[FUN/MECH] Armor Abilities - Get Abilities For Wearing Different Types Of Armor! [1.4+]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by SnowGears, Jul 6, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Yes I did. Everything works great! ( until people find obscure bugs I can't find ) but that is part of programming! Only one small thing to add and fix. The update might even be ready tonight if I'm lucky!


    Full release is out! Just waiting for approval and new videos are up showcasing the plugin. Enjoy! :)

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  2. Offline


    Yeah! *somehow yells at a mod to get it approved faster :p

    Oh, and I've got a suggestion for the chainmail armor ability: Arrow resistance. The chain armor is designed to stop projectiles, so do that arraylist thing again, except trigger it when shot by arrows, and instead of a delay for how long it is until it shuts off, use a constant (maybe configurable) times the armor amount to determine damage reduction. The full suit could have enough reduction to be immune to arrows entirely, maybe with the knockback effect still in place?

    My idea for a full-suit bonus seems a bit hard to code. I was thinking you could have the arrows bounce off the player (like in creative mode), possibly aimed directly at the shooter?
  3. Offline


    That...idea...is AWESOME! haha because only admins (usually) can get chainmail so I wanted its abilities to be overpowered and almost godlike. That would be so cool if you shot a person wearing it and the arrow can flying back at you to hit yourself. And not only arrows. I would also do what I was planning before where if you physically strike them the attacker is set on fire. Arrows flying back at attackers and people catching on fire when they hit you seems like one of the coolest armor sets a person could ever want. Now to figure out the code behind all that... sigh. Haha maybe in a few days


    Just thought of something else. If you shot an arrow at a person wearing chainmail, the armor on the player would let loose a fireball (like the ones ghasts shoot) at the attacker. Awesome...

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  4. Offline



    Dude that would be so hilariously awesome! The problem I think is that yes, its an admin armor pretty much, but not for long. I've tested out the snapshots for 1.3, and its not very rare to be able to buy chain armor from a villager. Plus I already use it a TON in MobArena :p

    I'm thinking that you could *should* still make that functionality, just keep it as configurable as the other abilities (you could call it the Doom_Suit or something like that). Then just have the chain armor ability by default be ops only. Can't wait to see the uh... "look" on my players faces when they get owned for hitting me, lol

    Still experiencing a ton of jumpiness with non-ops in the full-moon suit. I think my problem might be that im double-giving them permission to use it somehow, since both the plugin.yml AND my permissions.yml have that suit set to true for default

    *EDIT This bug with teleporting to the ground (its basically resetting me to where I would be with a normal jump by then) seems to by for whenever I have more than a normal jumps amount of air time

    Also, upon startup my console gives out this error:
    [SEVERE] Wrong method arguments used for event type registered

    while its enabling ArmorAbilities. Bukkit doesnt like one of your events, lol

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
    Tooner101 likes this.
  5. Offline


    Sry for that question, but can you explane me, how i can remove the default permissions? I want, that the builder only can use the gold armor. Thanks :)

    (sry my english isn't good :D)
  6. Offline


    I found a plugin that looks like a copy of yours called armormagic on bukkitdev. server-mods/armormagic/
  7. Offline


    I got a question, is it right that u removed the non-falldamage by wearing a full gold armor :(?
    Or can i switch it in the config?
  8. Offline


    Hmmm... thats weird. I got no compile errors when exporting the final project so I'm not sure what that error is about... And try not giving double permissions because I have tested the mega jumps and there is no glitchyness whatsoever so that must be the issue you're having.

    Because all permissions are set to default, for every group you DO NOT want to have the permission, write
    armorabilities.something: false

    Wow. Some people just cannot be creative enough to come up with anything of their own anymore. That is a complete copy of mine. He didn't even change any of the abilities except for add one. Kinda suspicious he does that within 2 days of my release....

    Taking no fall damage with full gold armor ( or jump armor ) on is still an ability. I was having problems with it at the last minute though. I fixed the issue by reloading the server ( /reload ) and then everything worked fine.

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  9. Offline



    I removed the permissions for the moon suit from my yml (so its not double allowed) and I'm still getting the laggy jumping. Is the moon suit doing more than just giving out a jump potion effect or something?

