[FUN] Citizens v2.0.11 - Human NPCs for Bukkit [1.7.2]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Citizens, Mar 5, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Citizens - Human NPCs for Bukkit
    Version: 2.0.11
    Authors: @fullwall and @aPunch
    Source: Citizens on GitHub

    Citizens is now on BukkitDev

    This thread will no longer be updated. We encourage you to use our page on BukkitDev. You can find information, links to our wiki and website, and the download page there.

    Showing Your Support

    We work hard to maintain Citizens. We've been working on Citizens2 around the clock on new and exciting features. A little motivation never hurts, so feel free to donate to us - fullwall and aPunch.

    If you can't donate, we appreciate a "hello" every now and then. Stop by the IRC channel #citizens on irc.esper.net to discuss Citizens and give thanks!
  2. This looks like an amazing plugin to add to my server! However it doesn't work properly for me.
    The Console error is below. If there is any quick soloution to this that you could direct me through I would be greatfull.

    Craftbukkit version git-bukkit-1.2.5-R1.0-2-ga7fcd2a-b2151jnks
    My minecraft version is 1.2.5
  3. Offline


    Is someone else got that NPC disappear after some time? I got this issue too. They just disappear, but if talkclose is set up, they still talk, but you cant see them. So i figured out for my server what cause that. That was plugin called MineBackup. Every time when it saving and backup world, the NPC disappear. So i disabled it and now my NPC stay in theyr place.
    Hope someone this will help to solve the that problem.
  4. Offline


    Exesto - are you sure that the issue is resolved?
    Bawat - could you put it on pastebin please?
  5. Offline


    I dont know is it solved or not. Or where i can see it. But i can say that when i remove this plugin, the NPC stayed.
    When i changed the save time, then NPC stay until saving is started. When i put save time every 5 min, the NPC disapear after 5 min when saving is started. When i put saving on 50 min, then NPC stayed 50 min untill saving started.
    One thing that i forgot to mention, that these problems occurs mostly on Citizen Questers. They just disappera, but if talkclose is active, they still talk when you go to that spot.
  6. Offline


    Can you make that with a quester when you complete a quest it give the player some premision (example: to enter some area with world guard or some other plugin).
  7. Offline


    I have an error with Citizens and Craftbukkit RB 1.2.5-R1.0

    I suppose its a quest "move location"

    The error :

    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:449)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:551)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(NetworkListenThread.java:78)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:113)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:229)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.handle(Packet3Chat.java:34)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:764)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.chat(NetServerHandler.java:781)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(NetServerHandler.java:821)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:473)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:166)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:40)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at net.citizensnpcs.Citizens.onCommand(Citizens.java:208)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at net.citizensnpcs.resources.sk89q.CommandsManager.execute(CommandsManager.java:392)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at net.citizensnpcs.resources.sk89q.CommandsManager.executeMethod(CommandsManager.java:500)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:616)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at net.citizensnpcs.questers.QuesterCommands.viewCurrentQuestStatus(QuesterCommands.java:321)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at net.citizensnpcs.questers.quests.types.LocationQuest.getStatus(LocationQuest.java:75)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE    at net.citizensnpcs.utils.StringUtils.format(StringUtils.java:251)
    12.04 16:09:13 [Server] SEVERE java.lang.NullPointerException
    The quest (from this forum):

            description: We need an experienced man to check out the crater!
            completion: <g>What did you say? THAT huge?
            acceptance: <g>Good <y>luck!<g>.
                    type: move location
                        x: 1
                        y: 65
                        z: 5
                        world: 'world2012'
                    amount: 60
                    text: You have found the crater.
                type: money
                money: 50
                type: command
                command: xp <player> 50
                server: true 
  8. Offline


    So I logged in to say HI! I love you and I love guards/waypoints. It really adds some life to my spawn city.
    The guards get stuck sometimes, but everything else is working great.

