[FUN] Citizens v2.0.11 - Human NPCs for Bukkit [1.7.2]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Citizens, Mar 5, 2011.

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    Citizens - Human NPCs for Bukkit
    Version: 2.0.11
    Authors: @fullwall and @aPunch
    Source: Citizens on GitHub

    Citizens is now on BukkitDev

    This thread will no longer be updated. We encourage you to use our page on BukkitDev. You can find information, links to our wiki and website, and the download page there.

    Showing Your Support

    We work hard to maintain Citizens. We've been working on Citizens2 around the clock on new and exciting features. A little motivation never hurts, so feel free to donate to us - fullwall and aPunch.

    If you can't donate, we appreciate a "hello" every now and then. Stop by the IRC channel #citizens on irc.esper.net to discuss Citizens and give thanks!
  2. Offline


    Sorry for my bad english ^^
            spawn: true
            max: 5
            chance: 100
            tame-item: 354
            drops: 260,357,2256,
            failed-tame-messages: Ha! You can't tame me!;Nice try, <name>!;Muahahaha, I am evil!;
            names: Evil_aPunch,Evil_fullwall,Evil_Notch,Herobrine,
            tame-chance: 0
            delay: 200
    1. Set spawn true
    2. How manywant you? max = (amount)
    3. chance: 100 (100 = 100%)
    4. tame-chance: 0 (ehm.. cunfused to 0%) He attack you always
    4. tame-chance: 100 (ehm.. cunfused to 100%) He attack you never
    5. delay: 200 (Respawntime)

    Can you help me pls :p
            default: true
            - modifyworld.chat
            prefix: '&7Besucher'
            suffix: ''
                rank: '1000'
            - Besucher
            - modifyworld.*
            - iConomy.holdings
            - iConomy.holdings.others
            - iConomy.payment
            - iConomy.help
            - citizens.basic.use.*
            - citizens.npccount.unlimited <----------------------------------------------------------------------
            - citizens.basic.create
            - citizens.basic.modify.move
            - citizens.basic.modify.talkclose
            - citizens.basic.modify.lookat
            - citizens.basic.modify.moveto
            - citizens.basic.modify.remove
            - citizens.basic.modify.rename
            - citizens.basic.modify.color
            - citizens.basic.modify.settext
            - citizens.basic.modify.addtext
            - citizens.basic.modify.resettext
            - citizens.basic.modify.equip
            - citizens.waypoints.edit
            - citizens.waypoints.modifer
            - citizens.toggle.help
            - citizens.toggle.all
            - citizens.blacksmith.use.*
            - citizens.healer.use.*
            - citizens.trader.use.*
            - citizens.wizard.use.*
            prefix: '&9Bewohner'
            suffix: ''
                rank: '750'
            - Bewohner
            - modifyworld.*
            - -modifyworld.mobtarget.*
            - iConomy.accounts.*
            - citizens.admin.*
            - citizens.basic.modify.remove.all
            - citizens.basic.modify.setowner
            prefix: '&aSupporter'
            suffix: ''
                rank: '500'
            - Supporter
            - '*'
            - -modifyworld.mobtarget.*
            prefix: '&eGott'
            suffix: ''
                rank: '0'
            - Gott
            - Bewohner
    I cannot create with the group 'Bewohner' a npc :(
    My Admin can succesful create a npc.

    Thank you for help
  3. Offline


    Using #300

    My 2nd guard just got shot by accident and he didnt aggro his buddy, thanks for changing that! :D
  4. Offline


    How do i make my trader sell a colored wool? When we put a : after the wool to specify color ID, It says its already being sold.

    /trader sell 35:9 20
  5. Offline


    This ist not possible at the moment. ;)
    Why ignore everyone my post?

    PS: Youn can sell white wool ^^
  6. Offline


    @Setinos: What permissions plugin are you using?
    Not all permission plugins seem to work anymore, use PermissionsBukkit preferably. If i see correctly thats nót the one you are using.
  7. Offline


    Oh sorry,
    I am using PermissonEX and the newest version of citizens.
    I am trying PermissionBukkit now, thank you.

