Fluid MC Stats

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by Zachary DuBois, Mar 16, 2014.

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    Zachary DuBois

    It is under the versions section like they always have been...

    I am not sure what you mean about that last part.
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    Sorry, i change my poste content... I have a lot of errors on my website after i update the web-end files. I dellete ALL old files to put NEW files. Check my website:

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    Zachary DuBois

    The errors I am seeing looks like you have PHP debug on and that is why they are being displayed. The slowness of the site is not just you, it is because the Minecraft API that we use to query servers is currently down. I have emailed the domain owner asking what is going on with it because it has been down for 2 days. As you can see, the demo is running Beta v0.1.2 on Ubuntu (Also tested on Debian, MAMP, WAMP, and other various IDEs). There are no errors and the only error going in the log file is dealing with the fact it can fetch the API. Hence why I could not update the screenshots for the new version of FMCS. Could you please let me know what you are running Fluid MC Stats on and what version of the Stats plugin you are using is?
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    i use the latest version of FMCS and Stats 2.0.0 DEV
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    Zachary DuBois

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    I use the LATEST version of FLuid MC Stats available on bukkit dev page...

    I contact my hosting compagny about the php debug on and i wait their response.
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    Zachary DuBois

    The last part I am asking what OS and what httpd? Not versions.
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    Zachary DuBois

    maxlehot1234 likes this.
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    Zachary DuBois

    Beta v0.1.3 Released! Coming soon to BukkitDev!

    (Please click the link for details as this is a tiny change)

    Yay! The screenshots have finally expired in the CDN cache! Enjoy the screenshots!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2016
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    Zachary DuBois

    I am currently working on all of our servers here at AccountProductions, there is no ETA so, the avatars no loading, shortened links, and the demo are currently down. I am working very hard to get them back up fairly fast.
    Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause.
    Hockeymikey and Lolmewn like this.
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    What are your plans for 2.0? Will it display some stuff like Statistics? I like how they show most blocks broken, who killed them the most, ect. when viewing a player's page.
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    Zachary DuBois

    The plugin does log very detailed statistics. We released the interface to see what people think (AKA Pre-Alpha and Alphas). When we released the first Beta, people have requested this. In Beta v0.2.0, advanced statistics will be available via the interface and we will be implementing new looks and a bunch of new features.
  15. Offline


    Sweet! Any rough ETA on it? Is there a plan for an admin panel to edit settings (unless this is already there and I'm just missing it) ?
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    Zachary DuBois

    Due to regents examination in school right now, I am going to try to get it done before the start of summer but, then again, no guarantees because I am doing a lot of maintenance on my servers (Hence why downloads are down at the moment) and studying for tests. Everything will definitely be done by the end of June (Hopefully).

    Here is a sneak peak of the template for Beta v0.2.0:

    Images are no longer uploaded.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2016
  17. Offline


    Shoot. Love the screenshot, looks like it'll be great, can hardly wait!
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    Zachary DuBois

    The screenshot doesn't show half of it :p
  19. Offline


    :eek: Wow if this is just the tip of the iceberg I can only imagine what else there is!
  20. Offline


    Stats v2.0.0 has been released!
    Hockeymikey and Zachary DuBois like this.
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    Zachary DuBois

    Fluid MC Stats v0.1.4 Release. Soon to Bukkit Dev.
    - Adds support for FireFox in the installation scripts.
    - Moves things off my systems because I am not sure how long they will be down.

    Download (Direct From BitBucket)
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    This is looking better, in the form of having a dashboard of overall stats again!
    Can we get back the ?player=GodsDead, Ive brought this up already on the Bukkit stats page in-depth, so I wont repeat myself here.

    How is the PVP side of things coming along? The no-1 requested feature from my players is a PVP log, a Most valuable player statistic (Home-dash), Top killer, most wanted player all that stuff.
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    Zachary DuBois

    GodsDead, I am currently laying out the new interface's pages still due to the amount that is happening in school right now. I plan on getting v0.2.0 out with general functionality. Once people give me some feedback on it, I will start to piece in features that are requested. PVP is on the list of TODOs.
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    Layout isn't really a big thing when using Bootstrap, Layouts can be made within minutes, May I suggest focusing on getting data shown first? Please check out your competitor for data to show on the dashboard and player pages:
    Also the colour scheme they use is great, clean and white can be embedded in existing websites.
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    Zachary DuBois

    GodsDead, You sound like a UI type of person. I do UX and backend. It is very difficult to display data in a way people understand, is easy to use, and doesn't over complicate the interface. I want ease of use, not something that everyone won't know how to use. Also, with v0.2.0 is the layout changes. We are trying to move over to template files to allow people to create their own looks to complement their own existing sites. The reason we aren't doing an MVC approach is because then there is complication to make it 'your own' and one-of-a-kind.
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    Yeah man, UX, Front end, Back end, Ive been in web design and development for 10 years? I left a really detailed comment on the stats page, but Im sure it just got burried :(

    What you really need to focus on is the backend, get that data shown, it dousnt matter how, just get that PHP written, once you have that its easy to create a beautiful UI, thats what im waiting for, Im not even planning on using the frontend at all as I already have a website, I dont want to embed and I dont want to use an iframe, Im going to create my own layout to fit in properly to my website so its all fluid.

    I HATE having seperate pages and appliations smashed together, theres no need for it and its terrible design & even worse SEO.

    The key is getting the data there, check out the competetor to see what data they are showing, look at the webstatsx, Mine is still live and constantly getting live data from my server http://stats.piratemc.com/

    Its too basic at the moment!
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    Zachary DuBois

    GodsDead, Yeah. I am working on the entire thing front end and then I'll hop over to backend. Just takes time due to school and everything.
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    Zachary DuBois If I get some time want me to help? Im also time restricted because of work!
  29. Offline


    That's awesome :D
  30. Offline


    Excellent script, any idea when 0.2.0 is coming and could you please add a first joined field on the player.php page?
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