[FUN] DnDCraft v1.4 - The Essential d20 Plugin [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Kevin Forte, Apr 16, 2011.

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    Kevin Forte

    DnD Craft: The One and Only D&D Plugin
    ~Version: 1.4~
    Download: [JAR]

    During the time I have spent amongst the Bukkit community, I have encountered people of all ages from all across the world. Based on that knowledge, I made the assumption that Someone (other than myself) must play Dungeons and Dragons (even if they are too afraid to admit it). Therefore, I have began working on this plugin, that will (hopefully) make your life slightly easier and less paper-based through the use of Minecraft.

    • Rolling a simple d20.
    • Rolling a d2-d100.
    • Rolling a d2-d100 and adding a modifier.
    • Rolling multiple dice at once.
    • Each user can define skills and their modifiers for said skill.
    • Rolling for a skill rolls a d20 and adds the predefined skill modifier.
    • If a skill has a difficulty class set by the DM, rolling for it will tell you whether you passed or failed the check.
    • Tells you when you've rolled Natural 20s or Critical Fumbles.
    • Broadcasts rolls over the server, so no fudging rolls.
    • A permission-node-based /rollhide command, for secretive DMs that don't want players seeing their rolls.
    • A permission-node-based /skilldc command, for DMs to set the difficulty class of a skill roll right before it happens allowing for instantaneous pass/fail results.
    • EXP and Health management
    [] = Necessary Argument
    {} = Optional Argument
    ** = Requires Permissions

    • /roll {#2-100} {any number (first argument is necessary if using this argument)}
    This command is the basic roll. If there are no arguments, it rolls a d20 by default. The number 2-100 will change the die (i.e. '/roll 6' rolls a 6-sided die). The second number will add a modifier (i.e. '/roll 6 1' will roll a 6-sided die and add 1 to the result).
    • */rollhide* (All the same as /roll)
    This command is the same as '/roll', except only the user that issued the command will see the results as opposed to the results being broadcasted over the server. This command requires a permission.
    • /rollmult [amountofdice] {typeofdice} {modifier}
    This command is used when rolling multiple dice at the same time. The first argument is the amount of dice to roll. When only this argument is used, the type of dice defaults to 20 and it does Not add the results, instead listing them as if you had used /roll multiple times. Adding the type of dice defines the dice that is being rolled the number of times defined by amountofdice. Adding this argument results in the numbers being summed up to get a total. Lastly, you can add a modifier to the entire roll (Useful for damage rolls, such as 2d6+3).
    • /skill [skill name (Not case sensitive)] {any number}
    This command sets the values of the modifiers of your skills. For example, '/skill spot 4' will set the value of the modifier for the Spot skill to 4. Leaving off the second number will default a skill back to 0.
    • /rollskill [skill name]
    This command will roll a d20 and add the modifier for the skill you defined with '/skill'. Again, the skill name is not case sensitive.
    • */skilldc [skill name] [difficulty class]*
    This command allows DMs to set the difficulty class on any skill. If you want to turn off the difficulty class for a skill, simply leave off the difficulty class argument.
    • /health [amount] *{player name}* ~ */exp [amount] [player name]*
    The health and exp commands allow DMs (or players, in the case of /health) to modify health and exp values of players. For instance, if a player has 10 health, "/health 5 (name)" will set their health to 15. "/health -5 (name)" will set their health to 5. The same goes for exp. Players can modify their own health, but DMs must modify their EXP values.
    • /healthset [amount] *{player name}* ~ */expset [amount] [player name]*
    /heathset and /expset are similar to /health and /exp, but will set (as opposed to modifying) health and experience respectively.
    • /healthcheck *{player name}* ~ /expcheck *{player name}*
    Simply returns the value of a player's experience or health. DMs can check the values of other players as well.

    Show Spoiler

    *Please bear with me with me on these, I'm brand new at Java and plugin developing, so this is more a list of my ideas or the ideas of others than an actual list of what I am currently capable of. xP
    • Rolling multiple dice at once.
    • Possibly the ability to add your previous roll (/rolladd)
    • Implement setting base attack bonuses. (/skill bab)
    • Rolling for attack with certain items in your hands adds the bonuses for different weapons automatically.
    • A command log, so DMs can make sure the roll commands are actually being rolled and someone isn't just taking (too much) time to format their own messages to look like the command.
    • Setting a block as a "trap block", so if a player isn't careful they can set off traps. Notification that a trap was set off would be sent to the DM only.
    • Allowing a DM to type /rollfor [skillname] {playername} to automatically roll a skill for the player. If playername isn't defined, it will roll the skill for all players. (Useful for initiative checks or reflex saves)
    • /skill list {playername} will display all of your currently set skills or the skills of the defined player (if you have the proper permissions).
    • /skill del [skillname] to get rid of skills from your skill list (Would take care of skills created via typo or something).
    • Health monitoring
    • Skill DC setting (thanks to Phealoon!).
    • I don't know, you tell me! (This is my first plugin, so I'm sorry if I can't make it hardcore enough)

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    The node for basic use (Everyone must have this node, even the DM):
    The node for DM specific functions:

    Show Spoiler

    • Updated permissions and added a universal node for plugin use.
    • Added Health and EXP management.
    • Added the ability for DMs to set the DC (Difficulty Class) of skills, and a [PASS]/[FAIL] result on /rollskill if a DC for that skill exists.
    • Added ability to roll multiple dice at once.
    • Released the plugin, duh.

