[Fun, Mech, Admin] Builder commands!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Aronix12, Aug 4, 2014.


Is this a cool Idea?

Poll closed Aug 11, 2014.
  1. yes!

  2. no.

  1. Offline


    Hey! just came up with an amazing plugin idea! what if you could use world edit to customize your own in-world-crafting objects! but to make them do things they run a string of commands sort of like Command Signs. and have a bunch of other stuff too! for example: making it so after someone builds it the formation before and/or after it runs a command it destroys certain selected blocks, run world edit commands, do the opposite of the above and place blocks after activation, maybe somehow use commands such as fireball by building it diferent directions, make custom in-world-craft machines that do something each time a redstone current touches the region of the crafted blocks! I'll post more as more ideas come to me. if anyone else wants to build upon this thought feel free to give me your opinion! (and answer the poll!)
    if you had a change after it activates you would type /BuilderCommand shape step 1 after selecting a world edit region, then type /BuildC pause (time in seconds) then make some changes to the structure then select region again and do /BuildC shape step 2... so then once you're done you would type /BuildC Save <NAME> to save it for other players to build! so It would activate once someone builds the first step, then wait for however, then change to step 2
    maybe it can be activated be different methods? so maybe you could have a /BuildC activate-by <Build-step (#), enter-region, player-count (#), redstone-input (on,off), mob-count (#)> also when you save an in-world-craft, when someone builds it, it creates a region around it that is the same as the world-edit regions you input-ed when it was created... this would allow cool features such as activation by entering and exiting and redstone current!
    the process of running commands would be similar to CommandSigns... /BuildC C (for command) line1 /spawnmob zombie 10, /BuildC pause 10, /BuildC shape next-step.... pretty much around that context
    also maybe some flags for who the commands should be done to if those commands need someone's name input-ed for example: @: people in the region, ^: person who triggered redstone, !: person who built it, *(#) people within the radius of the center of the in-world-crafted object.
    also for the chain of actual commands maybe there could be a /buildc self-destruct that would destroy the crafted object so you could make things, for example, like a craftable zombie! sort of like an iron golem. /buildc line1 activate build-step 1, /buildc line2 shape next-step, /buildc line3 c /spawnmob zombie, /buildc line4 self-destruct. this would make it so when a player builds the first step, it would then be set to disappear and then spawn a zombie right then, and then it would destroy itself. thus making it so each time you build step one it disappears and spawns a zombie just like what happens when you spawn an iron golem!

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