Inactive [FUN/MISC] Vegetation 3.4.6 - Wild Grass/Vines/Plants/Moss/Grazing Animals (Permissions 2.6+) [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by zeff, Mar 9, 2011.

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    Vegetation: Wild Grass, Vines, Plants and Moss Growth! v3.4.6

    This plugin implements the functionality of ejhopkins' Wild Grass Collection v15.2 server mod, as well as vines on trees, (partially working) lily pads and mini-cacti on land, mossy growth spreading on cobblestone and surface plant spreading functionality based on Master-Guy's PlantSpreader plugin. **Note that in order for the players to see the wild grass, you must install the client mod following the instructions found here.** Of course, the grass and/or plant growth can be disabled.

    Now supports vines! See the latest screenshots in the list below.

    Screenshots (I'm using Misa's HD Texture Pack):
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    Yeah, I didn't let much grass grow. I had it set too low for the demo screenshot.

    Holy cow, that's seriously planty.

    Single grow of a square of tall (10) grass blocks around me using the /gg 10 command on each block.


    This field was grown using /growfield 8.

    ...and then mowed back down with /mow.

    Nice pretty vines hanging down from this tree... (stock MC textures)

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    • Placed plants (vines, cacti, lilypads) will sometimes (actually, semi-frequently) pop out and become plant pickups. This is an issue with the Minecraft server automatically doing its environmental plant-population algorithms. Until I find a way to circumvent this, your mileage may vary. Again, anyone is welcome to tweak the source code and make it work better.
    • To be able to plant flowers on sand or water requires a server patch.
      (see below)
    • Grass will grow taller. It can get pretty ridiculous. Without the optional client-side mod, players will only see normal grass blocks.
    • Specified animals will eat whatever grass they encounter, down by one level, on a timed basis.
    • Plants (flowers, mushrooms, cacti, canes, and pumpkins) will spread to nearby adjacent blocks of the same type.
    • Tall Grass and Dead Scrubs now also grow and spread
    • Growth will only occur during the daytime.
    • It will also only occur in the biomes set in the .ini file (see below)
    • It will also occur in all worlds hosted by a server, and only in chunks occupied by at least one player.
    • Configuration folder/file will be created if not found. To reset to factory defaults, simply delete the plugins/Vegetation/Settings.ini file.

    Server Patcher:
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    Bukkit Patcher (Download):
    If you want to be able to plant flowers on sand/water, you need to patch your craftbukkit version with the patcher provided here. However, putting flower blocks on water requires you to target the non-water block beneath the water block you want to plant your flower on. This is due to the way the client mod renders lilies, something I can not change. Bugs may occur if you don't plant them correctly, however there is no way your server map will get corrupted. In that case the client thinks there is a plant block on top of water while there actually is none. You will be able to see the "fake" lily but nobody else will, those fake ones will disappear once you relog.
    You may also use /grow flower to grow lily pads on water.

    This patch will not corrupt your map in any way. If you don't have it installed, the server will just unroot all flowers previously planted on sand/water blocks. They'll just pop.

    @echo off
    java -Xincgc -Xmx1G -jar BukkitPatcher_0.0.jar craftbukkit.jar

    Open the start_patcher.bat file and edit the highlighted portion to the name of your carftbukkit file. You have to put both files into the same directory as your craftbukkit.jar in order to patch it.

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    • /grow [type]: trigger a manual growth loop for the specified plant type.
      Valid types are: flower, mushroom, cactus, sugar_cane, moss, scrub
    • /mow: removes all grass within growthRange of player (see configuration) - it will reduce all tall grass blocks into grass-covered dirt blocks.
    • /biome: returns the type of biome the player is currently standing on. You can use this command to collect information on which biome the new tall grass blocks are placed in. Please post your findings in here so I can implement it.
    • /purge [type]: purges your map and removes vines and wild grass
      Valid type are: wild_grass, vines, tall_grass
    (Working on adding back the other commands / features)​