    Special Thanks To:
    retsrif - For getting me started with the plugins in the first place.
    rcjrrjcr - For dealing with my slow noob syndrome for a couple of hours over IRC to walk me through the skill database setup.
    Quite a few other people, basically most of the #bukkitdev room. If I didn't mention your name, thanks to you too!
    svict4 likes this.
  2. Offline


    Generalize the roll command to use arguments such as:
    /roll -> rolls the default d20 (make default settable in a config please?)

    /roll 6 -> rolls a single d6
    /roll d6 -> also rolls a single d6
    /roll 1d6 -> once more, also rolls a single d6

    /roll d20 3 -> rolls a d20 then adds 3 to the final result

    /roll 2d6 -> rolls 2 d6, shows only the result
    /ROLL 3d4 -> rolls 3 d4, shows each individual roll and then their total

    /roll 3d10 -2 -> rolls 3 d10 then takes away 2 from the final result
    /ROLL 2d8 4 -> rolls 2 d8, shows each individual roll, total without modifier, then with modifier.

    Also requesting the source for this, I'd love to be able to toy around with the inner workings.
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    Kevin Forte

    Actually that is all pretty much how it works as it is, minus some of the d's. /roll does give you a d20, /roll 6 does roll your d6, /roll 20 3 will roll a d20 and add 3. I had to use a separate command for multiple dice though, as this was my first plugin, hence /rollmult. The capital commands is an interesting idea. If I knew how to function GitHub, I would give you the source, but I don't know how )x
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    You could throw the source up on some file hosting site and give us a link, for now?
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    Kevin Forte

    That'd be fine too :) PM me, and I'll give you a link soon.
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    2 Questions.

    1). Will there be any plans on having a config file where admins can name and define each skill they want for their server?

    2). A flat file or database that stores each players skills. That way when a player wants to use the skill of Intimidation, for example, he would roll against the other players Courage skill. (The other players skill becomes the difficulty modifier)

    Like most Table Top RPG's, not all rolls are decided by the DM, most are done by stats on the character sheet.

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    Kevin Forte

    For number 1: Probably not, but 2 is a great idea. I haven't worked a lot on this lately as I've been trying to make a PvP colosseum (team fights) plugin, but I'll get around to adding that. Thanks :)
  8. Offline


    Wow, I didn' t know we could play DND in Minecraft! Well, almost, as I don' t think that we could put special attacks and daily powers etc. but this plugin will be loved from minecraft AND DnD fans out there.
  9. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    Thanks :p I sure hope so.
  10. Offline


    This plugin is already loved by us D&D fans,... we are just camping outside the store waiting for that d20 system book to come out again. I check the updates of this plugin all the time, just waiting for the Kevin to get the features I have been hoping to have. Hey Kev, I'll hunt and kill the Tarrasque, for you if you can get the skills difficulty database option I was asking before about.

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    Kevin Forte

    Right after I finish my arena plugin, I'll do that for you :)
  12. Offline


    Tarasque? That gargantuan abomination needs a party of 5 29-th level characters to be taken down :mad:

    You could develop a framework mod which could allow us to pick classes, spells, skills, feats, and customise our character to play in a Square-Made DnD world!
    Also, monsters, like the beloved Blood Lord Orcus, and weapons like the flail. Of course, a plugin to make it compatible with bukkit, and you will get a 10$ reward from every DnD fan in the forums :)

    Wait, do you mean that we can have DnD skills? Well, I guess not all of them can work here (like intimidate) but some of them like Gathering might apply.
    After you' re done with that, go make an Eberron Server :D

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  13. Offline


    this seems like an awesome plugin, is there any chance this is getting worked on for the latest bukkit builds or are you busy IRL? I would love to see this updated :)
  14. Offline


    Do you think you could make it so that with /rollmult, we can see the individual dice being rolled? As in:

    You rolled 2+5 = 7 , instead of just saying that you rolled 7?

    Other than that, this mod is amazing!
  15. Offline

    Codex Arcanum

    Would it be possible to add some sort of movement tracking thing? So, you could set a speed for each player in blocks, then when the DM says a fight starts (/startcombat or something), then it starts tracking player movement. When a player moves it lays down a trail (glowstone?) where they walked, then freezes them after they've moved their allotted number of squares. Then they can move again after a new round is started (startround?)

    I know this is kind of a crazy request, but I thought I might as well ask :).
  16. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    It seems like a really awesome idea, but I honestly have NO idea how I could even begin to make that work xP
  17. Offline


    alot of it makes alot of sense, especially since from what i remembered about D&D of my youth , there was currencies and cities and such. Also there are tons of plugins for npc's which could make it a bit easier for feeling... in the right place and time. but obviously this would all take planning.
  18. Offline


    At first i thought this was an actual 3E DnD battle system, then i realized it's just the roll command... T^T

    would be so awesome if you can somehow hook this in minecraft events


    %player% swings with a WOOD_SWORD
    %player% rolled a 19 [Critical Hit]
    %player% hits CREEPER for 5 damage.

    of course its configurable to show the combat log :)
    I need to learn java so i can make this T^T
  19. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    It would take a lot of planning, yeah. I hoped some would find it useful though, I used it briefly myself.

    That wouldn't be that hard, it's just a matter of finding the time really.
  20. Offline


    Kevin Forte will DnDCraft be updated to Bukkit's 1.2 build anytime soon?

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