't necessary, it's easy as balls once you get the plugin running. Try removing ALL other mods to test it, and report back with how you make out! :)

    What mods do you have installed? You're the first one to complain about any lag.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  9. Offline


    Ok i'm running Essentials, MobBounty, BigBrother, Worldguard, Worldedit, Nocheat, LWC, Appleseed, iConomy, logores, and Ichat. And running the latest craftbukkit. Does it matter how BIG the Selection is?

    Thanks again
  10. Offline


    As far as I know, no limit on selection. Are you running economy6? There was a problem with that. Revert to Economy5 and it should be fixed.

    Edit: I believe Slipcor made a version support Icon6, please look through all the details of this thread to find his link.
  11. Offline


    I dont have permissionex and i have worldguard, worldedit, wirelessredstone, simplevent, pail, mobdisguise, minemaze lockette, laztmassbuild, iconomy 6, essentials spawn, essentials protect, Essentials groupmanager, essentials groupbridge, essentials chat, essentials, elevators, creativecolours, craftbukkituptodate, controllerblock, bukkitinventorytools, pvparena and i have a fake permissions 2.7.2

    is there any other pvp plugins like this 1?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  12. Offline


    @linkrnboy There are a few, but I don't think they're still maintained.

    Did you get it working yet?

    Your problem is Economy6. Please revert to version 5.

    I believe Slipcor did fix this, check the thread out for his most recent link to a file and try it with Econ6. If not, the soltuion is to go with Econ5. I'm not framiliar with some of those other mods, so try removing ALL of them until this works. Then add mods in 3 by 3 or so, until it breaks again. Then let us know what mod is doing it, and we can look at comatability :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  13. Offline


    @Sixosable if you're talking to me, you shoudl read from page 8 on - I am updating it ;)

    @M4karon sure: http://www.slipcor.de/public/mc/pvparena.jar

    @lilkrnboy I need a pastebin of the exact error - error while enabling can have many causes

    @teenspirit7 if you get lag prior to assigning the arena, please try to deactivate the plugin. if the lag is gone, there is a problem here - but I am sure that will NOT be the cause. If you didnt assign the arena, the plugin does not do anything and only takes one tick away per playerf ^^

    @solace thanks for your great support :D concerning iConomy 6 - I did not make it compatible yet - nevertheless, it should work, because the plugin works fine without any iConomy --- so iConomy 6 should not be a problem
  14. Offline


    @slipcor no problem broski :)

    There was def a problem with Icon6, it was the issues that brought me here. Ill test it again perhaps to verify if this is indeed a problem. Did you get your own thread yet?
  15. Offline


    It's being approved once I add a better description :) work in progress... should be done tomorrow... Next version features:
    v0.1.3 - ingame config reload
    v0.1.4 - arena disable via command * disable / * enable
  16. Offline



    This is my arena world

    20:57:31 [INFO] ModLoaderMP Beta 1.7.3v4 Initialized
    20:57:31 [INFO] ModLoaderMP Beta 1.7.3v4 Initialized
    20:57:31 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 12%
    20:57:32 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 89%
    20:57:32 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: 4732847212583790415)
    20:57:33 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 85%
    20:57:33 [INFO] CraftBukkitUpToDate version 2.6.1 is enabled!
    20:57:33 [INFO] Fake Permissions version 2.7.2 is enabled!
    20:57:33 [INFO] Elevators version 1.4.3 is enabled and linked to Permissions! 0 elevators in worlds "world", "world_nether" loaded.
    20:57:34 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling GroupManager v1.0(alpha-5) [Zombie-Version] (Is it up to date?): The following file couldn't pass on Parser.
    20:57:34 [INFO] [iConomy - Celty] Enabled (153 ms)
    20:57:34 [INFO] CButD: CraftBukkit is Outdate, try to download new version
    20:57:34 [INFO] [MobDisguise] by desmin88 version 1.6 enabled.
    20:57:34 [INFO] [PVP Arena] enabled. (version v0.1.2.1)
    20:57:34 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLUGIN_ENABLE to pvparena
    20:57:34 [INFO] WorldEdit 4.6 enabled.
    20:57:34 [INFO] WorldEdit: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    20:57:35 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLUGIN_ENABLE to pvparena
    20:57:35 [INFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
    20:57:35 [INFO] Done (0.525s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    20:57:43 [INFO] CButD: Plugin-Update-Check started
    20:57:44 [INFO] No source for BukkitInventoryTools.jar ask the Author to give me one
    20:57:44 [INFO] No source for EssentialsGroupBridge.jar ask the Author to give me one
    20:57:44 [INFO] No source for EssentialsGroupManager.jar ask the Author to give me one
    20:57:44 [SEVERE] [Fatal Error] :5:6: The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed.