    Show Spoiler

    • The configuration file (plugins/Vegetation/<your worlds name>.ini) looks like this:
    /* Block Search Settings:
    /* Vegetation Settings:
    /* Set max grass height from 1-9
    /* If this option is set to true,
    /* moss will grow on any cobblestones touching water
    /* regardless if there was a moss block to spread from or not.
    /* Player related Settings:
    /* The player will trample a path through the grass if set to true.
    /* ENTITIES:
    /* Sets max number of grazing animals.
    /* You should decrease this number if you encounter server lag.
    /* BIOMES:
    /* Enabled/Disables the growth of vegetation on
    /* certain biomes.
    /* EVENTS:
    /* The following parameters determine how many ticks of
    /* 100 ticks a specific type of action is being executed.
    /* (Example: If grassPercent is set to 60, there is the possibility
    /*  of grass growing at 60/100 ticks if a grass block is found 60 times.
    • growthRange: width radius (from each player), in blocks, of horizontal block-checking and growth to occur - this affects server performance.
    • verticalRadius: height radius (from each player), in blocks, of vertical block-checking and growth to occur - this also affects server performance.
    • enableGrass, enable tallGrass, enablePlants, enableMoss, enableGrazers: self-explanatory :)
    • enableFlowers, enableFungi, enableCacti, enablePumpkins, enableCanes, enableVines, enableLilyPads: individually enable/disable growth types as needed. If enablePlants is set to false, these options will be ignored.
    • waterGrowsMoss: if set to true, any cobblestone touching water will become mossy over time. If moss spreading is also enabled, it will continue to spread from there.
    • grassPercent: percent of the time in which grass should grow
      (see also grazePercent below)
    • plantsPercent: percent of the time in which plants should spread
    • mossPercent: percent of the time in which moss should spread
    • lilyPadPercent: percent of the time in which lilypads should spread
    • vinePercent: percent of the time in which vines should grow
    • tallGrassPercent: percent of the time in which tall grass should spread

    • growForestBiome, growRainforestBiome, growShrublandBiome, growSavannahBiome, growPlainsBiome, growSeasonalForestBiome, growIceDesertBiome, growDesertBiome, growSwamplandBiome, growTaigaBiome, and growTundraBiome: individually enable/disable growth in these biomes as needed.
    • enableGrazers: if set to true, then the mobs (if enabled with the following directives) will eat the grass down by one level.
    • grazePercent: percent of the time in which animals will eat the grass
    • grazingSheep, grazingCows, grazingPigs, grazingChickens: enable/disable the ability for these individual animal types to graze on the grass, accordingly.

    Show Spoiler

    - 'vegetation.grow' - grants access to the /grow command​
    - 'vegetation.growall' - grants access to the /growall command​
    - 'vegetation.mow' - grants access to the /mow command​
    - 'vegetation.purge' - grants acces to the /purge command​
    - player command biome does not require any player permissions​

    Download the Plugin (latest version, JAR) v3.4.6​

    Source is now at Github - most recent releases can be found under the test branch.​

    Previous builds can be found here (and on Github).​


    Show Spoiler

    Version 3.4.6 09-August-2011
    * fixed Long Grass growing on sand and water upon chunk creation​

    Version 3.4.5 22-July-2011
    * fixed playerlist for nether and skylands​
    * fixed possible memory leak​
    * fixed a lot of NullPointerExceptions​

    Version 3.4.4 20-July-2011
    * vines will now vanish if a tree burns down​
    * tweaked tall grass spread a bit​
    * added option to purge command (wild_flowers will purge all sand flowers and lily pads)​

    Version 3.4.3 10-July-2011
    * fixed vines turning back into sugar cane blocks (hopefully)​
    * vines decay now​

    Version 3.4.2 22-June-2011
    * it should be possible to edit signs again​

    Version 3.4.1 16-June-2011
    * fixed Wild Grass​
    * adjusted spreading of Tall Grass​
    * added more options for purge command (self-explaining)​
    * new algorithm for trample grass!​
    * Wild Grass no longer grows on the same block as Tall Grass​

    Version 3.4 14-June-2011
    * added new purge command which removes vine blocks and resets grass blocks meta data (removes wild grass)​
    * vines will only grow on normal trees​
    * added Tall Grass aka Dead Scrubs, Tall Grass and Green Scrubs​
    * added settings check for the grow command, players now only can grow plants which are also enabled in the settings​
    * plants now only spread within their biome type​
    * enabled wild grass and trample grass again​

    Version 3.3 06-June-2011
    * implemented Operator commands for those who don't have Permissions installed on their server​
    * disabled grass for now, pending investigation​
    * fixed plant growth explosion​
    * added "biome" player command, which will just tell you in which type of biome you currently in​

    Version 3.2.2 20-May-2011 zeff
    * vines will no longer drop sugar canes​
    * player can now mow grass with hoes​
    * trampleGrass changed so that it appears more natural (kicks off with a chance of 40% now)​