    How do I change guard speed? - players run circles around them and kill them
    How do I make a guard throw slow potions - tried to use this as a work around
    Can you set guards to automatically /guard flag -p: <player> if a player kills a guard? (and mabye reset that on a 10 min timer?)
    Do guards use bows more effectively in the citizens 2?
    Enchanted items don't seem to take affect when equiped.
  9. what is vault??
    i cannot find it anywhere.
    but, if you mean economy: i have iconomy
    sorry for my n00bness :3
  10. Offline


    mid_kid no, google this phrase. "vault bukkit", you will find it.
  11. I love this plugin but just for those non belivers can we see some pictures?
    I have a problem, i run craftbukkit 1.2.5-R1.0 and citizens 1.2 but when i start my server i get this error:

    19:51:08 [INFO] [Citizens] Enabling Citizens v1.2
    19:51:09 [INFO] [Citizens] NPC types loaded: blacksmith, guard, healer, quester,
    trader, wizard
    19:51:09 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling Citizens v1.2 (Is it up to date?
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/milkbowl/vault/economy/Economy
            at net.citizensnpcs.Economy.init(Economy.java:21)
            at net.citizensnpcs.Citizens.onEnable(Citizens.java:122)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:215)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManage
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:250)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:232
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.t(MinecraftServer.java:371)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:358)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:187)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:422)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492)
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy
            at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
            at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
            at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
            ... 12 more
    What do i do? :( Please help.
  12. Offline


    I was thinking, Why not make it so NPC's can lay down on beds, and or sit on chairs?
  13. Offline


  14. Offline


    How long will it take to Citizens 2 is completed? (Sorry for the bad english, google translatator)
  15. fullwall could you send me the link to this "bastebin"?
  16. Offline


    im having trouble using my guard npc he wont kill anything i assign it to kill can someone help me soon
  17. Offline


    Zakui try this: click him to select him --> then /guard addflag -a
    -a makes it so he attacks all, and make sure to /guard aggro
  18. Offline


    What is all this?
    MineC - 1.2.5
    Bukkit - 1.2.5
    Citizens - 1.2
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO [Citizens] Loaded 2 NPCs.
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftPlayer{name=Bob}
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftPlayer{name=Jeff}
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftPlayer{name=Bob}
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftPlayer{name=Jeff}
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
    14.04 10:07:25 [Server] INFO Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftItem
  19. o...ok darn.
  20. Offline


  21. Offline


    I tried to make a NPC a trader but members couldn't use them?
    I can stock them and set prices but can't buy anything.
  22. What is wrong with my quests?
    Finding *ores* isnt working at all.
    I made quests to break certain amount of ORES, when quest is accepted and u break the ore asked -> ore amount in quest wont go up and u cant finish it :E

