[FUN][ADMN] OpenInv 2.2.4 - Open anyone's inventory as a chest Real-Time! [1.4.5-1.7.10]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by lishid, Apr 30, 2011.

  1. Offline


    OpenInv - Open anyone's inventory as a chest! in real time! Works with offline players! Open EnderChests of any player via command!

    Source Code hosted on GitHub

    Link to BukkitDev: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/openinv/

    Open a player's inventory as a chest and interact with it in real time.
    Access to the inventory and armor slots.
    Open any chest that has blocks on top (blocked chests) with AnyChest.
    Open a chest silently (without chest animation nor sound) with SilentChest.
    Open any player's EnderChest from a command.
    Drop item as another player (by putting it in the 5 unused slots in openinv)!

    How to use:
    Install: Copy to your plugins folder, and restart/reload your server.

    Use command "/openinv <player>" to open a player's inventory
    Use command "/toggleopeninv" to toggle Item openinv:
    Hit a player with an item of your choice (STICK by default), and you will open the player's inventory (no damage)
    Right click the air with the item opens the last opened inventory (toggle must be ON)
    Use command "/anychest" to toggle anychest (blocked chest bypass)
    Use command "/silentchest" to toggle silent chest
    Use command "/openender <Player>" to open a player's enderchest
    Use command "/searchinv <Item> [MinimalAmount]" list all players having a certain item in their inventory.

    To use a sign for quick access (this uses the normal Openinv.openinv permissions, override and exempt applies), You need:
    "[openinv]" (without quotes) on the 1st line
    and the player's name on the other lines.

    Permissions nodes (CaSe SeNsItIvE):
    "OpenInv.openinv" gives permission to use OpenInv
    "OpenInv.openself" Allows opening the inventory of the command user
    "OpenInv.editinv" - Allows editing of inventory

    "OpenInv.openender" - Allows opening of EnderChests
    "OpenInv.openenderall" - Allows opening of EnderChests of everybody. Without this permission, someone can only open his own enderchest.
    "OpenInv.editender" - Allows editing of enderchest

    "OpenInv.search" gives permission to use searchinv
    "OpenInv.crossworld" allows cross-world openinv.
    "OpenInv.exempt" makes the player's inventory protected (unable to be opened)
    "OpenInv.override" gives permission to open anyone's inventory, even protected ones
    "OpenInv.anychest" gives permission to open chests that are blocked by a block on top.
    "OpenInv.silent" gives permission to open chests in total silence, without animation.
    (without quotes)

    • Read-only permissions for OpenInv and OpenEnder! Just don't give the editinv and editender permissions nodes!
    • Administrators can modify any user's inventory contents as they wish, in real time.
    • Access it anywhere! No distance or obstacle limitations.
    • Permissions support.
    • Use the command without argument opens the last accessed person's inventory.
    • Use sticks or any (configurable) item and toggles for quick access.
    • Search all online players for a certain item in their inventory.
    • Protect players from openinv with exempt permission, and bypass protection with override permission.
    • Use a sign to perform openinv for convenience.
    • Cross-world openinv protection.
    • Offline player openinv supported.
    • Open chests that are blocked because they have a solid block on top. (AnyChest)
    • Silent opening of chest, no sound and opening animation.
    • EnderChests can be opened, even for offline players!
    • NEW: Drop item as another player (by putting it in the 5 unused slots in openinv)
    • Self-opening protection.

    Video tutorial:

    Thanks to WMisiedjan for the source of iSee, located here: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/6676/
    Thanks to Dark_Balor from AdminCmd for helping with the bugs in Offline Openinv.
    Thanks to the many supporters who've tested this plugin.


    Download OpenInv (2.2.4) CB1.4.5 up to CB1.7.10

    Legacy versions:
    See http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/openinv/

    Source Code

    • None ATM
    • None ATM
    Openinv will connect to http://mcstats.org/ to collect anonymous data (only version information).


