[FUN/MISC] Tribu v0.6.4 - The ZombieSurvival continuation [1.6.4]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Graindcafe, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Tribu - A zombie survival game !

    Currently looking for translators please contact me by PM if your language is not already translated or not fully translated.

    What is it ?
    Tribu is a zombie survival game in which you can set zombie spawns. Zombies will appear wave by wave once the game is started. You have to kill them! Each kill will get you money and points, and with the money you can buy items to kill more zombies. The game will stop when everyone is dead.

  2. Offline


    Thank you ^^
  3. Offline


    Update: positive pistons aren't working anymore...

    May be my fault. Looking into it now :D

    Update 2: pistons were my fault -.- I didn't leave a space above the door, and it had no room to move and pop off ;)

    Sorry for bothering you with that.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  4. Offline


    More suggestions:
    restore food to previous conditions (In chest, dispensor, etc)
    Restore pistons, (Popped) doors, and most importantly current.
    Node Support (Found a work around for a little, but nodes are still the best)
    Item kits (Full armour sets)
    Special toll door that materializes away when bought
    Main thing is to restore EVERYTHING to current previous conditions.. I know for a fact it isn't restoring the popped off steel doors.

    -Item kits (Full armour sets)

    -Special toll door that materializes away when bought :)D)

    -Give permissions to use things such as buttons or levers during an in-progress game, but not outside of the game (This would require permission nodes and integregation... If you are going to integregate it with permissions, please integ with PermissionsBukkit!)

    So example: My members can only use a button in Tribu, or else it doesn't allow them.. basically all this would require on your end is a permission node for the use of a special tribu button or just a normal button that allows you to use the button only during an in-session game.

    -Main thing is to restore EVERYTHING to current previous conditions.. I know for a fact it isn't restoring the popped off steel doors.
  5. Offline


    MAJOR BUG NEEDS FIXING: ok so most bukkit servers are multiworld and i really like this plugin but the bug is:

    bascially when u set a deathspawn no matter if zombiemode is on or off it becomes a universal death spawn.
    So i could be in an entirely different world with zombie mode off, and then die, and i would spawn where the zombie death spawn was...

    Now im not sure if this is a plugin confliction but im pretty sure its not so check this out

    Edit: acually im sure its not a plugin confliction because after deleteing this plugin it got rid of death spawn
  6. Offline


    I will be extremely happy if you could update with permission nodes. If you just make an update with that I will donate $5, and that is MINIMUM work on your end :D
  7. Can you add a sytem which allow us to create kind of races of zombies ?
  8. Offline


    Could you add the ability to buy more then one thing with the signs? I don't want to buy one arrow at a time. Cool mod though! Had fun on my server
  9. Offline


    I will probably restart developpement during october ;)
  10. Offline


    I have this problem too.

    Also, whenever I do /tribu start, I get the following error:
    16:38:45 [INFO] Level saved
    16:38:45 [SEVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'tribu' in plugin Tribu v0.4.1.1000
            at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:41)
            at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:163)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:353)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(NetServerHandler.java:756)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.chat(NetServerHandler.java:721)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:714)
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(Packet3Chat.java:33)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:226)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:92)
            at org.getspout.spout.SpoutNetServerHandler.a(SpoutNetServerHandler.java:500)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:464)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:374)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:417)
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.bukkit.craftbukkit.block.CraftBlockState cannot be cast to org.bukkit.block.Sign
            at graindcafe.tribu.signs.TopNamesSign.raiseEvent(TopNamesSign.java:39)
            at graindcafe.tribu.signs.HighscoreSign.init(HighscoreSign.java:21)
            at graindcafe.tribu.TribuLevel.initSigns(TribuLevel.java:123)
            at graindcafe.tribu.Tribu.startRunning(Tribu.java:536)
            at graindcafe.tribu.executors.CmdTribu.onCommand(CmdTribu.java:205)
            at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:39)
            ... 13 more
    config (open)
    # Tribu Config File Version 1
        HealPlayers: true
        Delay: 30
        SetTimeTo: 37000
        TeleportPlayers: true
        SetTime: true
        - 0.5
        - 1.0
        - 1.0
        Focus: Nearest
        - 0.5
        - 4.0
        FireResistant: false
        AutoStart: false
        Language: english
        ServerExclusive: false
        DefaultLevel: ''
        RevertBlocksChanges: true
        StoreInventory: true
        DontLooseItem: false
            Money: 15
            Points: 10
            Money: 10000
            Points: 50
            DropItem: true
  11. Offline