    20:57:44 [SEVERE] [Fatal Error] :5:6: The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed.

    20:57:44 [SEVERE] [Fatal Error] :5:6: The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed.

    20:57:44 [INFO] CButD: The xml: http://essentialsupdate.appspot.com/xml/EssentialsChat.xml is wrong. Please let me know this.
    20:57:44 [INFO] Not able to update EssentialsChat.jar. It seems the plugin-Source is wrong ask the Author to give me the new one
    20:57:44 [INFO] CButD: The xml: http://essentialsupdate.appspot.com/xml/EssentialsProtect.xml is wrong. Please let me know this.
    20:57:44 [INFO] Not able to update EssentialsProtect.jar. It seems the plugin-Source is wrong ask the Author to give me the new one
    20:57:44 [INFO] CButD: The xml: http://essentialsupdate.appspot.com/xml/Essentials.xml is wrong. Please let me know this.
    20:57:44 [INFO] Not able to update Essentials.jar. It seems the plugin-Source is wrong ask the Author to give me the new one
    20:57:44 [SEVERE] [Fatal Error] :5:6: The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed.

    20:57:44 [INFO] CButD: The xml: http://essentialsupdate.appspot.com/xml/EssentialsSpawn.xml is wrong. Please let me know this.
    20:57:44 [INFO] Not able to update EssentialsSpawn.jar. It seems the plugin-Source is wrong ask the Author to give me the new one
    20:57:45 [INFO] No source for WorldEdit.jar ask the Author to give me one
    20:57:45 [INFO] Pail.jar changed, try to download the new
    20:57:45 [INFO] CraftBukkitUpToDate.jar changed, but you have it in your Update-Folder.
    20:57:47 [INFO] MobDisguise.jar changed, but you have it in your Update-Folder.

    This is world 1

    21:01:38 [INFO] ModLoaderMP Beta 1.7.3v4 Initialized
    21:01:38 [INFO] ModLoaderMP Beta 1.7.3v4 Initialized
    21:01:38 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 8%
    21:01:39 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 65%
    21:01:40 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: 4732847212583790415)
    21:01:40 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 56%
    21:01:41 [INFO] ControllerBlock: Enabling full redstone check
    21:01:41 [INFO] ControllerBlock: Events registered
    21:01:41 [INFO] CraftBukkitUpToDate version 2.6.1 is enabled!
    21:01:41 [INFO] Fake Permissions version 2.7.2 is enabled!
    21:01:41 [INFO] |================================|
    21:01:41 [INFO] | Created By scranner |
    21:01:41 [INFO] |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
    21:01:41 [INFO] | Creative Colours |
    21:01:41 [INFO] |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
    21:01:41 [INFO] | --== Enabled ==-- |
    21:01:41 [INFO] |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
    21:01:41 [INFO] | v1.1 |
    21:01:41 [INFO] |================================|
    21:01:41 [INFO] Elevators version 1.4.3 is enabled and linked to Permissions! 4 elevators in worlds "world", "world_nether" loaded.
    21:01:42 [INFO] CButD: CraftBukkit is Outdate, try to download new version
    21:01:42 [INFO] GroupManager - INFO - Scheduled Data Saving is set for every 10 minutes!
    21:01:42 [INFO] GroupManager version 1.0(alpha-5) [Zombie-Version] is enabled!
    21:01:42 [INFO] [iConomy - Celty] Enabled (121 ms)
    21:01:42 [INFO] Lockette version 1.3.8 is being enabled! Yay! (Core version 1.0)
    21:01:42 [INFO] Lockette: Detected craftbukkit build [1060] ok.
    21:01:42 [INFO] Lockette: Linked to GroupManager plugin version 1.0(alpha-5) [Zombie-Version]
    21:01:42 [INFO] Lockette: Ready to protect your containers.
    21:01:42 [INFO] [MobDisguise] by desmin88 version 1.6 enabled.
    21:01:42 [INFO] [PVP Arena] enabled. (version v0.1.2.1)
    21:01:42 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLUGIN_ENABLE to pvparena
    21:01:42 [INFO] WorldEdit 4.6 enabled.
    21:01:42 [INFO] WorldEdit: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    21:01:43 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLUGIN_ENABLE to pvparena
    21:01:43 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling WorldGuard v5.3 (Is it up to date?): com.sk89q.bukkit.migration.PermissionsResolverManager.<init>(Lorg/bukkit/plugin/Plugin;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/logging/Logger;)V
    21:01:43 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLUGIN_ENABLE to pvparena
    21:01:43 [INFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
    21:01:43 [INFO] Done (0.556s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    21:01:43 [INFO] ControllerBlock: Loaded v4 data - 4 ControllerBlocks loaded
    21:01:51 [INFO] The automatic update-Check only work every 6 hours, the last check was 2 minutes ago.
  17. Offline


