[FUN/ECON] MobFight - Fight each other using mob classes (MobDisguise)

Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by PatrickFreed, Aug 23, 2011.

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    I don't have much yet, but basically this plugin will be an arena style fighting plugin where you play as mobs.

    Here is the updated description:

    MobFight WIP
    By: PatrickFreed
    General Description
    Someone with gameleader permission types /mobfight create game game1 team1 team2 25 15.
    This starts a server wide game (no arenas, although if you wanted one, you could just
    build it so they can't get out) where players in that game can only hurt players on
    the apposing team. Now to join, they right click the signs to spawn to a location, set
    by /mobfight setspawn team1. They are tp'd there and transformed into the mob they
    have chosen. Each mobs have their own powers (see below). You get 1 point for each
    kill and -1 for each suicide (configurable, see config below). When the score limit
    is reached, the game is ended and a new one starts with empty teams.
    Economy Support
    The game creator can choose to have the winners gain a certain amount of money when
    they win. Now, to prevent money boosting, that amount is taken from every player at
    the beginning of the game and returned double to the winning team. The money is not
    actually transferred, so it is irrelevant how much money is put into the pot.
    Each member of the winning team only gain what is specefied by the game creator,
    regardless of how much the other team put in.
    Points-per-kill: 1
    Points-per-suicide: -1
    Winning Message: You just won game +game by defeating +team2!
    Losing Message: You just lost game +game to +team2!
    Kill Message: You gain +points for killing +killedplayer!
    Death Message: You were killed by +killingplayer!
    UseEconomy: true
    Mob Powers (Draft)
    Pig: gives health to nearby teammates or gives health when hit by other teammates.
    Zombie: Slightly stronger, hand to hand combat (relatively weak) with strong bite (if bite misses, mouth starts to bleed, loses health)
    Skeleton: Weak mob, but has long range bow.
    Cow: Very strong mob, acts as a moving shield. Attack too, but very weak.
    Creeper: Very weak, but can explode. (Keep in mind it counts as suicide)
    Chicken: very small and sneaky, might be able to fly (weak peck, drops egg bombs [if I can get fly to work])
    Sheep: Probably won't be in the plugin.
    Slime: Probably won't be in the plugin.
    Spider: Heavy attack but is large. Not sure if the wall climbing will be possible.
    Squid: Will probably not be in the plugin until per-mob spawns can be set.
    Folder Structure
        /mobfight join [game] [team] - done
            - Joins team in game
                - mobfight.join
        /mobfight end [game] - done
            - Ends the game, assigns a winner, and deletes player lists from file
                - mobfight.gameleader
        /mobfight leave - done
            - User exits the game, teleports to sign room of team player left
                - mobfight.leave
        /mobfight delete [game] - done
            - deletes game from file, ends and selects a winner
                - mobfight.*
        /mobfight removeplayer [player] - done
            - removes player from team in game
                - mobfight.*
                - leader of game
        /mobfight addleader [game] [player] -done
            - sets a game leader
                - game leader
                - mobfight.*
       /mobfight removeleader [game] [player] - done
            - removes leader from game
                - mobfight.*
        /mobfight setspawn [game] [team] - done
            - sets where the people go to after right clicking sign
                - mobfight.*
                - leader of game
        /mobfight creategame [game] [team] [team] [arena] [score limit] (money) - done
            - creates game with team and team with score limit, money is optional; creator is a game leader
                - mobfight.*
        /mobfight setwarp [game] - done
    Permissions (Misc)
        - mobfight.*
            - all commands
        - mobfight.basic
            - mobfight.leave
            - mobfight.join
                - ability to right click signs to join games
    <game name>.yml
    Arena: <arena name>
    Score-Limit: 25
    Money: 15
        Score: 5
        Score: 8
        - bob
        - sally
    If you want to follow the project, here is a link to the GitHub page. As soon as I have something tangible, I'll make a video.

    If you're interested in this plugin and/or want to download it when it's complete, let me know! I want to gauge the interest in something like this.
    Cosmic Break likes this.
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    Cosmic Break

    heres a suggestion for slime, for them to slow others down when they come into contact
    heres a suggestion for sheep, for them to launch others up when they come into contact
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    Not sure how sheep are related to rocketing people though :p
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    TMD Zombies

    I think he means like a ram
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    i don't think SHEEP rocket people but... in minecraft zombies used to drop feathers to it wont be weird and i would totally like to see that *Hi Me.Shee-- AHHHHHHH*
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    Oh I see, that could work...well. *evil grin*
    Anyways, sadly 90% of my time spent on this plugin has been reworking bad code, but once I finish this final rework, I can start to add content again. :)
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    Check the github page, I just commited the first couple of mobs:

    Sheep: Weak attack and health, but can launch people.
    Zombie: Normal health and attack, special attack that has 50% chance of killing the victim and a 50% chance that itll kill himself.
    Pig: Moderate attack, slightly low health. Will be able to heal teammates when hit.
    Skeleton: Very weak in terms of health, is equipped with a bow. If he charges up to someone with an arrow in hand and sneak attacks someone, its a crit. Keep in mind it is very easy to kill them and this should be a last resort defense.
    Cow: Heavy health, small regular attack, somewhat powerful charge that hurts itself on use.

    Suggest more mob ideas pl0x!
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