Force an event to be true

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by LRFLEW, Jun 3, 2011.

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    My plugin PvP Control, I deny the attacks to another player if one of them has pvp off for themselves. However, if the has pvp=false, even if both players have pvp on for themselves, the server denies the attack. How can I make my plugin Force the damage? event.setCanceled(false) doesn't do it.
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    AFAIK, you can't. In order for PvP to work, PvP must be set to "true" in the file. In theory, you could probably manually deal damage to other players, but what's the point? Just inform users that your plugin requires PvP to be on.
  3. Yeah, like imjake9 said just make sure PvP is set to true in the server properties, unless you want to handle damage dealt for every single possibility.
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