    Version 3.2.1 14-May-2011 zeff
    * fixed a nasty bug where plants, especially lilies would sometimes replace a block instead of growing on one​
    * flowers and mushrooms now only grow if the light level is appropriate​
    * fixed a bug with planting flowers on water​
    * red roses no longer spread yellow flowers​

    Version 3.2 12-May-2011 zeff
    * separate setting files for each world
    * lily pads added​
    * sand flowers added​
    * performance improved​

    Version 3.1.2 06-May-2011 zeff
    * Implemented thread-safe playerlist as preparation for multi world support​
    * changed default settings for first plugin run​

    Version 3.1.1 02-May-2011 zeff
    * Cacti no longer spawn directly beside blocks which would unroot them instantly​
    * Sneaking players no longer trample down grass​
    * Minor bug fixes​

    Version 3.1 28-Apr-2011 zeff
    * Animals can once again graze grass​
    * Implemented spreading ratio for flowers/mushrooms/cacti. This will prevent them from covering your whole map as they can only spawn in a specific ratio per area​
    * Vines are growing now once you enable them​
    * "trampleGrass": If enabled, players will trample down grass and create a path​
    * "maxGrassHeight": self-explaining​

    Version 3.0 27-Apr-2011 zeff
    * disabled growall command since it's kind of useless the way it is now​
    * fixed mow player command​
    * disabled vines since they are not working properly and create lag​
    * added new setting option for player commands: maxActivePlayerCommands only allows a set amount of commands to run simultaneously​

    Version 2.31 13-Apr-2011 w5i2
    * Recompiled against latest recommended Craftbukkit build #674.​
    * Fixed another pretty ridiculous bug in the plant growth player-getting subroutine, one which was seriously affecting performance. Should work even more as it was designed to work now. :)

    Version 2.3 09-Apr-2011 w5i2
    * Recompiled against latest recommended Craftbukkit build #670.​
    * Grass grows through snow blocks now. Can't wait until 1.5 comes out!
    * Fixed a pretty ridiculous bug in the plant growth percentage calculations. Should work as it was designed to work now. :)

    Version 2.21 01-Apr-2011 w5i2
    * Recompiled against latest recommended Craftbukkit build #617.​
    * Added the ability to have water cause cobblestone to become mossy. Only if the cobblestone is touching the water, obviously.. And of course, normal moss spreading can take over from there if you have that enabled as well.​

    Version 2.2 30-Mar-2011 w5i2
    * Updated to incorporate new features of Wild Grass 10.1+ -- vines!!
    * Changed growth percentages to doubles, so now fractional percentages may be used in the .ini file.​
    * Added HELL biome to the list of configurable biomes (see above)​
    * added /growvines # command. For example, /growvines 10 will grow ten random vines within growthRange number of blocks.​
    * added /vine # command. If you aim at any lower leaf block on a tree and type /vine 3 it will grow a single vine from that block, three blocks tall.​
    * Recompiled against latest recommended Craftbukkit build #602.​

    Version 2.11 25-Mar-2011 w5i2
    * Fixed the /growgrass # command handling. Try /growgrass 1000 and watch it grow!​

    Version 2.1 24-Mar-2011 w5i2
    * Improved the plant spreading code, now my world has way too many flowers. :) Still not seeing any cacti growth, but I do see evidence of canes spreading.​
    * Grazing animals now will only eat grass that is >3 in height. I will most likely add a grazeHeight setting to the .ini file.​
    * Added /gg, /growfield and /grass commands (see Usage above)​
    * Added optional numeric arguments to the /overgrow and /growgrass commands to temporarily change/set the grassPerGrow value to something higher if needed.​
    * /overgrow now has one plant cycle included per 10 grass cycles (unless growPlants is disabled, of course)​
    * /mow now sets the surrounding grass level to 3 instead of 1 (completely flat). If you prefer the completely flat look, you can use /growfield 1 to achieve the same effect.​
    * Removed the obnoxious "Updating player position.." spam from the debug logging​

    Version 2.0 20-Mar-2011 w5i2
    * Major rewrite of the timer task code. This should greatly help with CPU performance issues.​
    * /overgrow now only grows around the player who typed it, rather than all players. It also now runs 1,000 growGrass() cycles, and notifies you at 25%, 50%, 75%, and completion, since it takes a while to run.​
    * Rewrote the way the timer handles the growth tasks - now it is based on a 100-slot timeslot system, so grass/plant/moss/graze amounts can be specified as percentages.​
    * Removed a few unneeded configuration directives and added some others.​