    I wonder what would happen (I doubt it would make mush difference though) if I changed the plugin.yml to say that the Moonsuit is NOT enabled by default, then give the permissions. Sounds redundant but its all I could think of, lol

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  10. Offline


    I could try making all permissions op by default because thats what most plugins do... I doubt that would change anything but if you want I can
  11. Offline


    I tried that whole default false, permissions true thing. As I figured the redundancy of it is that it still allowed me to use it (but from permissions this time) but the bugginess is still there
  12. Offline


    Hmmmmmm..... this is weird because I have never experienced this bug and no other people have complained about it either.... Is there another plugin you have limiting speed or jump height or just something that might clash with that ability? Like another gold armor plugin or something...
  13. Offline


    No, this is actually the first plugin involving jumping that I've installed in my server. Theres only two plugins I think even have a remote chance of conflicting with this one, Towny and Lift. I say Towny since it has caused buggy movement in the past, still unlikely to conflict. Lift is an elevator, I only consider it an option since it moves you up or down :p

    Also, quick suggestion for the iron scuba suit. Could you add Haste to the effects while underwater (another long arraylist setup probably). I mean, sure I can breath underwater and build, but when it comes to breaking a block, it takes a loooong time to break it.
  14. Offline


    Oooh thats actually a really good idea. That will give a better incentive to wear more iron. I have to make it so it only applies haste while in water though.... Let me know how to the bugginess goes
  15. Offline


    I like that haste on iron armor idea because otherwise there isn't really any point in staying underwater. Also I downloaded the new version and it works well, the only bad thing is that iron armor spams the chat (I saw this mentioned on the bukkitdev page by somebody else).
  16. Offline


    Ya, I'm getting spammed by it too. I was building an underwater house, every few seconds I get "You are wearing a full scuba suit. Nothing can stop you now". I suspect that its set to say that once it starts saving us from damage, but the event for that gewts called up every time I WOULD get hurt, hence the spam. Just a theory though since I know next to nothing about java, lol
  17. Offline


    Really really cool...i wish you could increase the speed without it effecting the view. Its just the effect of sprinting though that tunneling of the view, I doubt anything could be done about it. But yea wonderful I hope my players love it as much as I do.
  18. Offline


    This could be done with vectors but I decided not to use them because they are unbelievably glitchy. ( like you won't be able to move or stop moving sometimes glitchy ) so potion effects were the next best thing. I will release a small update fixing the spamming chat of scuba armor ( and maybe make an option to disable all messages ? ) Im glad you like it and let me know what they think.

    I will make a small update tonight fixing the chat spam. Sorry about that

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  19. Offline



    Np, definitely not the most spam I've gotten from a plugin. I tried MineFauna once a few weeks ago, got spammed with different npc's saying "I found a mate!" EVERY TWO SECONDS. Turns out there was a family of 2,000 spiders living underground because of that, lol
  20. Offline


    Haha that sounds awful. Its weird though because when I tested the underwater I wasn't spammed... Does it only start spamming when you get hurt underwater? ( or does it just start spamming right away underwater with a full scuba suit )
  21. Offline


    @Tonner 101
    It starts spamming me after the scuba suit activates, at somewhat random intervals actually. Most noticeable when you look back on the chat record after building an entire house underwater
  22. Hi! I posted in dev.bukkit.org, but thought I would post here in case anyone else experienced similar problems. I can't seem to get PEX to disable some armor commands:

        prefix: '&8[&7Citizen&8] &f'
        - armorabilities.lavaswim: false
        - armorabilities.nofire: false
    Players can still use diamond armor.. or at least still get the message in their console.
  23. Offline


    Yes I am now realizing the way I coded this in the permissions cancels each other out when set to false so it is always true. Definitely a big problem. I will release an update tomorrow ( or today I guess it would be as it is 2:30 am ) fixing this and the spamming chat issue.
  24. Offline


    I wonder if that will fix my moon suit problem.... Looking forward to the fix
  25. Offline


    Is your moon suit problem taking fall damage with full gold armor on?
  26. Offline


    hope to make a plugin spotlight with this tonight will post limk when finished and you can encode it to page if you wish
  27. Offline


    Nice! I was hoping someone would. I would love to see it being used by other people. I will get onto submitting the update fixing permissions and chat spamming with iron armor right now
  28. Offline



    Ya, I've got fall damage with full gold about half the time, and I still can't figure out whats causing the jump resetting
  29. Offline


    I've been getting that bug too. (usually resetting the server helps but it's still weird) I'm going to try to fix it though
  30. Offline


    Ok, I believe I have found a CRITICAL bug with this plugin. Whenever the potion effects from the armor "reset" (ie change back to 16 minutes) you lose ALL OTHER POTION EFFECTS. I noticed this because I went to farm blazes while I used fire resistance potions (which last six minutes normally), but everytime I reopen my inventory, the armor recalculates and I lose my fire resistance!

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