Inactive [FUN/ECON/DEV] uQuest v1.50 - Overly customizable quest system [793 - 602]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Hawox, Mar 4, 2011.

  1. Offline


    As most of you can guess I have not worked on this plugin in a long time. I'm working full time at a grocery store as well as going to college. I literally have no time for sleep let alone Minecraft. Recently someone has contacted me saying they are working on my plugin. I appreciate his work and effort while I am away. This is a link to his topic. His download can be found at
    uQuest - Overly customizable quest system!
    German Questlist 5/16/11
    Coming Soon!
    Gui Questmaker (Heres a beta build!)
    Upload/download area for quests!
    mcMMO extension!

    Laxlux - New German quest list maintainer
    HiMyNameIsAJ - Creating a uQuest website
    Looking for:
    • Someone to make a nice looking website for uquest (Not my cup of java).
    • Someone to add MySql support.
    • Plugin attachment devs!
    • Someone with ideas on different quest types!
    • People to write some random quests to be thrown in the defaults!

    -----------------------Plugin summery below this point-----------------------
    ~Comes preloaded with 53 quests!~

    Support for: (You don't NEED any of these for the plugin to work.)
    Permissions (but not needed!)
      -"uQuest.CanQuest.*" - Allows all these sub permissions
      -"uQuest.CanReloadQuests" - Allows the use of /reloadquests
      -"uQuest.CanReloadQuestConfig" - Allows the use of /reloadquestconfig
     iConomy (but not needed!)
     BOSEconomy (Again, not needed!)
     Essentials! (Again, not needed!)
    Alright here goes, theres a lot to cover so I may miss something on this first go threw! Want a better way to get money into your server economy that selling items to the server or random lottery's? Do you like QUESTS?!?! Do you want your users to compete to see who is a better quester? Then uQuest might be for you!

    uQuest offers your users a simple way to quest! No need to walk miles and miles to a random NPC or click on some block at spawn. All they need to do is type '/uquest give' and uQuest will give them a random quest from it's database! A yml file is provided where you type out each quest for your users. That's right. YOU can decide how many quests there are, what they are, and how you want your users to do them (creating and editing this file are explained on the wiki). You can broadcast every x quests someone finishes to the server as well as give out rewards for x amount of quests. I'll leave the rest for the features section, just thought I'd get you hooked with that :3 If you grab the .zip (which you need to if you want to store your users in a SQLite database!) I have included 53 quests inside!

    All of that not enough? Well theres an API! Other plugin authors can use this as a base for their own plugins!

    Here's a quick screenshot of what the text looks like:

    (I may miss a few, there's quite a bit)

    ~Quest Types~
    All of these can have specific locations set to them! (Can only do in this area etc)
    (More to come I promise!!)

    (More to come I promise!!)

    ~Watch out~
    With great power (of customization)... Come's great responsibility.... There is a lot that can go wrong if you don't pay attention when your changing files. Thankfully, I've tried to have the plugin spew out as many warnings as it could on the servers start. Always give it a check to make sure the plugin loaded all of your work!!!

    ~Plugin Attachments~
    (These plugins add new features to the basic uQuest system)
    Just started this as an example of what people can do. All it currently has is /qadmin givequest
    OP's and people with the permissions (not required for this either) node 'uQuest.MoreModCommands' can use it.
    Simply shows someones progress on a quest everytime they do something for it. IE. I punch a log as part of my quest (grey text)Log Punches 7/10.
    Just put the jar into your plugins folder and it will work on it's own!
    Updates needed: Move quests | Picking up items. | Support for uQuest levels
    Completes quests automagicly! Works with the same methods as showtracker so it has the same flaws. There is this weird bug when running both at the same time that spams some weird extra text. Try to ignore it for now.
    Just put the jar into your plugins folder and it will work on it's own!
    Updates needed: Move quests | Picking up items. | Unknown status on working with quest levels. | Odd text bug with showtracker/this mix.

    ~Plugins using the API~
    (These plugins use the uQuest API to shape their own plugin)

    Since people don't read the above, I'll post this again here so I don't have to write the reply back to this anymore.
  2. Offline


    Get a different/newer version of Craftbukkit. A non supported one. That one has that problem. Also this is not in the correct section at all. You should post it in the help, not in my plugin topic.
  3. Offline


    Lol sorryp bout that. You seemed to know alot about this stuff(errors) so i though you could help... AND YOU DID, my server works again.
  4. Offline


    Good to hear.
  5. Offline

    Chris Lewis

    In the most recent CB build (709) and recent build of this it seems to be saving the uquest files a ton!