    "Ghast Slaying":
            description: "<Theo> The best way to take care of those Ghasts is to slay
                <br>them with a bow. Would you be willing to help our small Faction?
                <br>&6Quest: <g>The Ghast Slayer, Part 1
                <br>&6Objective: Destroy 6 Ghasts."
            acceptance: "<Theo> Great! You are truly a friend! Our small 
                <br>Faction has a lot to offer, so stick around. 
                <delay=60><Theo> HAHAHA... get it? <g>STICK&f around? HAH HAH HAH!
                <delay=80>&6Quest: <g>The Ghast Slayer, Part 1 &6started!
                <delay=40><g>Remember, you can use &6/quest status <g>to check your progress."
            completion: "<Theo> Wow! You've taken care of the Ghasts already?
                <br>We really appreciate the help!
                <br>&6Quest: You have recieved 100 Soins for your effort. Sweet!
                <br><Theo> Don't bounce outta here too soon.
                <delay=40><Theo> HAHA.. get it? <g>BOUNCE&f? Oh.. HAH HAH!"
        repeats: -1
                    type: hunt
                    string: 'ghast'
                    amount: 6
                    message: "&6Quest: A dozen ghasts down. That wasn't so hard. 
                        <delay=120>&fPerhaps you should see if <g>Theo &frequires any additional help?"
                    type: delivery
                    materialid: 370
                    amount: 4
                    npcdestination: 5
                    optional: True
                    message: "&6Quest: Ghast tears delivered.
                        <delay=50><Theo> Oh, what's this? 
                        <delay=20><Theo> OH! Ghast tears, Yes! You can keep what you find, but I 
                        <br>appreciate the gesture! Take this -- perhaps it will help you
                        <br>become a more efficient ghast slayer! 
                        <br><Theo>What have you got to l-ooze?
                        <delay=40><Theo> HAHA. Get it? L-<g>OOOOZE&f? HAHAHA 
                        <delay=20>&6Quest: You have received a bow and some arrows! Nice!"
                             type: item
                             id: 261  # Bow
                             amount: 1
                             type: item
                             id: 262  # Arrows
                             amount: 64
                type: money
                money: 100
    "Ghasts Slaying":
            description: "<Thaus> The best way to take care of those Ghasts is to slay
                <br>them with a bow. Would you be willing to help our small Faction?
                <br>&6Quest: <g>The Ghast Slayer, Part 1
                <br>&6Objective: Destroy 6 Ghasts."
            acceptance: "<Thaus> Great! You are truly a friend! Our small 
                <br>Faction has a lot to offer, so stick around. 
                <delay=60><Thaus> HAHAHA... get it? <g>STICK&f around? HAH HAH HAH!
                <delay=80>&6Quest: <g>The Ghast Slayer, Part 1 &6started!
                <delay=40><g>Remember, you can use &6/quest status <g>to check your progress."
            completion: "<Thaus> Wow! You've taken care of the Ghasts already?
                <br>We really appreciate the help!
                <br>&6Quest: You have recieved 100 Soins for your effort. Sweet!
                <br><Thaus> Don't bounce outta here too soon.
                <delay=40><Thaus> HAHA.. get it? <g>BOUNCE&f? Oh.. HAH HAH!"
        repeats: -1
                    type: hunt
                    string: 'ghast'
                    amount: 6
                    message: "&6Quest: A dozen ghasts down. That wasn't so hard. 
                        <delay=120>&fPerhaps you should see if <g>Thaus &frequires any additional help?"
                    type: delivery
                    materialid: 370
                    amount: 4
                    npcdestination: 4
                    optional: True
                    message: "&6Quest: Ghast tears delivered.
                        <delay=50><Thaus> Oh, what's this? 
                        <delay=20><Thaus> OH! Ghast tears, Yes! You can keep what you find, but I 
                        <br>appreciate the gesture! Take this -- perhaps it will help you
                        <br>become a more efficient ghast slayer! 
                        <br><Thaus>What have you got to l-ooze?
                        <delay=40><Thaus> HAHA. Get it? L-<g>OOOOZE&f? HAHAHA 
                        <delay=20>&6Quest: You have received a bow and some arrows! Nice!"
                             type: item
                             id: 261  # Bow
                             amount: 1
                             type: item
                             id: 262  # Arrows
                             amount: 64
                type: money
                money: 100
            description: Here is a list of thing's I need. If you take it to Jed he will give them to you and I will pay you a fair price if you bring them to me.
            completion: Darren gives you a Melon seed.
            acceptance: <g>Sure, not a problem. <y>Jed lives in the Knights faction house.
        repeats: -1
                    type: move location
                        x: 245
                        y: 69
                        z: 263
                        world: semicraft  
                    amount: 5
                    message: <y> Darren hands you the list. It asks for. <g> 1 Ender Pearl, 1 Book, 4 Bread.
                            type: item
                            id: 339
                            amount: 1
                            take: false
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 7
                    materialid: 339
                    amount: 0
                    message: <y>You, <g>Hello Jed, here's the Darrens shopping list. <y> Jed takes the list, looks it over, then hands it back. Jed, <g>Sadly I don't have the stuff to make the Darrens bread. If you get me 12 wheat I can do it.
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 7
                    materialid: 296
                    amount: 12
                    message: <y>You, <g>Here is the wheat you need. <y> Jed, <g>Come back in a few and I will have the bread done.
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 7
                    materialid: 339
                    amount: 1
                    message: <y>Jed, <g>Okay, here you go. Everything he ordered.
                            type: item
                            id: 368
                            amount: 1
                            take: false