    Version 2.2.4[CB 1.7.10]
    • Fixed getting inventory from other plugin's custom inventory crashing

    Version 2.2.2[CB 1.7.10]
    Finally fixed offline players
    Version 2.1.8[CB 1.7.10]
    Updated to MC1.7.10
    Removed metrics as the service is no longer available
    Version 2.1.7[CB 1.7.8]
    Fixed Offline player NoSuchMethodError
    Version 2.1.6[CB 1.7.8]
    Fixed ClassNotFoundError.
    Version 2.1.5[CB 1.7.8]
    Updated to CB1.7.8
    Version 2.1.4[CB 1.7.5]
    Updated to CB1.7.5
    Version 2.1.3[CB 1.7.4]
    Fixed silent chest not working with sneak+build.
    Removed /enderchest as alias for compatibility with Essentials. Use /openender or /oe instead.
    Version 2.1.2[CB 1.7.2]
    Changed updater to be compliant with new Bukkit rules.
    Version 2.1.1[CB 1.7.2]
    Changed updater to be compliant with new Bukkit rules.
    Version 2.1.0[CB 1.7.2]
    Update to CB1.7.2.
    Version 2.0.9[CB 1.6.4]
    Update to CB1.6.4.
    Version 2.0.8[CB 1.6.2]
    Added * nodes for permissions.
    Version 2.0.7[CB 1.6.2]
    Added OpenInv.openenderall permission node.
    Version 2.0.6[CB 1.6.2]
    Updated to CB1.6.2.
    Version 2.0.5[CB 1.6.1]
    Fixed editinv not locking shift-click and click-drag.
    Version 2.0.4[CB 1.6.1]
    Added config options for notifications for SilentChest and AnyChest.
    Version 2.0.3[CB 1.6.1]
    Updated to CB1.6.1.
    Version 2.0.2[CB 1.5.2]
    Updated to CB1.5.2.
    Version 2.0.1[CB 1.5.1]
    Fixed player loading crash caused by CraftBukkit internal change.
    Version 2.0.0[CB 1.5.1]
    Fixed trapped chest problem.
    Version 1.9.9 [CB 1.5.1]
    Updated to 1.5.1.
    Version 1.9.8 [CB 1.5]
    Updated to 1.5.
    Version 1.9.7 [CB 1.4.7]
    Fixed offline inventory not saved when server restarts.
    Version 1.9.6 [CB 1.4.7]
    Updated to 1.4.7.
    Version 1.9.5 [CB 1.4.6]
    Added new feature: Put item in any of the 5 unused slots and the item will be dropped by the targeted player.
    Version 1.9.4 [CB 1.4.6]
    Updated for MC1.4.6.
    Version 1.9.3 [CB 1.4.5]
    Fixed an issue about copying code from my other plugin without proper renaming.
    Version 1.9.2 [CB 1.4.5]
    Massive rewrite to support new CB naming system.
    Added auto-updater.
    Version 1.8.8 [CB 1.3.2/CB 1.4.2]
    Added permissions "OpenInv.openself".
    Version 1.8.7 [CB 1.3.1-R1]
    Added /openender <player>
    permissions, added "OpenInv.editinv", "OpenInv.openender", "OpenInv.editender".
    Version 1.8.6 [CB 1.3.1]
    Updated to 1.3.1. Not only works with 1.3.1.
    Version 1.8.5 [CB 1.2.5-R4]
    Fixed all problems related to Offline OpenInv (including inventory not updating AND/OR inventory being emptied on some occasions).
    Updated Metrics module to R5.
    Version 1.8.4 [CB 1.2.4-R0.1]
    Updated to MC 1.2.4.
    Version 1.8.3 [1.1-R6/CB 1.2.3-R0.1]
    Fixed perms not working.
    Version 1.8.2 [1.1-R6/CB 1.2.3-R0.1]
    New permissions system (removed support for old perms).
    Version 1.8.1 [1.1-R6/CB 1.2.3-R0.1]
    Updated to 1.1-R6.
    Version 1.7.5 [1.1-R3]
    Fixed Metrics add-on error on startup.
    Version 1.7.4 [1.1-R3]
    Fixed offline openinv being case sensitive.
    Version 1.7.3 [1.1-R3]
    New CB events.
    Version 1.7.2 [1.0.0-R1/1.1-R1]
    CraftBukkit refactoring. Fix the Exception caused by that.
    Version 1.7.1 [1.0.0-R1/1.1-R1]
    Official CB1.1-R1 support.
    Still backward compatible (with 1.0.1-R1).
    Version 1.6.6 [1.0.1-R1]
    Help menu (/openinv ?).
    Code re-organizing.
    AnyChest now toggle-able.
    Version 1.6.5 [1.0.1-R1]
    Fix for silentchest + spout error.
    Version 1.6.4 [1.0.1-R1]
    Silent chest opening, no animation, no sound, use /silentchest to toggle on/off.
    Version 1.6.3 [1.0.1-R1]
    Switched toolbar from top to bottom.
    Added armor slots.
    Version 1.6.2 [1.0.1-R1]
    Added a fix for Offline Openinv.
    Version 1.6.1 [1550]
    Fixed inventory update bug that everyone was having!
    Updated for Minecraft 1.0.
    Version 1.5.2 [1185]
    Offline openinv bugfix.
    Version 1.5.1 [1185]
    Version 1.4.6 [1118-1160]
    Fix conflict of anychest with other plugin.
    Version 1.4.5 [1118-1160]
    Fix for previous update not closing chests.
    Version 1.4.4 [1118-1160]
    Now allows opening of chests that are blocked by solid blocks on top!
    Use "OpenInv.anychest" for permission node.
    Version 1.4.3 [1118-1160]
    Toggle should now be saved between server restarts.
    Added configuration file.
    Configure the item to use instead of a stick be default.
    Version 1.4.2 [1118-1160]
    Fixed a character limit problem.
    Version 1.4.1 [1118-1160]
    Updated for 1.8.
    Version 1.3.3 [953+]
    Cross world openinv disabled! Use permissions node 'OpenInv.crossworld' to allow cross-world openinv.
    Version 1.3.2-test [818+]
    Try fixing compatibility problem.
    Version 1.3.1 [818+]
    Fixed for 818.
    Only works for 1.6+ (CraftBukkit RB 818).
    Version 1.2.3 [803-]
    Sign quick access: use second line for "[openinv]" (without quotes) and third line for target name.
    Use this for 1.5 versions.
    Version 1.2.2
    PERMISSIONS NODES CHANGE: please read permissions section.
    new "OpenInv.exempt" and "OpenInv.override" feature.
    Version 1.2.1
    MAJOR BUGFIX: inventory not updated correctly, especially after a death/respawn.
    Version 1.1.1
    New feature: /searchive Item Amount.
    Version 1.1.0
    New feature: sticks + toggle openinv (explainations on top).
    Version 1.0.3
    Fixed history not saved correctly.
    Fixed inventory access to respawned players.
    Version 1.0.2
    use the command without argument opens the last accessed person's inventory .
    Version 1.0.1
    Initial Release.
    Support the developer: [​IMG]
  2. Offline