    "Tribu can't make dirs so it cannot create the level directory, you would not be able to save levels! You can't us Tribu!" Any help?
  12. Offline


    omg this is awesome . i simply love it but how do you refil hearts? plus can you also buy other equipment rather than weapons and gear?
  13. Offline


    Creating directories by yourself may help.
    Read the wiki
    Sorry for the bug I will work on it during next developpement
  14. Offline


    [quote="Graindcafe, post: 488954"]
    Tribu - A zombie survival game !
    What is it ?
    Tribu is a zombie survival game in which you can set zombie spawns. Zombies will appear wave by wave once the game is started. You have to kill them! Each kill will get you money and points, and with the money you can buy items to kill more zombies. The game will stop when everyone is dead.
    Set zombie spawns
    Configurable zombies quantity and health
    Zombies spawns can be controlled by redstone
    Zombies spawns wave by wave, getting stronger and stronger
    (almost) All players changes on the map can be reverted at game end
    Teleport & heal players
    Store players inventory
    How to use ?
    Read the wiki before post !
    Wanna the zombies break blocks ? Look at Zombie Attack
    There are 4 commands and several settings. You should test the game before editing the config file.
    I will guide you to create a basic level.
    First of all, create the level with : /tribu create levelName
    Then the initial spawn, it's here that the players will spawn when the game starts. Use : /ispawn
    Set the death spawn with : /dspawn
    Note : By default, the initial spawn and death spawn are where you were when you created the level.
    It's almost finished, all that remains is for you to set the zombie spawns. Place yourself where you want that the zombies appear then type : /zspawn set spawnName
    You can create as many zombie spawns as you want.
    Once that's all set, you can start the game with : /tribu start
    Then players can join the game with : /tribu join (or /tribu enter)
    The game will start when at least one player have joined
    Note : if your server is not dedicated for this plugin, you should first enter the game before starting it with : /tribu enter
    Preview movie
    Taintedfilmz has kindly resumes this how to use in a movie, here it is:
    Special signs
    The plugin includes 4 kinds of special signs.
    Shop Sign
    Spawn Control Sign
    Highscore sign
    Toll sign (not in the movie)
    Commands :
    Ops commands:
    Spawns management
    Set the initial spawn : /ispawn
    Jump to the initial spawn : /ispawn jump
    Set the death spawn : /dspawn
    Jump to the death spawn : /dspawn jump
    Set a zombie spawn : /zspawn set spawnName
    Remove a zombie spawn : /zspawn remove spawnName
    Jump to a zombie spawn : /zspawn jump spawnName
    List zombie spawns : /zspawn list
    Game management
    Start a game : /tribu start
    Load and start a game : /tribu start levelName
    Stop the game : /tribu stop
    Level management
    Create a level : /tribu create levelName
    For save of a level : /tribu save
    Delete a level (repeat the command twice) : /tribu delete levelName
    Load a level : /tribu load levelName
    List all levels : /tribu list
    Players commands:
    Non-exclusive mode specific
    Join the game : /tribu enter
    Leave the game : /tribu leave
    Note : Operator can leave a game on a dedicated server
    For all
    Vote for choice 1 or 2 : /tribu vote #
    View stats : /tribu stats
    Downloads (v0.4) :
    Download Tribu
    Download languages
    Source Code
    You can find more informations on the wiki
    Known issues (of v0.4) :
    Options "DoontLooseItem" and "StoreInventory" will not ever give your inventory back
    Toll Sign can't stop a wooden door opening, the solution is to use a iron door with a button
    Known conflict with others plugins :
    (No bug, no problem) Tombstone will intercept the items drop of a player when he die before this plugin so "DontLooseItem" can't be used with Tombstone, items will be in the chest and not restitued to the player
    Future plans (for v0.5 or later) :
    Give me ideas (remember me ideas that you had told me but that are not here)
    Permissions support
    iConomy support
    Buy item kits (so that we will be able to buy more than 1 arrow)
    Optional config by level + /tribu reload command for reloading the config file
    Event based level starting : when a certain event is done (a gate crossed over 1000 times, randomly, at midnight, etc... give me ideas  )
    Changelog :
    Version 0.5 (in developpement):
    What is already done
    Version 0.4:
    Added : Localization system (GLS), sentences will be stored in files, one file per language, language will be selectionable into the config file. You will be able to customize it by creating another file and putting the setting "Default" to your main language.
    Added : Spanish language, thanks HJPower
    Added : German language, thanks Wiesel
    Added : Zombies try to reach the initial spawn / players when they spawn .. but they are as stupid as a zombie can be !
    Added : /tribu stats
    Added : Redone (because do it just one time it's not funny ) Blocks trace, all blocks placed/breaked during the level will be undone. Only for players in the game. Ops need to leave the game if they want to modify the map. Warning ! Activate lever/redstone circuitry, fill/empty a chest/furnace will not be caught.
    Added : Zombie can be resistant to fire so that you can kill them during day
    Added : You can add/remove a special sign by clicking on it
    Added : Setting, Heal players at wave start
    Added : Toll Sign that require you to pay to cross door / activate button
    Modified : Colors are now darker so that it's not anymore flashy and more consistent with a zombie plugin ... it's not about teletubbies !
    Modified : ServerExclusive is now "false" by default
    Modified : Everybody can change the map except for special signs
    Modified : Separate players and ops commands when you mistyped the command
    Fixed : A bug when several players try to play with ServerExclusive: false
    Fixed : Player respawn with no level loaded cause a GRAVE error into the console
    Fixed : Sometimes, you can't place or break a block when "ServerExclusive: false" and no level is loaded
    Fixed : Sign "Zombie Spawner" was not considered at level start.
    Fixed : Try to buy an unknown item will no longer charge you.
    Fixed : Wave end will no longer fail !
    Fixed : Highscores
    Improved many little things
    Thanks to dbwiesel,kotpsx3 for helping me to test the new version.
    Other versions :
    Version 0.3.2 (current version):
    Fixed config files
    Added some settings
    Version 0.3:
    /vote, /level and /zombiemode are merged in one command : /tribu
    Added Redstone activated zombie spawn
    Config file
    Highscore sign
    Fixed when you're too far of a zombie, the counter will be decreased when it will be removed
    Fixed Known issues
    Time reset at wave start
    Version 0.2 :
    Make it works with #960 and #1000
    Fixed some bugs
    Added : the possibility to buy any item
    Added : basic internationalization system
    Modified : The block protection now only protect signs and while the level is loaded
    Version 0.1 :
    Samp20 initial release
    If you like my plugin, you can thank me by donating :
     I shall really appreciate it
    Can you please add in where you can change the distance the zombies can see you. Cause i created this map but the spawns are to far away.
    Also how about like windows like on zombiecraft. where zombies can get through but players can't
  15. Offline