                            type: item
                            id: 340
                            amount: 1
                            take: false
                            type: item
                            id: 297
                            amount: 4
                            take: false
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 6
                    materialid: 368
                    amount: 1
                    message: <y>You give Darren the Ender Pearl.
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 6
                    materialid: 340
                    amount: 1
                    message: <y>You give Darren the Book.
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 6
                    materialid: 297
                    amount: 4
                    message: <y>You give Darren the 4 bread.
                type: item
                id: 362
                amount: 1
                take: false
            description: Po gives you a list of things i need to be done and delivered. If you go to Po he will give you a list. I will pay you a fair price if you complete the quest.
            completion: Sponge gives you a Melon seed.
            acceptance: <g>Sure, not a problem. <y>Po lives next to the Vikings faction house.
        repeats: -1
                    type: move location
                        x: -127
                        y: 75
                        z: 614
                        world: semicraft  
                    amount: 5
                    message: <y> The list says <g> 1 Ender Pearl, 1 Book, 4 Bread.
                            type: item
                            id: 339
                            amount: 1
                            take: false
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 9
                    materialid: 339
                    amount: 0
                    message: <y>You, <g>Hello Po, You have a list to look at?. <y> Po gives the list, You look it over. Po, <g>Sadly I don't have the stuff to make the Sponges bread. If you get me 12 wheat I can do it.
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 9
                    materialid: 296
                    amount: 12
                    message: <y>You, <g>Here is the wheat you need. <y> Po, <g>Come back in a few and I will have the bread done.
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 9
                    materialid: 339
                    amount: 1
                    message: <y>Po, <g>Okay, here you go. Everything he ordered.
                            type: item
                            id: 368
                            amount: 1
                            take: false
                            type: item
                            id: 340
                            amount: 1
                            take: false
                            type: item
                            id: 297
                            amount: 4
                            take: false
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 8
                    materialid: 368
                    amount: 1
                    message: <y>You give Sponge the Ender Pearl.
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 8
                    materialid: 340
                    amount: 1
                    message: <y>You give Sponge the Book.
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 8
                    materialid: 297
                    amount: 4
                    message: <y>You give Sponge the 4 bread.
                type: item
                id: 362
                amount: 1
                take: false
    "Enemy Faction":
            description: "Enemy faction is increasing in population fast, we need you to kill enemy faction player!"
            completion: "<g>Nice work mate! You did hell of a job there! It was a mess for them to clean up."
            acceptance: "<y>Yeh no proplems, I will slay the enemies! <g>Thank you for accepting quest which no one else would."
        repeats: -1
                    type: player combat
                    string: '*'
                    amount: 5
                    optional: False
                    finishhere: True
                    message: "Slay an enemy factioner!"
                type: health
                amount: 20
                type: money
                money: 300
                type: item
                id: 115
                amount: 5
                take: True
    "Finding Diamonds":
            description: "<g>I need you to find me some diamonds. Can you do that?"
            completion: "<g>Good work! You brought the needed diamonds!"
            acceptance: "<y> That should be piece of cake. Ill get back to you when i'm done."
        repeats: 2
                    type: destroy block
                    materialid: 56
                    amount: 8
                    optional: False
                    finishhere: True
                    message: "You have found the needed diamonds"
                type: item
                id: 52
                amount: 1
                take: True
    "Finding Gold":
            description: "I need you to find me some Gold ores."
            completion: "<g> Good work! Youre born to be miner!"
            acceptance: "<y>Works for me. I get back to you when i'm done."
        repeats: -1
                    type: destroy block
                    materialid: 14
                    amount: 16
                    optional: False
                    finishhere: True
                    message: "You have found the needed gold"
                type: money
                money: 100
                type: item
                id: 42
                amount: 1
                take: True
                type: quest
                quest: "Finding Lapiz"
    "Finding Lapiz":
            description: "Find some Lapiz Lazulis for me would you?"
            completion: "Good job! You have finished the quest and earned your reward!"
            acceptance: "<y>I can do that, finding lapiz all the time."
        repeats: -1
                    type: destroy block
                    materialid: 21
                    amount: 32
                    optional: False
                    finishhere: True
                    message: "You have found the needed lapiz"
                type: item
                id: 7
                amount: 8
                take: True
  23. fullwall, aPunch: Thanks for the plugin. Been using it to make traders mostly, works a charm. Can't wait for citizens2 traders ;) Keep it up !
  24. Offline