    Version 1.5 19-Mar-2011 w5i2
    * Had the idea to add animal grazing. This should help keep the grass down. :)

    Version 1.41 18-Mar-2011 w5i2
    * Recompiled against the latest recommended Craftbukkit build #556.​
    * Fixed the cacti/canes growth.​

    Version 1.4 18-Mar-2011 *it is recommended that you update to this version or newer* w5i2
    * Divided the moss, grass, plants, and block manipulation functions into separate Java classes.​
    * Added /growmoss command.​
    * Added mossEnabled and mossPerCycle to the .ini settings.​
    * Rewrote the TimerTask threads to be properly implemented (as classes instead of functions)​
    * Finally got the mossy cobblestone spreading to work​
    * I completely forgot to fix the cacti/canes growth, it will be fixed in the next release :)

    Version 1.31 15-Mar-2011 w5i2
    * Fixed a serious bug in which it would "grow" half-blocks into other types of half-blocks, or rotate stairs and rails. I apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.​
    * Added the remaining biomes (sans Biome.HELL) to the configuration​
    * Apparently TimerTask asynchronicity is discouraged, so I changed the timer tasks to synchronous.​

    Version 1.3 14-Mar-2011 w5i2
    * Rewrote the looping routines again! They actually work properly now.​

    Version 1.21 10-Mar-2011 w5i2
    * Rewrote the looping routines to be a bit more efficient.​
    * Fixed a couple more mathematical bugs.​
    * Discovered and implemented the nifty Block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP) method.​

    Version 1.2 10-Mar-2011 w5i2
    * Added /overgrow command.​
    * Recompiled against latest recommended Craftbukkit build #531.​

    Version 1.1 10-Mar-2011 w5i2
    * Fixed flawed multi-world checking code. :)
    * Fixed flawed block-checking code.​
    * Added more configuration options.​
    * Added more biomes in which growth may occur.​

    Version 1.0 09-Mar-2011 w5i2
    * Created plugin.​
    Teteros, Sphax, kahlilnc and 2 others like this.
  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    @Greylocke: As soon as Craftbukkit lets us access temp/humidity I'll add that!

    OK, v1.3 fixes the grass growth rates and plant spread issues.. I still need to add the support for other biomes, that will be done soon (v1.31 or v1.4) ^_^

    I updated the To Do list:
    (not necessarily in order of importance)

    To Do:
    • Add configurable support for ALL biomes
    • Add mossy cobblestone growing!
    • Add per-biome configurable growth rates
    • Add in-game commands to change .ini settings / growth rates
    • Add grass decay/anti-growth (probably if/when temperature and humidity info becomes available to the API)
    • Make cacti & canes spread (horizontally) and/or grow vertically. For some odd reason I'm not seeing them grow at all, even though they should be. *edit* just saw the post above about them growing on dirt and grass, now I know exactly what's wrong, heh
    • Make the verticalRadius work again. It's ignored at the moment.
    • Add permissions to the commands
    • Any suggestions? :)
  4. Offline


    Controllable grass sizes maybe?
  5. Offline


    My server keeps crashing when i have it on now =(
  6. Offline


    I was taking terrible hits to the server when I noticed that my attempt at growDelay=120 was actually growDelay=12! [​IMG] I've set it to:
    • growDelay=240
    • growthRange=40
    • grassPerCycle=10
    • plantsPerCycle=0.5
    I don't notice any impact on the server now. I'm gonna start turning it up a bit and see what happens.
  7. Offline


    when does it stop to grow??? or make a command like /stopgrow
    because i dont want so much of the biggest grass..
  8. Offline


    I would love to see region defining where I can say "grow just 2 steps", so it would be possible to define Gardens where the grass is not growing to tall.
    It's a great optic effect with growing grass, but in a city there schouldn't be high grass.

    It also where nice to have the possibility to change rates for biomes, instead of setting true or false it would be great to define a percentage, in swampland ther would be a higher growth rate then in savanna, but savanna shouldn't be 0.

