Enchanter - Enchant your items Version 0.2 Enchanter allows you to enchant the item currently held in your hand using commands, instead of using an enchanting table and needing certain amounts of xp. You can add any enchantment to any item, as long as they are compatible. If you try to set the level of the enchantment too high, it is automatically set to the maximum level for that enchantment. The permission is: enchantment.enchant It automatically defaults to Op. Commands The command is: /enchant [enchantment] [level] For example: /enchant smite 3 Enchantments More information on enchantments can be found here There are other "aliases" for enchantments. The name for the enchantment that is used in the Bukkit API can also be used. E.g, SILK_TOUCH Code: aquaaffinity silktouch projectileprotection fireprotection featherfalling blastprotection protection respiration looting fortune knockback fireaspect unbreaking efficiency smite baneofarthropods sharpness Download Changelog Version 0.2 Added sharpness & protection "aliases" Version 0.1 Initial release
You have your first customer You still need Sharpness and Protection. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Excellent mod, but it allows everyone to run around with maxed gear that required zero effort, or requires a one or more people to do enchants by hand for others. Is there any way that this plugin could be linked with iConomy or Essentials Economy to require money to work? Maybe a config file could be included to allow admin to set prices?
If you don't want everyone running around with max enchants just set the permissions for admins only for now.
Understood. That'll be the plan if we run this mod. I was just offering an idea that could make a good mod into a great one : ).
I am tempted to add this as I haven't made anything that uses economy or signs. However, there is already a plugin that does exactly what your asking for: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/econ-rpg-signshop-enchantment-upgrade-v2-21-1559.48511/ I haven't tried it myself, but it looks good. It may be what your looking for.
Hello, I'm getting a server soon and i would like this plugin. One thing are you working on the bow enchantments? I'm better with a bow than a sword so could you please think about my request. Thank you. ShiftBlade22