[FUN/CHAT/ADMN] FakeMessager V 1.5 [1.5.1-R0.2]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by whitehooder, Jul 16, 2012.

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    Fake Messager
    Version 1.5
    Video by SeaborgiumMC - Showcase for version 1.2​
    Complete Rewrite Done!
    Note: I am now back to coding. Been inactive the past month because of school work and such.
    Note 2: Please tell if there are any bugs with the new craftbukkit releases, I haven't actually edited any code in this plugin at all, just updated the homepage.
    • Print/Write whatever message in chat (without any prefix. Ex: <Whitehooder> "hello")
    • Send whatever message to a player (without any prefix. Ex: <Whitehooder> "hello")
    • Fast ways to fake chat messages as other players.
    • Easy way for viewing all color and formatting codes.
    • All commands available from console
    • Fully Color and Font supported
    • fm
      • Usage: /fm <text>
      • Description: Broadcasts a custom message.
      • Aliases: echo, fakemessager, fakemessage
    • fmc
      • Usage: /fmc <as player> <text>
      • Description: Broadcasts a custom chat message as a name.
      • Aliases: echoc, fakemessagechat, fakemessagerchat, fmchat, echochat, fcm, fakechatmessage.
    • fmcc
      • Usage: /fmcc
      • Description: Shows all formatting codes available.
      • Aliases: echocolorcodes, echocolors, echocc, fakemessagercolorcodes, fakemessagercolors, fakemessagecolors.
    • fmp
      • Usage: /fmp <to player> <text>
      • Description: Sends a custom message to a player.
      • Aliases: echoplayer, echop, fakemessagerplayer, fakemessageplayer, fmplayer.
    • fmpc
      • Usage: /fmpc <to player> <as player> <text>
      • Description: Sends a custom chat message as a player to a player.
      • Aliases: echoplayerchat, echocp, echopc, fakemessagerchatplayer, fakemessagechatplayer, fmcp
    • fmreload
      • Usage: /fmreload
      • Description: Reloads FakeMessagers configuration.
      • Aliases: fmr, echoreload, fakemessagerreload
    • fm.*: Gives access to everything fakemessager can provide.
    • fm: Gives access to broadcast a fake message.
    • fm.chat: Gives access to broadcast a fake chat message.
    • fm.colorcodes: Gives access to show all available formatting codes.
    • fm.player: Gives access to send a custom message to a player.
    • fm.playerchat: Gives access to send a custom chat message to a player
    • fm.reload: Gives access to reload FakeMessagers configuration.
    Fake Messager
    Bukkit Dev Page
    • V 1.5: Complete rewrite! Added a bunch of things!
    • V 1.4: Nothing big, but updated to work with CB 1.3.1.
    • V 1.3: Added the command /fmp <player> <text>, which allows you to send your custom message to a single player only. As suggested by
    • V 1.2: Removed configureability because of (what I believe) a limitation in bukkit plugins, because of the fact that each plugin needs it own plugin.yml file included in the jar, and if the commands or permissions is not included in the plugin.yml file you will recieve a NullPointerException every time the server tries to load the plugin. If anyone can tell me if its possible to use a pluin.yml file wich is not included in the jar I would appreciate it an add the configureability again.
    • V 1.1: Added Permission support or defaulting to OP. Made all commands and permissions comlpetely configurable.
    • V 1.0: Initial release
    • Add permission support and/or op defaulting - DONE!
    • Add the ability to send a message to a specific player - DONE!
    Lucario126 likes this.
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    Lucario126 and clemenschua like this.
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    Oops forgot to list the commands, currently no permission support either, i'll dig into it today.

    No i have not copied code from anyone, just from tutorials and such. + this plugin is not equal to fakemessage; It does not put up colors automatically, it lets you choose.
    you type /bc &ewhitehooder has joined the game.
    and it prints to the chat: whitehooder has joined the game.
    It's more configureable i believe, as it will not only turn text into yellow, 'cause it lets you choose the color yourself.
    another +: you may not only use colors in this plugin. You can use Minecrafts buildt in font system;
    Here's a link to the codes: ColorCodes

    Try out the &k formatting code, turns your text into the random or "alien" letters in minecraft.