    Hello everybody,

    I have a bukkit server 1.2.5 and Citizens 1.2 but i have some probleme with the plugin.
    1 - The npc doesn't look at player at all (just look at me when I right click on it)
    2 - The npc doesn't talkclose, I don't know why, when I add a text to say, nothing happen..
    3- The npc doesn't want to move after put the waypoints :(
    4- The npc doesn't want to follow me when I put it on bodyguard, same with aggro and guard cmd.. nothing happen.

    its like a dumb npc ^^, it doesn't do anything, just stay and don't move.

    Somebody have the answer for me please ? :)))

    NB : I have the type folder in /plugin/Citizens/
  25. Offline


    i cant toggle my npc ! if i want to make a guard and the rest it says invalid NPC type
  26. Offline


    How can I reduce the range of /npc talkclose ?
  27. Offline


    how do i get this plugin please help me i got my own server and i want this plugin and can u tell me how to use it ??
  28. Offline


    fetching addpacket on reload :
    (with only 4 npc!!)
    WTF ?
  29. Offline


    Im sorry but xD

  30. Code:
    What is wrong with my quests?
    Finding *ores* isnt working at all.
    I made quests to break certain amount of ORES, when quest is accepted and u break the ore asked -> ore amount in quest wont go up and u cant finish it :E
    "Ghast Slaying":
            description: "<Theo> The best way to take care of those Ghasts is to slay
                <br>them with a bow. Would you be willing to help our small Faction?
                <br>&6Quest: <g>The Ghast Slayer, Part 1
                <br>&6Objective: Destroy 6 Ghasts."
            acceptance: "<Theo> Great! You are truly a friend! Our small
                <br>Faction has a lot to offer, so stick around.
                <delay=60><Theo> HAHAHA... get it? <g>STICK&f around? HAH HAH HAH!
                <delay=80>&6Quest: <g>The Ghast Slayer, Part 1 &6started!
                <delay=40><g>Remember, you can use &6/quest status <g>to check your progress."
            completion: "<Theo> Wow! You've taken care of the Ghasts already?
                <br>We really appreciate the help!
                <br>&6Quest: You have recieved 100 Soins for your effort. Sweet!
                <br><Theo> Don't bounce outta here too soon.
                <delay=40><Theo> HAHA.. get it? <g>BOUNCE&f? Oh.. HAH HAH!"
        repeats: -1
                    type: hunt
                    string: 'ghast'
                    amount: 6
                    message: "&6Quest: A dozen ghasts down. That wasn't so hard.
                        <delay=120>&fPerhaps you should see if <g>Theo &frequires any additional help?"
                    type: delivery
                    materialid: 370
                    amount: 4
                    npcdestination: 5
                    optional: True
                    message: "&6Quest: Ghast tears delivered.
                        <delay=50><Theo> Oh, what's this?
                        <delay=20><Theo> OH! Ghast tears, Yes! You can keep what you find, but I
                        <br>appreciate the gesture! Take this -- perhaps it will help you
                        <br>become a more efficient ghast slayer!
                        <br><Theo>What have you got to l-ooze?
                        <delay=40><Theo> HAHA. Get it? L-<g>OOOOZE&f? HAHAHA
                        <delay=20>&6Quest: You have received a bow and some arrows! Nice!"
                            type: item
                            id: 261  # Bow
                            amount: 1
                            type: item
                            id: 262  # Arrows
                            amount: 64
                type: money
                money: 100
    "Ghasts Slaying":
            description: "<Thaus> The best way to take care of those Ghasts is to slay
                <br>them with a bow. Would you be willing to help our small Faction?
                <br>&6Quest: <g>The Ghast Slayer, Part 1
                <br>&6Objective: Destroy 6 Ghasts."
            acceptance: "<Thaus> Great! You are truly a friend! Our small
                <br>Faction has a lot to offer, so stick around.
                <delay=60><Thaus> HAHAHA... get it? <g>STICK&f around? HAH HAH HAH!
                <delay=80>&6Quest: <g>The Ghast Slayer, Part 1 &6started!
                <delay=40><g>Remember, you can use &6/quest status <g>to check your progress."
            completion: "<Thaus> Wow! You've taken care of the Ghasts already?
                <br>We really appreciate the help!
                <br>&6Quest: You have recieved 100 Soins for your effort. Sweet!
                <br><Thaus> Don't bounce outta here too soon.
                <delay=40><Thaus> HAHA.. get it? <g>BOUNCE&f? Oh.. HAH HAH!"
        repeats: -1
                    type: hunt