    any estimate of when there will be iconomy support?
  16. Offline


    hey u need to fix the bug where after each zombie game the item signs disapeared
  17. Offline


    Just an idea....
    But would you be able to give us the option, when levels progress the amount of money you get from zombies would increase too? :rolleyes:
    Would you be able to make it when a person activates a lever etc. And they kill a zombie you would get money for that?
    Because i have traps and it seems like a waste of money if you do not get any return on that.

  18. Offline



    I have a problem with the Toll sign,i placed it beside a button, beside a door, under it etc...but it dont seem to work, altough the mod recognizes the sign..Could you give me the exact code for it?
  19. Offline


    I think this feature is not working properly, sometime it works, sometime it doesnt.
  20. Offline


    iConomy support will be in the next update. Due to Graindcafe's busy-ness, that update won't happen very soon.
  21. Offline


    Developpement of the next version has started ;-)

    The project will progressively move to bukkit dev
  22. Offline


    when i do /tribu leave it wont teleport me out please help is just leaves me stranded in my underground zombie place. this is just for anyone who reads this i have an idea for doors
    put pistons blocking the door way with an inverter to make them extend. Have a lever or something you can buy off the wall to make them move. hook some redstone up to the pistons and you have to make them place the lever to move the pistons and knew rooms :D. just how i did it
  23. Offline


  24. Offline


    Your The Best! :) Best Plugin EVER! Its just like COD Black Ops! With the shops. I Like it! Thanks!
  25. Offline


    Try "Redstone" and "Torch_On", this should simply make "Restone_Torch_On" you can also do "Redstone_torch" "On"
    Thank you :)
  26. Offline


    Thank You Very Much :D
  27. Offline


    First: Really very, very nice plugin!
    Second: Can you make something that you become zombie until you get killed after you got killed by a zombie?:D
    Would be great.
  28. Offline


    I think another plugin is doing something similar
  29. Offline


    Help pls I think i did everything right, but when i type in /tribu start (level name) it just says zombie mood enabled. Then nothing happens.
  30. Offline


    Well the toll signs do not work with 1337, gives the message but u can still use levers, button and doors of all types
    I LOVE THIS PLUGIN, its the closest thing to what i want. Its exactly what i want. And heres a suggestion, payed teleports, free teleports with warmup/cooldown timer <---Really need that warmup tele cuz i cant find it anywhere else.

    do /tribu enter

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  31. Offline


    He is right, and please read before post ...

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