    Maybe I'll add some more Ideas soon. :D

    greetz datLicht

    I should read your ToDo list, my second Point is within.....
  9. Offline


    Bug: Rails on dirt blocks, they break or reshape when grass grows on adjacent blocks.
  10. Offline


    Questions on the settings
    Does that mean, "Within the growthRange, a maximum of 5 blocks can have grass grow?"
    If we want to seriously overgrow an area, should we reduce radius (to reduce server lag) and increase grasspercycle (to increase number of blocks that get growth)?
    What are the upper and lower limits of this setting, and is it integer only or include decimal?

    Does that mean a plant clones itself every two growth cycles?
    What is the smallest non-zero value that can be entered? I'd like to have those darn flowers expand a lot less readily as even at 0.5, an area is swamped in flowers after a couple /overgrow commands.

    Thanks for awesome bukkit portage
  11. Offline


    hehe.. I spent one night sheltered in a tree while exploring a new area. When I climbed down in the morning, the whole area was filled with pumpkins!

    hm... I was puzzling over some stairs that mysteriously rotated. Maybe a block update from Vegetation was the cause? Also, I had parts of a local lake start flowing when previously it was all stationary water. Any chance that this behaviour was connected to Vegetation as well?
  12. Offline


    I just wanted to say thank you and hope we see the growth of mossy cobblestone soon.
  13. Offline


    Common , im sure im not the only one my server keeps crashing now when vegetation is on
  14. Offline


    I fixed what was causing TickNextTick list out of sync exceptions/crashes, as well as a bug which caused the growth algorithm to affect half-blocks, rails and stairs. Also added the remaining biomes (except for Biome.HELL). Still working on the mossy cobblestone.

    @speed415: if you could post me your stack trace when these crashes happen, I am better able to fix it. :) Please try out this 1.31 version and see if it doesn't fix the problem for you..
  15. Offline


    Cool il test it now hxthx
  16. Offline

    Celtic Minstrel

    I'd argue for adding the hell biome, because then you could have mushrooms spread in nether worlds.

    I made my own version of this, based partly on your code and partly on Masterguy's code in PlantSpreader (the actual spreading code is mostly yours, but some stuff such as the commands is from his plugin), to which I added the ability for mushrooms to spread on netherrack as well as cacti requiring sand to spread... though I didn't actually test the mushrooms on netherrack thing. I recall making some tweaks to the algorithm as well, though I don't remember what they are off the top of my head.

    The other thing I added was that right-clicking any plant with fertilizer (ie bone meal) would cause that specific plant to spread immediately (cacti and reeds have a chance of growing to 3 blocks tall instead, unless they already are). If you want to see my code, it's here. I think I grabbed your code before you released 1.3, so some of your tweaks and stuff probably aren't there. Feel free to grab my onPlayerItem() handler if you like the fertilizer idea.

    What caused the bug with altering half-blocks, stairs, etc? Was it just the grass-growing, or did the plant-spreading also cause it?
  17. Offline


    I'm a bit confused about downloading the client side mod, if I install the client side one, then your bukkit mod, all players will see it? or does each player need the client side.
  18. Offline


    Each person needs it. If they dont, they can still join but wont see it.
  19. Offline


    It also affected torches and water. Oceans are filled with currents now... :( Any way to revert this ?
  20. Offline

    Celtic Minstrel

    I think the oceans at least can be fixed with WorldEdit's /fixwater command. For other stuff, I dunno.
  21. Offline


    I thought it was something funky going on in just my world! I'm glad someone else noticed this, too! Well... sort of glad -- I'd prefer that the bug not be there at all.

    Small flowing patches can be fixed by placing a block 1 level below the surface. Look for the spot that the water is flowing toward. 1 block there will stop the flowing in all adjacent blocks. After the water is stationary, you can remove the block if you want. I fixed a couple lake-sized bodies of water that way. For anything more widespread, you'll want to use some sort of world editor.

    I'm guessing that Vegetation is messing with data inside blocks that aren't even grow-able. That's why we are seeing blocks re-orienting themselves.
  22. Offline


    I like that people add mod support plugins, just in case if the player use the mod :)
  23. Offline


    Again, I must apologise for the foobars this bug caused anyone. [​IMG] It has been fixed in the current version. It took me almost an hour to replace all my half-blocks with the stone ones I'd placed originally, and I still need to fix all my minecart tracks.[​IMG] Thank you for mentioning the water currents, I didn't know those were affected too. I'll have to go check my world for those now.. :p

    The threading model for the timer tasks is currently completely wrongly implemented, I've got it fixed in the next version but I can't release this yet because the mossy cobblestone algorithm isn't working properly and it's lagging the server like mad. As soon as I fix it I'll upload the new version.