                    string: 'ghast'
                    amount: 6
                    message: "&6Quest: A dozen ghasts down. That wasn't so hard.
                        <delay=120>&fPerhaps you should see if <g>Thaus &frequires any additional help?"
                    type: delivery
                    materialid: 370
                    amount: 4
                    npcdestination: 4
                    optional: True
                    message: "&6Quest: Ghast tears delivered.
                        <delay=50><Thaus> Oh, what's this?
                        <delay=20><Thaus> OH! Ghast tears, Yes! You can keep what you find, but I
                        <br>appreciate the gesture! Take this -- perhaps it will help you
                        <br>become a more efficient ghast slayer!
                        <br><Thaus>What have you got to l-ooze?
                        <delay=40><Thaus> HAHA. Get it? L-<g>OOOOZE&f? HAHAHA
                        <delay=20>&6Quest: You have received a bow and some arrows! Nice!"
                            type: item
                            id: 261  # Bow
                            amount: 1
                            type: item
                            id: 262  # Arrows
                            amount: 64
                type: money
                money: 100
            description: Here is a list of thing's I need. If you take it to Jed he will give them to you and I will pay you a fair price if you bring them to me.
            completion: Darren gives you a Melon seed.
            acceptance: <g>Sure, not a problem. <y>Jed lives in the Knights faction house.
        repeats: -1
                    type: move location
                        x: 245
                        y: 69
                        z: 263
                        world: semicraft 
                    amount: 5
                    message: <y> Darren hands you the list. It asks for. <g> 1 Ender Pearl, 1 Book, 4 Bread.
                            type: item
                            id: 339
                            amount: 1
                            take: false
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 7
                    materialid: 339
                    amount: 0
                    message: <y>You, <g>Hello Jed, here's the Darrens shopping list. <y> Jed takes the list, looks it over, then hands it back. Jed, <g>Sadly I don't have the stuff to make the Darrens bread. If you get me 12 wheat I can do it.
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 7
                    materialid: 296
                    amount: 12
                    message: <y>You, <g>Here is the wheat you need. <y> Jed, <g>Come back in a few and I will have the bread done.
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 7
                    materialid: 339
                    amount: 1
                    message: <y>Jed, <g>Okay, here you go. Everything he ordered.
                            type: item
                            id: 368
                            amount: 1
                            take: false
                            type: item
                            id: 340
                            amount: 1
                            take: false
                            type: item
                            id: 297
                            amount: 4
                            take: false
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 6
                    materialid: 368
                    amount: 1
                    message: <y>You give Darren the Ender Pearl.
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 6
                    materialid: 340
                    amount: 1
                    message: <y>You give Darren the Book.
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 6
                    materialid: 297
                    amount: 4
                    message: <y>You give Darren the 4 bread.
                type: item
                id: 362
                amount: 1
                take: false
            description: Po gives you a list of things i need to be done and delivered. If you go to Po he will give you a list. I will pay you a fair price if you complete the quest.
            completion: Sponge gives you a Melon seed.
            acceptance: <g>Sure, not a problem. <y>Po lives next to the Vikings faction house.
        repeats: -1
                    type: move location
                        x: -127
                        y: 75
                        z: 614
                        world: semicraft 
                    amount: 5
                    message: <y> The list says <g> 1 Ender Pearl, 1 Book, 4 Bread.
                            type: item
                            id: 339
                            amount: 1
                            take: false
