[FUN] MineDiss v1.0 - Just Diss your players [860]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by rominos2, Jun 19, 2011.

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    MineDiss - Just Diss your players
    Version : 1.0

    Don't you ever dreamed of dissing your players ?
    Don't you ever dreamed of listing this diss and get them counted ?
    Don't you ever dreamed of set a classification of your players ?

    Just use MineDiss !

    Features :
    • When someone has been dissed, you use /diss [Disser] [Dissed]
    • Save it to flatfile
    • Make a classification with /disstop
    Download Links :
    MineDiss v1.0

    Commands :
    • /diss [Disser] [Dissed]
    • /disstop [Dissers|Disseds]
    Permissions :
    • /diss : MineDiss.diss
    ChangeLog :
    Version 1.0 (19-06-2011)
    • Just the release of this awesome plugin
    bellardie likes this.
  2. Offline


    What does this exactly do? I don't understand :'(
  3. Offline


    The thread is fine, but for releases, you're going to need to explain what it does exactly.
  4. Offline


    Arg hard to explain
    When someone has been dissed, you can use the /diss command to save the diser's name and the dissed's name
    So after that it save everything in a flatfile and you can see a classification of dissed and of dissers with /disstop

    Is it enough clear ?
    bellardie likes this.
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    It doesn't actually do anything, except for when somebody disses someone. When somebody gets dissed, and you witness it, you use this plugin. So if I dissed rominos2, I would type /diss captainawesome7 rominos2 and it would give me 1 diss. So when somebody types /disstop they would see me having 1 diss.
  6. Offline


    So confusing! :S Thanks for explanations though, enough for releases.
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  8. Offline


    Captainawesome7 is almost right
    Just it's /disstop [dissers|disseds]
    There are two counts:
    One for the dissers and one for the dissed

    Sorry but it was so hard to find "diss" to explain that because I'm french (not the same word)
    bellardie likes this.
  9. Offline


    So it is like a reputation plugin? If so that's pretty cool :)

    I will definitely be getting this if it is that, but I am still a little confused :/
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    It's not exactly that but it's near
    It's for dissers' reputation
    A way of saying : "I'm the first Disser of the server so don't mess with me"
    bellardie likes this.
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    "Diss" = Disrespect
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    You can use it how you want
    For me, it's when a person says something and you answers something at the same time funny and unfriendly

    Like for exmaple :
    "Where is my house ?"
    - "In your *** !"
    Yes this one is easy but it's for the idea
    bellardie likes this.
  13. Offline


    diss is too hard for me :D
  14. Offline


    It's not especially for you
    It's mainly for your players ^^
    bellardie likes this.
  15. Offline


    Moved to inactive, please message me if this plugin is still active.

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