[FUN] MakeEmSpawn v1.1 - Spawn any monster wherever you want [1.6.4-R2.0]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Hybris95, Mar 16, 2011.

  1. MakeEmSpawn - The Egg Mob Spawner Tool

    Latest Version: v1.1 [1.6.4-R2.0]
    Latest Stable Version: v1.1 [1.6.4-R2.0]
    MakeEmSpawn allows users to spawn mobs with eggs

    • Spawn entities by the use of eggs
    • Unspawn every creatures
    • List the available entities to spawn
    Download MakeEmSpawn v1.1
    Source Code:
    On GitHub !
    On Cloud9 (cloned from GitHub) !

    Preview :

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    Later Version
    • Color of the sheeps ?
      (Don't think it's possible yet considering how is implemented the plugin)
    • Age of the neutral creatures ?
      (Don't think it's possible yet considering how is implemented the plugin)
    • Add the entities into the unspawn command
    • Make a "constant" option instead of a number of mobs for example
      to give an egg after one left and again...
    • Order the list of entities by name
    • Make aliases for the different commands (/mess /mesus /mesl ?)
    Version 1.1
    • Preparation for a next update (code factorisation mostly)
    • When typing a malformed number or a number over 127 it will not tell the usage
      Instead, it will give you the asked egg with the last entered number (or 1).
    • Tested with CraftBukkit 1.5.2-R0.1
    • Tested with CraftBukkit 1.6.4-R2.0
    Version 1.0e
    • Added a filter into the "/makeemspawn unspawn <creature>" (/mes us <creature>)
      Not entering any filter will result into unspawning EVERY creatures in the world like before.
    • Fixed a bug which was disallowing you from dropping the egg you had been given
    Version 1.0c
    • Updated for compatibility with the latest command system
    • Fixed a bug on the event registration
    • Fixed various bugs due to the change from Creature to Entity
    • Tested with CraftBukkit 1.5.1-R0.2
    Version 1.0
    • Updated for compatibility with the latest Bukkit build
    • Updated with the new Permissions system
    • Updated with the new Event system
    • Updated with the new EntityType system
      (instead of CreatureType which is deprecated)
    • Tested : Update with the new Command system required
    • Compile tested
    Version 0.6a
    • Fixed random deprecated method calls
    • Tested with CraftBukkit 674
    • Tested with CraftBukkit 740
    • Tested with CraftBukkit 860
    • Tested with CraftBukkit 897
    Version 0.6
    • Added Giant & Ghast support
    • Added Slime & Wolf support (BUT these will work when bukkit will debug them)
    • (Working on Minecraft 1.4 AND CraftBukkit 617)
    Version 0.5
    • Soon realized by testing that the "/mes us" should be used to remove all creatures too
    Version 0.4a
    • Fixed a little command parsing bug with multiple spawns
    Version 0.4
    • Multiple spawns support
    • Change the plugin name because of SpawnMob
    Version 0.3
    • Added Permissions support (and Operators support if not found)
    • Tested successfully with bukkit#556
    Version 0.2
    • Add Sheep support
    • Add PigZombie support
    • Remove GiantZombie support
    • Add Slime support
    Version 0.1
    • First Release

    Known bugs (please leave me some feedback !):
    • Spawning various entities produce a crash of the server
      (Painting, ThrownEnderPearl, ItemFrame)
    • /<makeemspawn|mes> <<s|spawn>|<us|unspawn>|<l|list>> [<mobname> [numberOfMobs]]
    Permissions nodes:
    • makeemspawn.<entityname>
    • makeemspawn.spawn (used for "unspawn" command)
    Make a donation
    XDTobi and Jason Dougherty like this.
  2. Offline


    Oh, when I went to look I found that I am not using permissions anymore. I'm simply using the minimal control built in to Essentials and the ops.txt list. So permissions shouldn't even be a problem?
  3. If you're not using Permissions, my plugin automatically switches to Operators status.
    Check if the player trying to use that command is an Operator (if not try the /op <playerName> command from the console)
  4. Offline


    They are an operator. I've had all the operators try with their own accounts on their own computers. All of them used to be able to use the mod. There are no apparent errors, it just doesn't recognize the commands anymore.
  5. If the problem is only an error message, it's normal. This should be fixed as soon as I update this plugin.
  6. Offline


    It's not just the error - the mod doesn't actually function anymore.
  7. The thing is i'm unable to reproduce the error since it works for me, and strictly have no way to debug it without more information.
    Why not installing Permissions ?
  8. Offline


    bug:: I can't seem to get it to work. It did earlier. Now I type /mes s cow 1, it gives me an egg, put when i throw it, nothing happens.
    permissions work, but this thing might interfere w/ pokemon plugin. Try to fix! thnx
  9. Offline


    I have a funny Suggestion....
    (only if you want and can)
    otherwise sorry for posting.
  10. This is not possible since it has been removed from the client.
  11. Offline


    will it be possible in the future to ad the herobrine monster?
  12. Read the last post...
  13. Offline


    Command maybe too long try reducing i.e. i wouldnt want to type[ /mes s pig 5] just to spawn 5 pigs.
  14. Offline


    You should add spider jockey to this
  15. Offline


    Beta 1.8 support? (Endermen) Maybe slime's if possible?
  16. Offline


    add endermen and silverfish :D
  17. Offline


    i want to spawn enderman and silverfish .......
  18. Updated with the latest Bukkit version (only source code available yet).

    TODO : Upload the .jar

    Edit : Jar Uploaded if anyone wish to test, Ima do it soon (weekend awaiiiits!)
    Edit(2) : Tested ingame, Update with the new command system required

    Edit(3) : Version 1.0c is out which fixes the most major bugs due to the previous update.
    Added also the /makeemspawn list (or /mes l) which allows you to know which Entity can be spawned.

    Edit(4) : Version 1.0e is out which allows you to filter which creatures to unspawn.
    Fixed also a bug when dropping the egg that has been given.

    Edit(5) : Version 1.1 is out which fixes the "bug" of number >127 or malformed number.
    Also prepares for a future update (see changelog for more information).
  19. This is on my TODO list.

    This is actually not possible since my plugin is based on that Enum mainly.

    This is now possible in Version 1.1

    Edit: Tested on CraftBukkit v1.5.2-R0.1
    Edit(2): Tested on CraftBukkit v1.6.4-R2.0

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