Force players from one world into another? (multiverse)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Matt Rock, Mar 5, 2014.

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  1. Offline

    Matt Rock

    Simply put, I need to "evacuate" one world, by sending all of its players into a new world, and I need this to be automatic; when a player logs in, they're instantly zapped out of their home and dropped off at the spawn on the new world, with their carried inventories intact. I could just sit around waiting for all thirty players to log in and manually move them, but then there's all that eating and sleeping that would get in the way :p

    Example: Notch is in world A, but needs to be in world B. The next time Notch logs in, he's immediately teleported into world B, and doesn't lose his inventory.

    Anyone know how to do this? Or if there's a plugin that can do it? I don't want to simply delete that world... there must be an alternative, surely.
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    Matt Rock
    You can try something with command blocks. like in a command block you can type in this:
    (set this in the world you dont want anyone to be in)
    this is how to set it up:
    and when you do set it up, and you are testing it on yourself, you can always do /stoplag to make the redstone stop. (in console it works also after you do the stoplag do /stoplag -c to make the redstone to work again)
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    Matt Rock

    I can try that for sure. It's better than what I was going to do... basically set a spawn up in the air with an ancient gates portal below it and drop players directly into the portal, lol. I'm not entirely sure what to do about existing offline players, though, shy of setting up command blocks at each and every location where players logged out, which sounds dreadful lol.
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    You only have 30 active players? Get an NBT editor (NBTExplorer) and edit their .dat files to change their locations. If you use Essentials, you should probably change the locations in their .yml files too, so they can't do /back to go to the old world.

    Only do this when an individual player is offline. Or maybe just shut the server down for 20 minutes while you do it.
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    Matt Rock

    I'll give that a try, that sounds more my speed. I tried doing it through essentials, but when players joined their user data was completely ignored and the players kept spawning back to wherever they logged out. Also, I'm unable to change the default world in for some reason... Each time I start the server, it just reverts it back to default :/
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    That's because the location comes from the .dat file. Using copy-and-paste, it shouldn't take more than 30 seconds for each player.

    I'm not up on the default world issue. But it seems to me you shouldn't change that. If you did, you would have to migrate all the player .dat files from the old world to the new world (because that's where the server looks for them). And then you'd have to tweak Multiverse, too.

    Maybe you want to do things one step at a time:
    Get the players' locations to the new world.
    Adjust Multiverse settings as necessary.
    Migrate player .dat files and change
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    Matt Rock

    I'll try the command block thing, that seems like the easiest solution. I've never used one though, so I'm not sure of the fundamentals; if I set one up in one world that just says /spawn @a with a permanent charge, it would only affect that world, right? It won't just spawn everyone in all of our worlds in perpetuity, as funny as that would be?

    I used NBTExplorer and went into the player dat files, but I can't find anything that denotes which world a player is in. I see dimensions, but nothing for worlds. I can edit a config.yml like nobody's business but I think we're wading into territory beyond my pay grade lol :D

    @ Bobcat: The issue at hand is a bit complicated, but long story short, we had a huge problem where TerrainControl stopped generating our existing world properly, and after quite a bit of screwing about, I decided it would just be easier to transfer our stuff into a new world, region files and all, ditching the corrupted/ broken region files. The new world works fine and everything generates properly, but now we're "evacuating" the old world, moving everyone into the new one. Before you ask, yes, I tried with all of my might to fix this problem before going for this solution... we exhausted every option any of us could think of. The new world is flippin' gorgeous so all of this headache was worth it, lol.
  8. Offline


    Matt Rock
    If you want i can come on your server, and help you with it.
  9. Offline


    You want SpawnWorld and Pos
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