    As you can see this is not the 30 minutes i have set in the config file. BTW config file can be attached if necessary...
  6. Offline


    :confused: That's very odd. That almost looks like 30 seconds. I'll look into it. I use SQLite mostly so I didn't see that. That would be great if you could attach it, but I trust you on thinking it's my fault xD I'll check this out in a sec. Trying to get these event things to work.
  7. Offline

    Chris Lewis

    Well i sorta though of that, but when i tried to switch it to SQlite i got this error on server startup so i switched back to flatfile

    oh and on server shutdown i was getting

    I would much rather see the saving than the errors ;)
  8. Offline


    You need to delete that database and make a fresh one to fix that. I still don't know why it is saving that often for you. I can't duplicate it at all. It's it's still a problem with this next build that I am releasing now, post everything related to uQuest here for me to look at.

    Version 1.14

    • Checks added for an empty quest list.
    • Ranking system added!
      • Ranked by quests done with a tiebreaker on money received.
      • You can see this with /q top #
      • It also shows your personal rank in your /q stats
    • Added 'wolf' to kill quests. (Sorry I forgot about it!)
    • Entire overhaul on checking monster deaths.
      • Nolonger a check damage >= health
      • Works on a 'tag' system.
        • Whenever you hit a monster/player you are 'tagged' to them.
        • When something dies, whatever it is tagged to get's the quest thing.
      • Allows you to kill monsters with lava/pushing off a cliff/creeper herding as long as you damaged it before hand!
    • API: Custom events added!!!
    • Actually sitting down and updating the wiki so it's up-to-date. (I know, finally right?)
    • Performance upgrades.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2016
  9. Offline


    in future update can u add difficult level for quest?

    like player lvl 0 can do some quest player lvl 1 can do some other quest like easy medium hard ecc ecc..?
  10. Offline

    Chris Lewis

    On CB 714 I'm getting this error:
  11. Offline


    Having same error as above, on build 714
  12. Offline


    Me too. 714. Not sure if it's a specific quest but it's only every once in a while.
  13. Offline


    is possible create a quest about do 100 jump o give 100 bones a wolfs?
  14. Offline


    I'll see what I can do. Not working on it today because of family. Just doing a few minute check on my email.

    @marcusbest I'll see what I can do. I'll add it to my todo list.
  15. Offline


    Well, when people do /q give it says "Youu do not have permission to drop quests"
  16. Offline


    have you added this to permissions
  17. Offline


    This is one of the plugins that my players like but i'm forced to remove it temp cause it makes my server log big and i cant read the console cause of the entity damage thing, hope you do a fix soon..thanks
  18. Offline


    You need the permission node to get a quest. I forgot to change the word 'drop' to 'get' when I copy pasted/edited the code.

    Also, I'm working on fixing the list error thing on entity damage.

    @Ahfaichucky/@silentdojo/@Chris Lewis/Anyone else

    I can't replicate that error spam on my server. I've made a test build that will give me some more info when this error pops up. Would you be willing to run this for a bit so I can see what the real problem is? There's no other way I can fix it. Thanks! <3<3!!

  19. Offline


    uQuest looks from outside perspective to work well on the new RB 733. I updated to your 'debug' build and have the following to report.

    Show Spoiler
    00:14:25 [SEVERE] [uQuest] You got the error that I can't duplicate!!! Post this info on the forums for me!
    Also worth noting my many players do MANY quests (over 300 in a couple of days) so maybe that is having an effect.
    00:14:25 [SEVERE] Quester Name:
    00:14:25 [SEVERE] Quester Info: -1:0:0:0,0
    00:14:25 [SEVERE] Copy the quest with this number from your Quests.yml: -1
    00:14:25 [SEVERE] Thank you for helping with this! If you don't send this is creepers will eat your server files!
    We don't want that!!! >:C
    00:14:25 [SEVERE] End
    00:14:25 [SEVERE] [uQuest] You got the error that I can't duplicate!!! Post this info on the forums for me!
    00:14:25 [SEVERE] Quester Name: LDBertie
    00:14:25 [SEVERE] Quester Info: -1:0:0:0,0
    00:14:25 [SEVERE] Copy the quest with this number from your Quests.yml: -1
    00:14:25 [SEVERE] Thank you for helping with this! If you don't send this is creepers will eat your server files!
    We don't want that!!! >:C
    00:14:25 [SEVERE] End
    00:14:26 [SEVERE] [uQuest] You got the error that I can't duplicate!!! Post this info on the forums for me!
    00:14:26 [SEVERE] Quester Name: LDBertie
    00:14:26 [SEVERE] Quester Info: -1:0:0:0,0
    00:14:26 [SEVERE] Copy the quest with this number from your Quests.yml: -1
    00:14:26 [SEVERE] Thank you for helping with this! If you don't send this is creepers will eat your server files!
    We don't want that!!! >:C
    00:14:26 [SEVERE] End
  20. Offline