    Can you create a system were we can change the "OpenInv stick" to what item we self want? It would be great :)
  3. Offline


    I'm still having the same problem mentioned by meabove.
  4. Offline


    Put on my todo list :p

    most likely a plugin conflict, what plugins are you using, what version of craftbukkit
    also is there any errors, or anything that could help me replicate the problem? when does it occur? to whom?
    I cant seem to replicate the problem though..
    mds likes this.
  5. Offline


    Right, heres a list of my plugins: http://uploadir.com/u/j793o8
    My CB Version is 766
    and whenever I add somethingit doesnt add and when I take something out it wipes the players inventory. And even after your update players are reporting wiped inventories even If I didn't do anything to their inventory using openinv.
  6. Offline


    Wow, so many plugins... I can't possibly try out everyone of them...
    what's "EmpryInventory", could be a problem?
    also i've heard MinecartMania manipulates inventory, but the author said it checks wether it's incompatible with another plugin before doing anything, so....
  7. Offline


    Hello, I am enjoying this plugin very much but some of my victims fellow minecrafters are reporting that their inventory is disappearing after I mess with it (usually replacing their pickaxe with a cake ;) ). I can still see it through the use of this plugin, and if I move their stuff around a bit it usually comes back (much to their confusion).

    I get no errors in the log.