    As a result of this craziness, I'm also working on a mess-with-the-world plugin where you can view or fiddle with data values of whatever block you're looking at.. Easy water calm! Easy minecart track reassignment! Easy blocktype changing.

    Incidentally, I had a couple of bad value half-blocks in my inventory (caused by the bug), and every time I would mouse over them the client would crash with an IndexOutOfBoundsException. I found the solution is to grab a legit item in your inventory (dirt, etc) and then click-replace the bad item with it (so you've got the bad item selected by the mouse pointer, and the good item is in the slot where the bad item was) and then drop the bad item by clicking it somewhere outside of the inventory grid.. Just make sure not to pick it up or you'll have to do the procedure again to drop it again.. If anyone else has encountered this problem, this is how to fix it. ^_^

    Good idea :) I just didn't think there would ever be plants in the Nether, but mushrooms is a great idea. I'll add that to the next one.

    For some stupid reason, the if/then was returning non-dirt blocks, even though I had " && targetBlock.getTypeId() == 2" in there. No idea why, but I fixed it by checking separately (and setting targetBlock to null if not typeId()==3) before returning the targetBlock.

    Here's a tool you can also use to fix the b0rken block data. I can't apologise enough for messing up you guys' worlds. I just hope the foobar wasn't too widespread.
    [MISC/DEV] BlockEdit 1.0 - View/Edit Block Type/Data [531]

    • To fix water, use /bset 9 0 <-- zero
    • To turn half-blocks back into stone: /bdata 0<-- zero
    • To turn half-blocks back into sand: /bdata 1
    • To turn half-blocks back into wood: /bdata 2
    • To turn half-blocks back into cobblestone: /bdata 3
    You can also right-click on a correct block to get the type and/or data value, then do a /bset with those values to set it so left-clicking creates a clone of that block.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2016
  24. Offline

    Celtic Minstrel

    Technically, I expect you could also have cacti in the Nether if you bring in sand and plant them. The same may be true of flowers and pumpkins. It's certainly true of trees, but that's not relevant to this discussion. (And canes and wheat are forever barred due to the inability to bring water.) But the main one is mushrooms, which occur naturally in the Nether.
  25. Offline


    wow, Weasel, you don't look so good.
    Maybe you need to take a little break from the keyboard. Eat a little pizza, get some sleep.

    But first you might want to fix that url ^^^[​IMG] I think the correct link is:
    weasel5i2 likes this.
  26. Offline


    any ideas why I can't see any wild grass on the Server?
    Running (Srv): last recommended bukkit version (installed at 17.03) and last version of vegetation
    Running (Clt): WildGrass9.2

    I've already tested it within Singleplayer and there I can see the wonderfull grass, but I can't on Server.

    Vegetation]:: Vegetation v1.0 enabled.
    Vegetation]:: Growth cycle set to every 600 seconds.
    Vegetation]:: Growth limit: 100(XZ) and 5(Y) blocks of players.
    Vegetation]:: Grass is ENABLED and plants are ENABLED
    Vegetation]:: 20.0 grass & 0.5 plants, each cycle.
    I also can use any /grow or /overgrow command with response from the server, but nothin happen but a hard lag issue ;-) (but I know the lag was for purpose)


    ps. your thread says: v1.31 but on server the plugin tell me v1.0... wrong link or just the version within code not updated?
  27. Offline


    Will try :D
  28. Offline


    This just spams like crazy on my server now. It's nonstop.
    I don't know what caused it, but I updated bukkit to the recent recommended build. I then updated big brother, and added this plugin. Any suggestions?

  29. Hey, awesome that you did this, it looks really great on the server. Didn't experience any of the block-changeing issues or the water-current problems. But our Server dropped all players and didn't let them back in a couple of times. Just a restart could help. We used the 1.31 version.
    Would be awesome if this could be fixed.

    edit: Just found a mountaintop full of pumpkins. You might want to scale down the plant growth cycle or implement some kind of kill-plants function as someone already mentioned.
  30. Offline


    I'll add a per-plant-type growth rate to the INI file in the next version :)
  31. Offline


    Glad this is working so well.

    I'd suggest some way to limit grass growth. Having grass is fine, but having a jungle every couple days is getting rather tedious with all the mowing, haha.

    EDIT: Just noticed that /overgrow is turning night into day. Is this intentional?

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