[FUN/CHAT/ADMN] FakeMessager V 1.5 [1.5.1-R0.2]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by whitehooder, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Now THAT is cool. Trolololololololololololololololololol!!! :D
  2. Offline


    Thanks whitehooder! And I used to visit Bukkit.org ALL the time and then one day I created an account ( like 4 days ago) :p Thanks for your help, and sorry for the late reply, And I will let you know if you need help :)
  3. Offline


  4. Offline


    Go ahead and let me know if you want me to make a video on a plugin you made. I would love to do it :p
  5. Offline


    You can make a video for CakeIsAlive. Not yet though ;) Not any good release yet. When i release version 2.3 I would very much like if you made a showcase for it ;) Thanks
    ivideo1011 likes this.
  6. Offline


    Sure! Just let me know when you feel you have made a good release and il make a video :D
  7. Offline


    I love the promise of this plugin! Only problem is the op defaulting... Will the new update have permissions as well? If so we will be able to use this! I have looked around and this is exactly what I am looking for! all the others out there seem to be just fakejoin/leave, which is nice, but this one is the real deal :)
  8. Offline


    Actually there are already permissions, just that I have made it a bit messy. The new update will add permissions in a better way but for now you may use the permissions, fm.all for access to the fm command, fm.player for the fmp command and fm.reload for the reload command.
    Sorry for all inconvenience ;)
    Edit: info about the new version. version 1.5 will always let ops use all commands. It will also add permissions in a better way. It will add variables such as $Player for the name of the receiver in the fmp command, $Sender for the one executing the command. Last but not least I will add a much faster way to create fake chat messages, which this plugin surely is all about.
    Edit2: I will probably add a command for printing out all color codes.
  9. Offline


    wow, thanks for the quick reply! I am not the most technical of people (aka dont handle the plugin permissions :p)
    I will show this to the tech dude and hopefully it'll work (couldn't use it since no one has op)

    If anything, 1.5 should work :D
  10. Offline


    New update out much sooner than I believed :D Had a lot of spare time today
  11. Offline


    Awesome! I can not wait to try it out!
  12. Offline


    I would like to know how to make plugins, I believe that you must have the Bukkit.jar or something installed. You must also use a IDE? I have quite a good understanding of Java although I'm relatively new.

  13. Offline


    Hey whitehooder, you may not remember me, but how's plugin developing going?
  14. Offline


    I am now back to developing. Have been a lot of stress with school the past months and I had therefore put this project to rest for a while, but as I said; I am now back. I will not be that active anymore (I still have some stuff to do at school, this year I have quite a lot of exams you see ;)) but I will try to keep up with all latest builds and all this. I will be open for further suggestions for my plugins and questions about programming plugins itself and how any of my plugins work.
  15. Offline


    Yeah, I got an exam coming up too, thanks for doing as much as you can, school is important.
  16. Offline


    GL with the exams :p
    ivideo1011 likes this.
  17. Offline


    Thanks for such a nice plug)
  18. Offline


    Thank you sir :)

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