Fluid MC Stats

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by Zachary DuBois, Mar 16, 2014.

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  1. Offline

    Zachary DuBois

    Flyingbadger135, then the script cannot write the config file. Please make sure the installer can write to /config.php.

    Change the owner to the web user (Normally www-data:www-data) and chmod 600 should do the trick.
  2. Offline


    Zachary DuBois How do I "Change the owner to the web user (Normally www-data:www-data) and chmod 600 should do the trick."? The config.php already has 666 permissions.

    EDIT: It works, thanks a lot!
  3. Offline

    Zachary DuBois

    Wow, 666 permissions on a file containing a password. That is very very unsafe. That basically says, everyone can look at it and change it. Please learn to have more security.
  4. Offline


    He says 600, not 666...Read carefully next time :p it is better than do anything ;)

    Any idea about the new version? for the 2.0.0 stats versions?
    Is it possible to add achievement web-end too thaht show a list of achievements and a list of what achievement each player have ?

    ** Sorry for my bad english**
  5. Offline

    Zachary DuBois

    maxlehot1234, There is no eta on the next version due to how busy I have been. The next one I am planning on having Achievements support. But that might come in v0.3.0. Also, the current Fluid MC Stats, v0.1.4-FIX works fine with the current Stats version of v2.0.0. It has tiny bugs but nothing major.
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    @Zachary DuBois
    I'm getting some weird errors on my site, which i need help!
    My Server Status isn't working
    Getting loads of Error messages around the box
    Title and Footer are misplaced everytime?
    Wtf is this?
  7. Offline

    Zachary DuBois

    Adzkii please pay attention to the current version. Last line was not needed.
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  9. Offline

    Zachary DuBois

    Adzkii, please download the latest tagged version as I have said before.
  10. Offline


    @Zachary DuBois
    What do you mean tagged version? Stable? There's 2 files
  11. Offline

    Zachary DuBois

    Adzkii download from the repository or BucketDev.
  12. Offline


    @Zachary DuBois
    That's what i did for the Web files. But the jar files i got it from Dev Build?
  13. Offline

    Zachary DuBois

  14. Offline


    @Zachary DuBois

    Lol Joking me about. That's the version I'm currently using v0.1.4. I just got few errors fixed from lol.
    but the others are still out of order.
  15. Offline

    Zachary DuBois

    Adzkii, please read it all the way. That is a quick fix version of v0.1.4. *Use that version*. There was not enough changes made in that version to call it a new release.
  16. Offline


    @Zachary DuBois
    Yeah that's the version I'm on about v0.1.4 Quick fix. Did you guys even test that version out before posting it to Bukkit Dev?
  17. Offline

    Zachary DuBois

    Adzkii, Yes. Every version is testing on Mac and Linux running in Apache and Nginx. You obviously have something different in your setup as all of the tests I have run return no errors. In fact, if you are running that version, error reporting is turned off in PHP debug so errors will never be displayed.
  18. Offline


    @Zachary DuBois
    There's nothing wrong with my host, Since everything is update to date. I've done what you asked me to do. Error reporting was already of i just seen it.
  19. Offline

    Zachary DuBois

    Adzkii, please paste the first 15 lines of inc/header.php and provide a non-redacted error log from Fluid MC Stats.
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  21. Offline

    Zachary DuBois

    Adzkii, that is a private paste thus I cannot view it. Please use hastebin.com.
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  23. Offline

    Zachary DuBois

    Adzkii, run `ls -a /path/to/fmcs`
  24. Offline


    @Zachary DuBois
    Now you see the problem ay. I'm using a cPanel to control my site so I'm not a much of an expert to use ssh or whatever
  25. Offline

    Zachary DuBois

    Adzkii, I do not use any panels or (S)FTP. So all I can tell you to do is check if the root of the Fluid MC Stats install contains a file called `config.php` and has read and write permissions of the web user.
  26. Offline


    The unsupported of Fluid MCStats is ... I dont like it, I prefer the old WebStatsX, but idk how the newer one will look, but its quite "urgent" because of bukkit's mess atm (As seen on main page) so idk if Stats 2.0.0 is ready for productive use for UUID and the Fluid MCStats ready. I wish if I was able to code I could make mine, or someone else porting WebStatsX compat with Stats 2.
  27. Offline


    I strongly agree with you.
    TNTUP likes this.
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    Zachary DuBois

    TNTUP, we made the first version to see if people really used the web end and to see what they wanted out of one. I discontinued the v0.1.X series for support because there were a lot of issues with it because it was coded very fast and some of the API's we used are no longer active or accessible (Partly the reason why I made that quick fix update). This is a low priority project for me since I am currently receiving no benefit from it. It is a free time project and with high school starting back up, servers being completely rebuild, and a lot of other things in my personal life happening right now, I have not simply had time to do it. It will get done I can assure you and I remember linking to a few screenshots awhile back of the completely new interface as a sneak peak.

    Adzkii, your options are limited. Make your own, use the one I am working on, or risk copyright infotainment from the old developer (That is no longer contactable for the past year or so) by updating his project to work with the latest builds.
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    okay, we'll see it when its ready, im quite impatient because of namechanging so I would be forced to use Stats 2, without web backend :s
    Adzkii likes this.
  30. Offline

    Zachary DuBois

    TNTUP, It will take some time to make this as the Stats database is a very large thing. Yes we can salvage some old code but, we have to be careful when we do because we're implementing some security in this release.
    Adzkii likes this.
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