FFA(Download from BukkitDev)(Source on Github)(My Website)-What is it?-This plugin is a basic FFA (free for all) plugin for bukkit servers, people can just type a command to be teleported to a random pad that is defined using a command, not only does it teleport players to a random predefined location, it gives players rewards for earning kill streaks. -Features-~Set up to 20 locations for players to be teleported to when they use the "/ffa" command. ~Give players rewards for earning kill streaks while playing. ~Allow players in the same Faction/Allied Factions to kill each other while playing. ~Clear players inventories when they join, and restore them when they die/disconnect. ~Give players Armor & Weapons when they join the match. ~6 second delay before teleporting player to arena (Teleport cancels if player moves 1 block). -Commands-"/ffa" - Teleports player to one of the predefined locations. "/ffa reload" - Reloads config. "/ffa lb" - (Unimplemented) Shows the leader board. "/ffa setspawn (1-20)" - Sets the spawn location for the number defined (ie. /ffa setspawn 1) "/ffa removespawn (1-20)" - Removes the spawn location for the number defined (ie. /ffa removespawn 1) -Where did it come from?-A while ago this plugin was made for a server by another developer, he stopped making it and the server owner turned to me to update it and add some features, and now I am releasing it to the public for all to use(if the previous developer would like me to remove it just contact me and I will get the thread removed)! -Change log-v1.0 Initial Release. -Bugs/ToDo-Bugs: When not all 20 teleport slots are set, it can produce null pointer exceptions. ToDo: Make EVERYTHING Configurable (All strings, amount of locations, item gifting, kill streaks)
lol, this is my first plugin that I am making public, and when I went to add all the info about it I accidentally hit the post button instead of preview XD
Seems pretty cool Ostler, any idea when leaderboard will be implemented? Want it to replace arenas, looks like it will cause far less lag.