
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by uuuz963, Jul 23, 2024.

  1. Offline


    Minecraft version :1.8.8
    What i want:
    has a database file not yml to save the friends etc...

    1/msg only friends can msg. and /r to reply to the last msg
    (if u can disable all other msg commands in vanilla minecraft)

    §5§lPRIVATE §8| Sender Name §e⇉ Receiver Name §8» §bmsg

    2/join and leave alert
    §e§lFRIENDS §8| §a§l✚ Name//for joining
    §e§lFRIENDS §8| §c§l✘ Name //for leaving

    3/online friends shown first.
    4/max friends 30 for default rank.
    5/shows what they'r doing can be edit in config // config settings Hub = <world name>
    6/friends request //least for 4 mins then the request expire
    7/6 friends shown per page
    #formats :
    &8&m-------------- &b&lFriends &8&m --------------
    §aFriend request from <Player>.
    §a§l[ACCEPT] §8- §c§l[DENY]
    &8&m-------------- &b&lFriends &8&m --------------
    §7You have sent a friend request to §r<Player>§7!
    §6They have 4 minutes to accept it!

    /friend shows the commands
    /msg <name> <msg>
    /r <msg> reply to last msg
    /friend add <name> /f <name>
    /friend remove <name>
    /friend requests
    /friend accept <name>
    /friend deny <name>
    /friend list - /fl - /friends
    #each page has 8 friends shown
    /friend ignore - ignore request from the player permenant
    /friend unignore
    /friend offlinemode
    /boop <name> msg the player &d&lBoop! with the same msg format + they have to be friends

    &8-=[ &e+ &8]=- &8[ &b&lFriends list&8] -=[ &e+ &8]=-
    &6✦&8➤ &9Player §7[Hub]
    &6✦&8➤ &9Player §7[Hub]
    &6✦&8➤ &9Player §7[Hub]
    &6✦&8➤ &9Player §8[Offline]
    &6✦&8➤ &9Player §8[Offline]
    &6✦&8➤ &9Player §8[Offline]
    &b-=[ &e+ &b]=- &b[ &8« &7Page 1/4 &8» &b] -=[ &e+ &b]=-
    ➤ color dark grey , if the player is online ➤ color gold
    ➤ when you click on it , it does /party invite <name>
    ✦ when you click it, make favorite friend and what it does it shows them above every online friend - if the friend is offline it shows above every offline
    §e✦ favorite friend
    §8✦ isnt a favorite
    when click on player name it does /msg <player>

    /friend toggle - to toggle on/off friend requests
    /friend broadcast - to send global msg to every friend you have
    /friend help - show help page
    friends.msg.all to msg anyone
    friends.max.99 // 99 just an example
    --------------[some msgs]
    &8-=[ &e+ &8]=- &8[ &b&lFriends&8] -=[ &e+ &8]=-
    &8»&3/friend add &8● &7Add a friend.
    &8»&3/friend list &8● &7List all of your friends.
    &8»&3/friend remove &8● &7Remove a friend.
    &8»&3/friend requests &8● &7List of your friend request.
    &8»&3/friend accept &8● &7Accept a friend invite.
    &8»&3/friend deny &8● &7Deny a friend invite.
    &8-=[ &e+ &8]=- &8[ &b&lFriends Help &f&l1 &8] -=[ &e+ &8]=-
    &8-=[ &e+ &8]=- &8[ &b&lFriends&8] -=[ &e+ &8]=-
    &8»&3/msg &8● &7Write a message to a friend.
    &8»&3/r &8● &7Reply to a message.
    &8»&3/friend broadcast &8● &7Send a message to all online friends.
    &8»&3/friend toggle &8● &7Toggle friend request.
    &8-=[ &e+ &8]=- &8[ &b&lFriends Help &f&l2 &8] -=[ &e+ &8]=-
    &8-=[ &e+ &8]=- &8[ &b&lFriends&8] -=[ &e+ &8]=-
    &8»&3/friend favorite &8● &7Favorite a friend.
    &8»&3/friend unfavorite &8● &7Unfavorite a friend.
    &8»&3/friend ignore&8● &7Ignore a player.
    &8»&3/friend unignore &8● &7Unignore a player.
    &8-=[ &e+ &8]=- &8[ &b&lFriends Help &f&l3 &8] -=[ &e+ &8]=-
    &8&m-------------- &b&lFriends &8&m --------------
    &4&lOH NO! &7You do not have any friends!&c :c
    &cDo /friend add <name> to add new friends
  2. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @uuuz963 Why the specific database?
  3. Offline


    its better for storing data.
    i only need it for the player data not for the config
  4. Offline


    still need it.
  5. Offline


  6. Offline


  7. Offline


    Is this supposed to run across bungee, not just one server?
  8. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    We don't support bungee here
  9. Offline


    I mean, look at this
    It kind of implies there is a bungee network. Unless there's a world named "Hub" for whatever reason.
  10. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Which is what people do
  11. Offline


    If it all in one server does it concerned under the bungee thing?
  12. Offline


    The thing is, BungeeCord requires offline mode to be enabled, which is the part that is not supported by Bukkit.
  13. Offline


    i dont use bungee i only do it in one server
  14. Offline


    kinda of a complex request, mate
    but i might just do it
  15. Offline


  16. Offline


  17. Offline


  18. Offline


    what is the default value of the max friends if the player doesn't have any permissions?
    and another question: what does the friend.offline do?(or friends.offline)
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2025
  19. Offline


    Q1/ 30
    Q2/ you can just forget about this feature.

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