Fortune Blocks

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Sexy284, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. au2001 Ye e.g. stone etc add an option for them. Like you have with fortune. and you can ALSO have fortune for the blocks you enabled in the Smeltable blocks. Hope it makes sense :)
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    TheGamesHawk2001 Well, in v2.6, I added :
    # What blocks are "smelted" in what blocks
  3. au2001 cactus -> dye, cobblestone -> stone goldore -> goldingot (with fortune(Already Included)) Ironore -> IronIngot (FortuneToo(Already Included))
  4. au2001 May I pm you in 30 mins to request a plugin?
  5. au2001 Also allow changing of the sound that plays when inv's full idk if that'd be possible? and allow changing of colours. Thanks :)

    au2001 Another request LOL when you mine an ore block, it changes the ones that it can into blocks, but just drops the rest, can it make the ones left over go into your inventory, thanks :D

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
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    CatzFuriousSpeed sure :D you can now :p

    TheGamesHawk2001 Doing that for you :p
    That has been changed, now you need to shift right click to make everything into blocks ;)

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
  7. au2001 Can you maybe make a rankup plugin with /ranks and /rankup all of "the dirty work" is done in the configs e.g. the price to rankup etc and the starting rank. This will hook into pex (because I use pex :p) and essentials eco (Because who doesn't use essentials eco) :D Thanks :)
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    au2001 if u can give option for those features, for me its too match..
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
  10. au2001 Doesn't work, and he won't help you. I'm getting fed up with him // her. Read my comment :) Thanks for the attempt to find a functional rankup plugin :p

    au2001 can you please add /fortune help and /ic alias for /fortune

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
  11. au2001 I just got back I shall message you :) I have a very intense request I hope your ready<3

    au2001 I just had a brain storm could you make it so that you can switch off the need for permissions?
    Also did you upload the plugin yet?

    Try PaidRanks its the one that I use but I use a outdated version because its easier to config but if you'd like the version I use I can provide you with it

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
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  13. CatzFuriousSpeed I think i'm good lad :)

    au2001 Can I have the source code? To experiment and view your code?

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
  14. Offline


    au2001 can you make it so we can edit the your inventory is full message in the config. file? that would be great :D!
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  16. au2001 Thanks for being awesome and developing this plugin Its a big use to my prison server :) I was just wondering you could add a language file for any text?
  17. Offline


    au2001 when will it be comming out :3?
  18. Offline


    CatzFuriousSpeed Ummmmm... and thanks :D

    kenny2028 Soon :p

    EDIT: I would really need testers to help me x) cuz testing takes half of my time :(

    EDIT 2: I gtg so I uploaded the current version, might be some bugs please tell me if you find any ;)
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    Please dont triple Post. There is an Edit Button...
  20. au2001 Ill test, I'm stuck for things to do :D Gimme IP via PM mate, ill join
  21. au2001 I wouldnt mind helping you out :p

    au2001 Urm and also the shift right click is not working

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
  22. Ah :p Beta that doesnt work at all I guess thats fair xD
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  24. au2001 Quick fix or what? :p
  25. Offline


    CatzFuriousSpeed Yup x) I had to go...

    I'll try fixing all that now :p

    EDIT: Lol didn't even check the console before uploading x)
  26. au2001 Glad to hear, remember to hit me up with that sexy plugin via inbox ;)
  27. Offline


    Okay, gtg again .-. but I fixed the error and the sneak right click should be fixed!
    Please test again ;) and tell meh!
    Thanks all of you :p

    EDIT: CatzFuriousSpeed you double posted the same message and I sent you the link ;)
  28. au2001 Oops my bad and thanks! :D

    au2001 :p You did ask me to bug report right?.. xD well I found another bug when spam shift right clicking it gives you ghost blocks in your inventory. [​IMG]

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
  29. Offline


    CatzFuriousSpeed Okay, fixed ghost blocks and uploaded v2.8 :) I also added a /ic aliase :D

    TheGamesHawk2001 Then we could test the next version together ;) If anyone has another request, I'll do it :p
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