Fortune Blocks

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Sexy284, Mar 24, 2014.

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    TheGamesHawk2001 If you remove the permission node "ImmortalCustom.orestoblocks", or if you /ic orestoblocks off, you'll be able to place a block then give back the perm or type /ic orestoblocks on
  2. au2001 so if they do /ic orestoblocks off they can place blocks whilst shifting?
  3. Offline


    TheGamesHawk2001 No, that's for everyone... You need the permission
  4. au2001 Can you update IC then please, to add placeing blocks while shifting? So it doesn't cancel it.. Thanks :)
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    TheGamesHawk2001 Well, I don't understand how you want it to work... do you want it to place the block AND craft blocks???

    EDIT: It will do both and I'll add ic.%permission% for permissions :p

    And a /ic to get the version of the plugin (permission: ImmortalCustom.version or ic.version ;))

    NOTE: This version has been uploaded, you can download it
    Xeyle likes this.
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    au2001 I am really enjoying your plugin but there is one problem all my tools keep repairing there self, is there anyway to stop that ? If you could get that to stop i would be willing to leave a Donation :D
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    au2001 I tried changing colors for block count and inv full msg, they both didn't change.The Full inv message changes to default and the block count doesn't even show up.

    EDIT:Nvm! working perfectly now, frogot to update jar. lol i update the config instead XD

    EDIT 2: There is somthing though, when i mine alot it does this to the block count
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    kenny2028 Did you really need to edit your post 7 times X)
    And yeah, several people told me, I'll try to fix it in the next update with what Xeyle told me ;)

    EDIT: Just uploaded the new version with these two fixes ;)
    Xeyle likes this.
  9. Offline


    au2001 The bug is still there xD. And yes, yes i do.
  10. au2001 There's a bug when you mine a DOUBLE spruce slab, it gives you 2 birch wood slabs, thanks :)

    EDIT: There's also another bug which is a players pick never runs out...
  11. Offline


    au2001 Hey the pickaxe thing runs out but still never breaks
  12. Offline


    TheGamesHawk2001 Xeyle Fixing that right now

    EDIT: Fixed and added a quick and dirty fix for the unbreaking enchant
  13. Offline


    au2001 are you uploading it somewhere else then Because all the bugs like the pickaxe count and unbreaking is still there.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    The upload location doesn't say anything about bug fixes. On dev.bukkit then won't check for that.
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    timtower What he meant was if I had uploaded the latest version of the plugin on because nothing is fixed in his version ;)
    kenny2028 Try re-downloading it, I had a problem with the upload so I just re-uploaded it ;)

    #LikedByTimtower =3
    timtower likes this.
  16. Offline


    au2001 can you also fix this bug where IC won't fill up your inventory and it will still have like an amount leftover and and running theyour inventory is full msg, MY request is if that you can make fortune blocks actually fill up your inventory then say the message.
    EDIT: And yea it works now. the only thing i had to do was to delete config and put in the old stuff i used to have in there.
  17. Offline


    kenny2028 That's not a bug, that means you got more than 10 blocks while mining... Which doesn't fit in your inv.
  18. au2001 Can I download the latest one with the infinite pick glitch one fixed ?

    au2001 When a user has silk touch on their pick, it doesn't work for them, thanks :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
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  20. au2001 Also can you change the current /ic orestoblocks on // off into /ic allorestoblocks on // off and add a toggler so if a player does /ic orestoblocks on // off it ONLY changes it for them not the whole server, thanks :)
  21. Offline


    TheGamesHawk2001 Why would I change the name? :3 But yeah, I'll add /ic otb on/off/toggle for only you, is that ok?

    I love this thead... Why? Because timtower has no power on it MWAHHAHAHAHAH :3
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    au2001 Don't challenge me :p
    And I don't need power on this thread, why would I?
  23. Offline


    timtower You basically have power on all bukkit threads x) you're everywhere... :p
    And I didn't challenged you :)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    That I am everywhere does not mean that I need or even want to use power that I may, or may not possess :p
  25. Offline


    timtower Maybe you don't "need or even want to use it" but you still have it :D
    Well, gtg sleep now xD we'll discuss about that later :p
  26. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    au2001 Might be better to discuss that on my profile page or something, not on a used thread :p
    Good night ;)
  27. Offline


    au2001 can you make it an option so we can change that? That would be a bit better because my players are confused if there inventory is acutally full or not ;l
  28. Offline


    Okay, I'll change that for you :p but right now I'm ill .-. So maybe this afternoon...
  29. Offline


    au2001 anytime works for me! Thanks :D

    Edit: Btw Fortuneblocks is working outside of area's like the plot world using the plugin PlotMe
  30. kenny2028 You can disable that in the config :)
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