    You can fake send anything with this plugin.
    Just came up with another idea to it; command "/bcp" to send the message to just one single player :D
  4. Offline


    Most of us are already aware of the colorcodes. But definetly it needs permission support.
  5. Offline


    Yes, I will look into it today ;)

    Done with permissions :D Huge update

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
  6. Offline


    Does what it says, approved.
  7. Offline


    Thank you md_5
  8. Offline


    This'll make my life a whole lot easier when i decide to troll my friends. :D THANK YOU SO MUCH!
  9. Offline


    Thank you, Trocon9000 for appreciating my work :D if you have any suggestions you are very welcome ;)
  10. Offline


    Nice plugin! thank you! now i'm going to troll my friend :D
  11. Offline


    Thanks a lot, happy trolling ;)
    Lucario126 and ivideo1011 like this.
  12. Offline


    You cannot switch commands in the plugin.yml at all. Previous plugin developers including me have tried custom commands. The only (good) work around is if you have the command be a letter or possibly '/'. Then there would be a space after and then your custom command. Example: // command whateverAfter
    whitehooder likes this.
  13. Offline


    Good idea, thank you nunber1_Master. I will look into changing it. But at first I will work on sending messages to only one player.
  14. Offline


    It isn't to hard (if you don't know how).
    You get the argument that the player's name is in.
    You check if that player is online.
    Then send a message to that player (argument).
  15. Offline


    I appreciate that you want to help, but I've already added it to version 1.3, I'll let you know if I need any help on my way. :D
  16. Offline


    /fm &eYou are now op!
    I did that and it was fucking hilarious!
  17. Offline


    Haven't done that to my players yet ;)
  18. Offline


    Hi, I made a plugin showcase for your plugin! I would appreciate it if you put it on the first post :)
    Of course, you don't have to, but I would really appreciate it!
  19. Offline


    Thank you SeaborgiumMC for making this showcase! :D I will add it to the main post, although since I've added just one more simple feature I will post this as a video for version 1.2. Is this okay with you? Anyways, Thank you for this, really makes me happy :)
  20. Offline


    This is definitely alright with me. Thanks so much. I enjoy making these, so if you ever have any more plugins, I might consider making one for that as well!
  21. Offline


    I have one more, but its just too self explanatory to showcase :p Thanks anyways. (If you want to try it out you may ;) its called CakeIsAlive ;))
  22. Offline


    Thanks for the plugin. By the way, how do you develop plugins? I'm really interested in learning java and things like that. I just realized that it automatically puts the signature lol. And is there any way I can like/help your forums or channel?
  23. Offline


    Well, yes. You could always go ahead and like my post ;)
    Edit: And if you would like to join me develop things when you have a basic understanding I can share one of my folders with you in DropBox.

    I will recommend you to watch these videos until you get a basic understanding of java itself. They are actually very good tutorials. When you are done with that and have a basic understanding you should start making a project. To do this you can follow this guide. You will also need to take a look at the plugin.yml. Once you have all that you should just start experimenting with the event system and all this. If you ever get stuck search up on the forums or take another look at the tutorial. Feel free to PM me about anything you would need help with ;)
    [diamond] Happy Developing! [diamond]
    ivideo1011 likes this.
  24. Offline


    Thanks For this plugin its fun to troll people with this
  25. Offline


    how do i make so that only i (op) can use it?
  26. Offline


    You set "useOP" to true in the config and "useperm" to false.
  27. Offline


    Thanks also how do make so that it looks like someone has sent a normal message without have to type all the colour codes for the prefix and stuff?
  28. Offline


    Currently you will need to type /fm <whitehooder> Hello! to make a fake message. I will sooner or later add variables and all this. Maybe I can add one more command to execute a fake message as a player faster. ;)
  29. Offline


    Hi there 'whitehooder'! I made a similar plugin to yours so I was wondering if you wanted to use mine as a guideline.
    Because, with mine, you can just type '/fakinjoin <Username>' for them to join or '/fakinmess <User> <Message>'
    To make the message more than one word long, you need to use the 'args.length' objects e.tc.
    I thought it might help although you seem to be a rather experience developer anyways.
    I hope I am of help.
    Link to my plugin:- http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/fakinfunny
    Sorry if this may seem to you as advertising.
  30. Offline


    So you basically want me to add easier ways to broadcast fakejoin messages? Sounds like a good idea ;) Although there are plugins that are fully functional with this that can create fake join messages easier, like yours, I might hook into it today. But first I'll need to reinstall my whole system. Harddisk broke yesterday :(
    I might do it on another computer but if not it can take a while. Sorry.
    Lucario126 likes this.

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