    I cannot find the plugin permissionBukkit :confused:
    Sorry ... >.<
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    For /trader, the item data goes after the other colon. It works like this, ItemId:Amount:Damage Price. So if you want to sell 1 red wool, you'd use "/trader sell 35:1:14 20"
  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    @fullwall, testing the Trader.jar you attached to dev build 300 of citizens and I was spamming my mouse while trying to buy diamond boots like crazy until they vanished from the traders inventory and I am guessing it could be exploited with some kind of client side cheat hacky mod, that does that spam thing with one click of the mouse button.
  12. Offline


    Would it be possible to spawn an NPC, toggle it into a guard and then set its type as Bodyguard in a single command?
    That would be perfect when creating soldiers for an army.
    Using Ultraitems i can create wands and add commands to it so i could use it to summon an instant soldier.
    When using citizenspout i might even be able to make sure it is probably skinned in advance.
    Just a wild idea again :)
  13. Offline


            description: When you are ready you must type /warp battle to go into battle against the spiders if you win you will be rewarded with fredom
            completion:  Great!! You have won You are no longer a prisoner you are FREE!!! hit the button on the wall to teleport to the front of the city
            acceptance: great.
        repeats: -1
                    type: delivery
                    npcdestination: 1
                    materialid: 287
                    amount: 0
                            type: rank
                            rank: builder
    i am using the quester npc in this and have seached for hours and troubleshooted for hours on a way to make a reward a rank up (builder in groupmaneger) in the quests.yml i know im supposed to make the reward type rank the under that type rank: but after rank: what do i type.... it NEVER said anywhere....now groupmaneger being the most popular and the fact it says groupmanager has been recognized by citizens has lead me to believe it is the permissions citizens is using i just dnt know how to make the reward a rank up in group maneger SOME ONE PLEASE HELP
    this is my small quest:
    description: When you are ready you must type /warp battle to go into battle against the spiders if you win you will be rewarded with fredom
    completion: Great!! You have won You are no longer a prisoner you are FREE!!! hit the button on the wall to teleport to the front of the city
    acceptance: great.
    repeats: -1
    type: delivery
    npcdestination: 1
    materialid: 287
    amount: 0
    type: rank
    rank: builder
    here is where im stuck...
  14. Offline


    Hello. I run this mod on my server and love every aspect. I was wondering three things about the questgiver npcs, however. One, for the move location type quests, are the pitch/yaw settings working properly? Two, is there a timer condition for an objective? If not, I think it'd be great if an objective could complete itself on a timer, in order to have timed messages and updates occur while you're working on the quest. Finally, when you reward commands, how are the permissions for those commands handled? From my experience, it seems as if they use the permissions of the player (who's doing the quest), if I'm wrong, please let me know!

    I'm using yaw/pitch to allow the player to have a bit of a conversation with the npc. The NPC will ask if the player is ready to go somewhere, and I want to allow the player to nod their heads yes, or shake their heads no, while standing in front of and facing the npc. But the objective will complete itself with the slightest motion completely disregarding my pitch/yaw settings. If anybody could tell me what I'm doing wrong here, I'd greatly appreciate it.

             description: "[Forester]: You look like you can fight. I can teach you in the ways of axe-fighting if you come with me to the Black Forest with ONLY an axe. <br><y> This strange forester wants you to enter the Black Forest with him. <br>&cWARNING: HE WILL TAKE ANY BOW/SWORD FROM YOU AND DESTROY IT IF ITS ON YOUR PERSON. <br><y> You will be awarded 7000 axes experience for this quest."
             completion: "[Forester]: You're a real man after all. An axe warrior. I am impressed.<br>[Forester]: Now listen close. This secret has been passed down from Jesus to other carpenters...<br><y> Quest Complete!<br><y> You feel power course through your veins as you grip your axe, earning you 7,000 axes experience points!"
             acceptance: "[Forester]: I knew you'd be up for that. <br>[Forester]: Know that if you have any type of sword or bow on you I will take it and cast the thing away. <br>[Forester]: Stand in front of me and nod your head if you're ready to go, otherwise, walk away."
         repeats: 0
                     type: move location
                         x: -46
                         y: 74
                         z: -148
                         world: Oriartha
                         yaw: -268
                         pitch: -40
                     amount: 2
                     type: move location
                         x: -46
                         y: 74
                         z: -148
                         world: Oriartha
                         pitch: 40
                         yaw: -268
                     amount: 2
                     type: move location
                         x: -46
                         y: 74
                         z: -148
                         world: Oriartha
                         pitch: -40
                         yaw: -268
                     amount: 2
                     type: move location
                         x: -46
                         y: 74
                         z: -148
                         world: Oriartha
                         pitch: 40
                         yaw: -268
                     amount: 2
                     message: "<y> Real Men Fight With Axes accepted! <br>[Forester]: Alright! I knew you had it in you. Before we go, I'm going to take your swords/bows. <br>[Forester]: Okay. Follow me. <br><y> The forester leads you deep into a secret, forbidden part of the forest..."
  15. Offline