    Thank you! That would be why I was having problems with it. I was testing it when I had quests... -facepalms-

    Edit: I'm getting an update out soon. Thank you.
  21. Offline


    Not sure what you mean, but we have quests, many player complete them MANY times (1 player > 300 quests in 2 days).
    Using default quests file as provided.
  22. Offline


    I don't have time to do a full release and update everything atm. Here's an official unofficial build. It's has some new quest types but I'll explain them later. This should fix all the errors though.
  23. Offline


    Thank you Hawox, most appreciated.
  24. Offline


    CB : 733
    uQuest : 1.14

    Following error on load :

    thank you :)
  25. Offline


    You need a new sqlite database. That got changed quite some time ago. Sorry. Just delete your current one and let the plugin generate a new one.
  26. Okay, let's say a player completes a quest on my server. The objective of the quest, was to gather 20 iron bars. When he completes the quest, what happens to those iron bars? My guess is they simply disappear... On my server, spawning items, is not allowed, unless admins are repairing griefer damage. Therefore it would be nice if completed quests, transport the items to a chest specific to that quest! That way admins can have non-admins collect items for server projects, and get money in return :D
    Is this currently possible?

    BTW, here is an idea I had: Would it be possible to have a quest, where the player needs to dig out a specific area?

    Creating the quest, in the config, would be easy, you simply write "[x,y,z][x,y,z]" in the pbjective. The first bracket, would be the coordinates for one corner and the second bracket, would be the corner directly opposite, creating a cube. And when a person accepts the quest he gets the coordinates? :)

    If a person accepts the quest, no one else will be able to accept it, unless he cancels or perhaps if he has been logged out for more than 30 mins. Or, perhaps you could even make it so several people can participate, and depending on the % of the work they did, they get a better reward!
  27. Offline


    Hey there..

    I love your plugin. Our server loves your plugin.

    Here is something I have been getting lately.

    13:33:23 [SEVERE] Could not pass event BLOCK_DAMAGE to uQuest
    java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 64, Size: 60
    at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source)
    at hawox.uquest.UQuestBlockListener.blockCheckQuest(
    at hawox.uquest.UQuestBlockListener.onBlockDamage(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.callBlockDamageEvent(
    at net.minecraft.server.ItemInWorldManager.dig(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet14BlockDig.a(SourceFile:42)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:100)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    13:34:45 [SEVERE] Could not pass event BLOCK_BREAK to uQuest
    java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 64, Size: 60
    at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source)
    at hawox.uquest.UQuestBlockListener.blockCheckQuest(
    at hawox.uquest.UQuestBlockListener.onBlockBreak(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
    at net.minecraft.server.ItemInWorldManager.d(
    at net.minecraft.server.ItemInWorldManager.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet14BlockDig.a(SourceFile:42)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:100)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(

    The errors come in bursts and then go away. Not sure whats going on.

    Also I am not 100% sure but it has been reported to me by the people who play on the server that the top listing is not entirely right.
  28. Offline



    2011-04-26 18:28:50 [SEVERE] Could not pass event ENTITY_DAMAGE to uQuest
            at hawox.uquest.UQuestEntityListener.onEntityDamage(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
            at net.minecraft.server.EntityHuman.d(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet7UseEntity.a(SourceFile:33)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:100)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
  29. Offline


    thank you :)
  30. Offline


    Have you tried the new unofficial build from earlier today that fixes most of the errors?
    Hawox likes this.
  31. Offline


    I have the latest recommended build and I still get this exception quite often.
    It seems to be when players hit each other. Look at the onEntityDamage method.
    if(event.getEntity() instanceof Creature)
        creature = (Creature)event.getEntity();
    if(event.getEntity() instanceof Player)
        damagedPlayer = (Player)event.getEntity();
    if( (player != null) && ( (creature != null) || (damagedPlayer != null) ) ) {
                try {
                    int id = creature.getEntityId();
                    String pName = player.getName();
                }catch(NullPointerException npe){
    The call to "creature.getEntityId()" will throw the exception if the entity damaged
    was not a creature -- as is the case when players hit each other.

    Looks like a try/catch was added since the last time I looked at the code. ;)
    Hawox likes this.

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