PoopBlock - Poop after you eat!: Version: v1.0 Ever wanted to poop in minecraft after you ate? Well now you can! After a certain amount of food that you eat, you will ACTUALLY poop! Features: Custom item to poop Diarrhea that damages you! Multiple poop with diarrhea! Use a percentage for pooping, farting, and diarrhea! Download: Download PoopBlock (JAR) | Download PoopBlock (ZIP) Source Code Donate: If you like my plugins Donate! Usage: Code: /poop - Shows PoopBlock Help Menu /poop ? - Shows PoopBlock Help Menu /poop reload - Reloads configuration file for PoopBlock (Ops Only) Example Config: Code: percent-fart: 45 # 45% chance of farting what-to-poop: '351:3' # What item to poop amount-during-diarrhea: 10 # How much poop to come out when you diarrhea percent-to-poop: 25 # 25% chance of pooping percent-to-diarrhea: 15 # 15% chance of diarrhea Credits: wwsean08 - For helping me with the multiple poop! Suggestions: Suggest something! TODO: Need more suggestions! Changelog: Version 1.0 Took out warning due to causing massive lag Made pooping and diarrhea a percentage now instead of just equals 1 number Percentage for pooping and diarrhea are configurable. Changed config value for fart percentage (to update, please delete your config file and have it re-create it) Version 0.9 Made it warn you before pooping Added a configurable amount for wait time. Removed some uneeded config stuff for a while Spoiler (Move your mouse to the spoiler area to reveal the content) Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler Version 0.8 Made custom amount of poop to come out for diarrhea (10 by default) Made diarrhea damage you (v0.7 hidden update) Version 0.6 Made pooping random Version 0.5 Added configurable item to poop out. Version 0.4 Changed to a configurable percentage for farting. Version 0.3 Initial Release. Version 0.2 Added random farting with particle effects. Version 0.1 Initial start
Oh man. Suggestion: MRM http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/idea-more-realistic-minecraft-mrm.31435/ - Add a configurable delay before you have to use the washroom. And have a warning message before hand. - Add something to use as a "toilet" User's can be satisfied in there. - Usage of Spout for sound effects
v0.8 Changelog: Made custom amount of poop to come out for diarrhea (10 by default) Made diarrhea damage you (v0.7 hidden update)
This is... ...THE MOST AMAZING PLUGIN IN THE WORLD. Here's an idea by the way: poop() method. fart() method. diarrhea() method. onPlayerPoop event. onPlayerFart event. onPlayerDiarrhea event. If you add this mini-API, I foresee one of either things. Lots of people to use this mini-API, or everyone taking it as useless and immature and not using it.
Changelog: Version 1.0 Took out warning due to causing massive lag Made pooping and diarrhea a percentage now instead of just equals 1 number Percentage for pooping and diarrhea are configurable. Changed config value for fart percentage (to update, please delete your config file and have it re-create it) Version 0.9 Made it warn you before pooping Added a configurable amount for wait time. Removed some uneeded config stuff for a while
I'm basically done with this plugin till I get some suggestions that don't use spout (I will not be implementing it, ever...) So if a mod reads this, it's ready for release
@Unlucky4ever I would use bukkitdev if it allowed me too. I have to push the agree to terms thing like 243242342 times. But could you add spout support. Like everytime you fart there will be a noise.
I really hope this gets updated when bukkit gets releaced, will be funny Also, does it poop out a dirt block that you pick up or does it place a block? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Hello, Two issues: 1) Cannot pickup the poop. This could cause massive lag in /spawn areas if a few players felt devious enough to poop all over the /spawn. 2) The food doesn't have to be consumed.... you can just right click and the % of pooping still works. See above.... Thanks, Eric - CKM
You should make it where the only way to dispose of it is to go in water. Connected to a large body of water
If you wanted something to do... I have a suggestion for another plug in. Ive been looking for a plug in that makes it easier to track and kill players. Ideas: *When player walks on grass it turns to dirt *Be able to tell what type of boots (if any) the player has on *Special item (preferably configurable) be able to tell who placed blocks like a finger print scanner I really only want my first idea