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 9
                    materialid: 339
                    amount: 0
                    message: <y>You, <g>Hello Po, You have a list to look at?. <y> Po gives the list, You look it over. Po, <g>Sadly I don't have the stuff to make the Sponges bread. If you get me 12 wheat I can do it.
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 9
                    materialid: 296
                    amount: 12
                    message: <y>You, <g>Here is the wheat you need. <y> Po, <g>Come back in a few and I will have the bread done.
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 9
                    materialid: 339
                    amount: 1
                    message: <y>Po, <g>Okay, here you go. Everything he ordered.
                            type: item
                            id: 368
                            amount: 1
                            take: false
                            type: item
                            id: 340
                            amount: 1
                            take: false
                            type: item
                            id: 297
                            amount: 4
                            take: false
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 8
                    materialid: 368
                    amount: 1
                    message: <y>You give Sponge the Ender Pearl.
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 8
                    materialid: 340
                    amount: 1
                    message: <y>You give Sponge the Book.
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 8
                    materialid: 297
                    amount: 4
                    message: <y>You give Sponge the 4 bread.
                type: item
                id: 362
                amount: 1
                take: false
    "Enemy Faction":
            description: "Enemy faction is increasing in population fast, we need you to kill enemy faction player!"
            completion: "<g>Nice work mate! You did hell of a job there! It was a mess for them to clean up."
            acceptance: "<y>Yeh no proplems, I will slay the enemies! <g>Thank you for accepting quest which no one else would."
        repeats: -1
                    type: player combat
                    string: '*'
                    amount: 5
                    optional: False
                    finishhere: True
                    message: "Slay an enemy factioner!"
                type: health
                amount: 20
                type: money
                money: 300
                type: item
                id: 115
                amount: 5
                take: True
    "Finding Diamonds":
            description: "<g>I need you to find me some diamonds. Can you do that?"
            completion: "<g>Good work! You brought the needed diamonds!"
            acceptance: "<y> That should be piece of cake. Ill get back to you when i'm done."
        repeats: 2
                    type: destroy block
                    materialid: 56
                    amount: 8
                    optional: False
                    finishhere: True
                    message: "You have found the needed diamonds"
                type: item
                id: 52
                amount: 1
                take: True
    "Finding Gold":
            description: "I need you to find me some Gold ores."
            completion: "<g> Good work! Youre born to be miner!"
            acceptance: "<y>Works for me. I get back to you when i'm done."
        repeats: -1
                    type: destroy block
                    materialid: 14
                    amount: 16
                    optional: False
                    finishhere: True
                    message: "You have found the needed gold"
                type: money
                money: 100
                type: item
                id: 42
                amount: 1
                take: True
                type: quest
                quest: "Finding Lapiz"
    "Finding Lapiz":
            description: "Find some Lapiz Lazulis for me would you?"
            completion: "Good job! You have finished the quest and earned your reward!"
            acceptance: "<y>I can do that, finding lapiz all the time."
        repeats: -1
                    type: destroy block
                    materialid: 21
                    amount: 32
                    optional: False
                    finishhere: True
                    message: "You have found the needed lapiz"
                type: item
                id: 7
                amount: 8
                take: True

    Still waiting
  31. Offline


    Why it makes you laugh?

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