    Would upgrading to CB766 fix this issue? I run 740 and I'm scared of updating and breaking all of my plugins... but if it fixes the issue I'll do it. Advice?
  8. Offline


    this needs a permissions node that would exempt people from openinv

    my moderators keep messing with me.
  9. Offline


    I dont think an upgrade would do anything, but can you do some testing for me?
    tell me if it happens to everyone or just to some people. In the latter case, tell me what happened to that person before all this happened (i.e. death and respawn/ just logged in, etc)

    Good idea, I'll add to the TODO list
  10. Hello. ive tried - 'OpenInv.openinv' and - 'OpenInv.admin.openinv' nothing works can you please tell me how to? it just says i dont have permission to open others inventories.

    default: false
    prefix: ''
    suffix: ''
    build: true
    - 'openinv'
    - 'war.*'
    - 'npcx.fulladmin'
    - 'lockette.admin.reload'
    - 'lockette.admin.snoop'
    - 'lockette.admin.bypass'
    - 'lockette.admin.break'
    - 'lockette.admin.create.*'
    - 'BetterShop.admin.*'
  11. Offline


    - openinv

    no caps and try with no '

    well i can confirm it works with the following plugins without conflict.


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  12. Offline


    good stuff, thanks!

    it's just "openinv", no caps, nothing else, no plugin name in front either.
    try without quotation marks?
    what version of permissions are you using

    Done! see new version 1.2.2

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  13. Offline


    Hm, I kind of was hoping you could open a person's inventory 'through' a chest. Meaning you put a chest on the ground, and place a sign in front of it with the user's name. When you open the chest, their inventory pops up.

    If you could do that, I would worship you. xD
  14. Offline


    If he adds sign support, there would still be no need for the actual chest - it would be just a sign with something like [OpenInv] on the first line and the Username on the second.... And a permission node to allow using and creating those signs.
  15. Offline


    so is there a point to this other than stealing from users?
  16. Offline


    There is a point if you want to give users the items back a thief stole.
  17. Offline


    Well, I would argue that that's easily done with manually entering the name, unless oyu have a user that constantly gets stolen from...
  18. Offline


    Yeah. That would be cool.
  19. Offline


    I'm taking this into consideration.

    Hm my plan is that users right click on a sign with [openinv] on second line and target name on third.
    this will open the player's inventory if the user has permission to openinv (the normal one)

    Anyone has better idea or is this okay?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  20. Offline


    DO IT! I kind of wanted to make a 'control station' in my minecraft server where I would be able to have everyone's sign in a room, and when a player needs a resource, I could quickly click on that player's sign and edit their inventory.
  21. Offline


    Done, try out? not sure it's 100% stable though, haven't done much tests...
  22. Offline


    Works great! Awesome plug-in.
  23. Offline


    I get this error by CB 812 while logging in:
    2011-05-26 17:11:23 [INFO] lolligertyp [/] logged in with entity id 330 at (-247.15625, 72.0, -80.65625)
    2011-05-26 17:11:23 [INFO] Disconnecting lolligertyp [/]: Internal server error2011-05-26 17:11:23 [WARNING] Failed to handle packet: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Listener already listening
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Listener already listening
        at net.minecraft.server.Container.a(SourceFile:28)
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityPlayer.syncInventory(EntityPlayer.java:70)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.b(NetLoginHandler.java:100)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(NetLoginHandler.java:74)
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet1Login.a(SourceFile:43)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:214)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(NetLoginHandler.java:40)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:91)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:394)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:308)
        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    2011-05-26 17:11:23 [INFO] lolligertyp lost connection: disconnect.endOfStream
    I know that this is not a recommend build, but can you please take a look at it?
    Its the only Plugin that don't work ^^
  24. Offline


    Can you see the error with a recommened build?
  25. Offline


    no ^^
    I test some plugins on my test server
  26. Offline


  27. Offline


    I'll back it up, I understand it's not recommended build, but soon enough it will be, so can you have a look at it, please?
  28. Offline


    Well, since it's not a recommended, i wont do much work for it, but it seems that bukkit is actually conflicting with my plugin (since in the log, it shows craftbukkit's code throws an error).
    I'll look into it, but i cant guarantee i can get something working for that build.

    I made a custom PlayerInventory (or was it InventoryPlayer) which disabled distance checking (also shows the name of the player instead of "Inventory" on top of the chest)
  29. Offline


    Nice, Really love it!
  30. Offline


    Worked perfectly. Thank you :)
  31. Offline


    I really like your Plugin for ;), but it would be great if it was possible to open a real chest to see the player's Inventory.

    I would really like to see this feature in one of the nect builds.


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