    next time do NOT spam that in here without a spoiler AND code tag - that just kills the thread ...

    The following file couldn't pass on Parser.

    Check on that. Your logger seems not to log the important parts. every time it sais
    "21:01:43 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLUGIN_ENABLE to pvparena" - there should be information after that for me to fix it. Apart from the fact that you have alot of problems on your server that might cause collateral damage to pvparena, I cannot help you without that information. Fix your Essentials issues - update all your plugins!


    here is my dev.bukkit project for pvp arena: click - please continue there for any issues. Open tickets if you have problems or just hang around for updates. Latest version waiting for approval:

  18. Offline


    Not sure if I missed this but does your plugin support environment reverting?

    For example I have a fort I want to use for PvP but I want to allow users to attack with tnt etc. When the battle is up and winner is announced the fort is reverted back to its state before the battle so no rebuilding needs to be done before the next fight.
  19. Offline


    K i found out why it does that.If you have essentials, it doesnt work but can some1 tell me what permissions to use? Like permissions 3x or other stuff?
    But it says An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command and the command was /pvparena to play the game. And yes i set all the waypoints and did region
  20. Offline


    If you activate the protection node, it SHOULD work. I personally use worldguard to setup a region where nothing happens if ppl bomb the hell out of the arena :)

    TNT is either forbidden or allowed - no rollback - so far.

    @lilkrnboy I recommend bPermissions :)
  21. Offline


    hey y does it say an internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command. I got all the waypoints and im trying to play the game?>
  22. Offline


    you have to provide more information. I need the part of the logfile showing "CAUSED BY ...." and some lines and .java files. Otherwise it can be anything - an other plugin blocking pvparena - I don't know
  23. Offline


    Yo Slipcor, I'm trying to get the development environment set up. I just got laid off today for work, and so I'm gonna put some work in on MC lol. Can you PM me your skype or something?
  24. Offline


  25. Offline


    Nice work, can't wait for multiple arenas! :D
  26. Offline


    Hehe , that will take some time though :/

    Todo list:

    ability to not allow matches to start with uneven teams.
    A way to tell teams apart somehow -> (nospout: wool; spout: as mentioned above)
    stats > wins/losses per team/person...
    bet on a match.
    multilanguage support
    Add support for multiple arenas!
  27. Offline


    Hey Slipcor, finally got my permissions set up. I had people set to OP, which is greater than any permissions settings. Took a while to realize...

    Come on in and check it out :D


    Hey Slip, think you can auto-rebuild the arena after a fight? I'd love to be able to burn down wooden structures, and blow up the arena.

    MobArena does a rebuild after each match. :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  28. Offline


    Hmm yeah I might do that, but not too soon :)
  29. Offline


    Its okay, i have a kind of work around I guess. You really need to log in and check it out, just had a 4v4
  30. Offline


    I tried yesterday and today, it told me it didnt know the host :) you mistyped?
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