    how do i make them atk zombies or sumting
  16. Offline


    meh, when i put the wizard and the other in the types folder and start server it says" command was not find. write /npc help for a list of commands"
  17. Offline


    I am trying now ;)

    /npc create Hero
    /toggle Guard
    /guard bouncer
    /guard radius 25
    /guard addflag -m zombie
    -m Monster
    -p player
    -a all
    -g permissiongroup
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


    Thanks for correcting, I had learned it in such a way.

    Thanks, folds perfectly. (PermissionBukkit)
  20. Offline


    Can help me pls?

    I can spawn Npcs, but i mean the Skins!
    i Know Name Notch = Notch charakter, Herobrine = really herobrine charakter skin.

    But i search more aviable skins?

    I tets with Skeleton, Rana and Black Steve but this doesent work :D

    Pls help me and say all aviable charakter skins :)
  21. Offline


    @PatrickGER - they're taken from minecraft.net's skin database.
  22. Offline


  23. Offline


    Hey Fullwall our problem is still not away :D
    You asked which version we have got installed. Its 1.1.2
  24. Offline


    If your working on a custom/adventure map and want to incorporate citizens will the NPC's you create stay in the world save or no?
  25. Offline


    No, NPCs are saved in a separate file.
  26. Offline


    Hello, first of amazing plugin!!!

    Second off for the people having problems with setting npc's and such and the npc file isnt in your types folder, dont use the file generated from the server restart, paste the citizens folder you get from the bukkit download into your server instead, that already has the npc types in there :D

    I am having a problem setting up player combat quests. Here is my config, amount set to 1 for testing. Can someone tell me what im doing wrong? The yaml spacing is correct in my file, the copy messed it up. Yaml spacing isnt a factor :D

    description: "I got killed and raided yesterday and I want revenge, can you kill 10 players for me?"
    completion: "Thank you! That'll show those players not to mess with Napolean!"
    acceptance: "Awesome, go take them out for me, muahahahhaha!"
    repeats: -1
    type: player combat
    string: '*'
    amount: 1
    message: "Good job, you've gotten my revenge, now come back here!"
    type: money
    amount: 200

    also, how can i reward mcmmo exp?

    ALSO! lol when i changed the config for blacksmiths, lowering his price i got a bunch of errors occouring and all my citizens dissapeared

    another question, how do i make it configure for multiple rewards? Like for a collect quest, i want the npc to take the items that he wanted collected, and then give the person say 100 bucks or somethign to the sort. Can't find anything like this in the examples

    Lastly, maybe you could post an example config file for each quest, I'm having trouble making quests that don't have an example.
  27. Offline


    @Citizens Then may I have permission to redistribute your plugin along with the config files and such.
  28. Offline


    Please don't forget me! ive been working on this for hours :(
  29. Offline


    You can redistribute the config files but you may not redistribute Citizens.jar or any of the NPC type jar files. You are welcome to post a link to this thread or to the BukkitDev page so people can download Citizens themselves.
  30. Offline


    Alright thank you very much! Know that you know I'm gonna be using citizens for this map you might want to check out the map when it's complete! (links in signature)
  31. Offline


    Using #303 i get this error every now and then:

    I'm not interacting with the NPCs when this happens, it's probably a guard having problems with his pathing when going after a Mob or when trying to get back into position. (did found some guards stuck in weird spots now and then).
    I'm not sure if it caused any other problems like guards/pcs not functioning as i was rebooting the server frequently to test stuff and if the error can happen multiple times.

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