[FUN/MECH] BookWorm v1.14 - Read and write books[BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by nisovin, Jun 19, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Celtic Minstrel

    Not if you don't tell us what it is.
  2. Offline


    Oops sorry :p. It wasnt a bug but not good confurige the confirgation file for bookworm. Thank you for this awsome plugin. It is so cool to have it and write your own books :p.
  3. Offline


    something thing i wanted to know is how to remove un-used books ones that people may have lost or most likely dropped in lava or from death is there a setting i can add to check for that so i dont have so many books in my plugin folder that are not being used?
  4. Offline

    Celtic Minstrel

    Just delete the books from the folder, I think, though I'm not sure if that will allow the plugin to recycle deleted book IDs. Recycling likely wouldn't be needed though.

    Deleting a book that someone still has could cause minor issues though.
  5. Offline


    lol yeah thats kinda what i thought i saw that there was a "clean-interval" in the config which i thought was to check to see if that book was still in use and if not remove but i was mistaken. i manly want to know an easy way because ill be using books to leave one another letters and that will create a lot of unused book rather quickly. hmm ill have to think of a good way to know what ones are no longer in use if i can then.

    also for whatever reason the /bookworm -reload just gives me the "invalid command" error even tho i do have the right permission nodes in and so im really sure whats going on there so i can't easily remove books and say /w -reload to set the server right with out having to restart it each time which is not really the best option for me lol ^,..,^
  6. Offline

    Grammar Troll

  7. Offline


    Update to 1060? This plugin looks amazing but it doesn't work with RB1060 :(
  8. Offline

    Celtic Minstrel

    Well, at this time there is no way to determine without doubt through the Bukkit API that a book is not used anywhere. Even if API were added, the only way to verify a book is unused would be to do a full search of the entire server, including chests, dispensers, furnaces (unlikely as that may seem!), storage minecarts, item entities, players (both online and offline; the latter is why it's not currently possible), and anything else that can possibly hold objects. And when checking players you can't just check their inventory; they might have put it in their crafting grid (no idea why they would do that, but it's possible), so you'd need to check that too. Or they might be in the process of moving the book from one place to another, so you would need to check the item on their cursor.

    So, yeah. Not currently possible, and a lot of work even if it becomes possible.

    For your specific case of using the books as letters, why not give people the power to clear the text of books and not allow books to be copied? That way when they receive and read a letter they could write their reply in the same book, replacing the old text. Of course, you still might need to prune unused books, but not as often.
  9. Offline


    It works fine for me.
  10. Offline


    hmmm yeah thats not a bad idea tho i do want to let copy because we have puzzles were you need to copy books to show that you have been in that room or to copy things like the plugin's codes or server rules. but i could have it were you can clear it. atm i just have a trash chest were ppl put it and i go in and remove the ones that are in there but its a lot of work on my part. ill try and think of something (been using this + MagicSpells + SherbetLemon to create a way for people to find "keys" to open doors in the puzzles {not really working yet setting as im trying to find a way to make a spell make you say a word (for sherbetlemon) might need another password plugin} so kinda busy working on that but maybe ill give the task to another GM for now) thanks for the idea tho
  11. Offline



    I use this plugin with great satisfaction. I found a small bug though. I forgot to give myself the bookworm.destroy.own permission, so I couldn't destroy my own bookshelves. The error message says that I can't destroy other peoples bookshelves though. And yes, currently I'm the only person on the server so it can't be someone elses bookshelf.

    Keep up the good work. :D
  12. Offline


    I get the "An internal error has occurred" error. Weird. Could it be that I'm using GroupManager? GM has a fake Permissions plugin though.
  13. Offline


    What's the error on the console?
  14. Offline


    Is there a hard limit on how many books I can have in my server?

    By the way, how does this plugin work? Aren't the data values of any item limited to four bits? How can I possibly have more than 15 books on my server at a time? I'm glad you figured out a workaround...
  15. Offline

    Celtic Minstrel

    You're thinking of block data, which is indeed four bits. Item data, however, sixteen bits or two bytes, allowing for up to 65535 books if he allows negative book IDs or 32767 books if he does not.
  16. Offline


    hi pls add colors like &1 ... thx !
  17. Offline


    Agreed. And this would be a super easy feature to implement, just replace all '&' characters with the special 's' character, and all '&&' characters to '&', just like the Sign Colors plugin!
  18. Offline

    Celtic Minstrel

    That special 's' character happens to be 'ยง'. :p Anyway, I don't think the & character code is the best solution here; it's good for sign colours because signs have a strict limit on length, so you want the colour codes to be as short as possible, but in the context of books you're a lot less limited. Something like [green], [blue], etc might be better.
  19. Offline


    i dont understand XD
  20. Offline


    Please, how do i add more items so i can write on them?

    Cuz i need to add the feature to write in paper too but it doesnt seem to work... Help!?
  21. Offline


    You should add a letter feature, that allows you to write letters using paper. Would be awsome to have that and be able to mail it using a plugin like MailBox.
  22. Any chanse of this using mysql?
  23. Offline


    Why? I don't see it being necessary.
  24. Offline


    Wow ur every where, I saw u on aother fourm as well, the apple tree one... :p (I play on your server)

    I think that you should make a permission node that gives users all commands/functions

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  25. Offline


    I also use another lang to type in the book. It works good, but if I come to the server second time there is in the book just "????????". Same thing in the file of the book. But if I write the book through txt file with another language it works fine. Any help?
  26. Offline


    Anyway you could add writing on paper?
  27. Seems on 1.8 we can't stack any paper or books anymore, likely caused by this plugin?
  28. Offline


    NOTE FOR 1.8: Please change the "secret-amazing-code-do-not-change" option to bs instead of bj. Yes, you can change it. Just this once! ;)
  29. Offline

    Celtic Minstrel

    Well huh, that's an interesting way to make it updatable without a new build.
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