Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by dibujaron, May 1, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: [FIXES/FUN/MECH]

    Suggested name: Rafts (thought another name could be better, when you search "rafts" it also picks up "craft", so you get about 100 results)

    A bit about me: I am the owner of a smallish private server with some experience in programming but little in java

    What I want: After being told that another of my ideas was impossible, I figured i would ask around about this one: Rafts in minecraft. Traincarts plugin by Bergekiller is similar to what i am asking for; what i want is a way to link boats together to form a large raft type structure, maintaining a set distance between them. This idea came into my head because there has been chatter about a potential future update of minecraft including large customizable boats, and i thought of this to be a (far inferior) bukkit version of that. Sort of an aquatic traincarts, except all the boats don't have to be linked in a line, but rather can make large squares or whatever. Rafts could be created by typing /raftcreate and then right clicking every boat you wanted to link, then pushing them together. Then the captain would sit in one of the boats and type /raftcaptain to start controlling the raft from that boat. Thanks for spending the time to look at this page, and i hope you'll consider this as an option.

    Ideas for commands: /raftcreate and /raftcaptain would be good

    Ideas for permissions: rafts.captain would allow someone to drive a raft

    When I'd like it by: No worries, no hurries: just you know, don't take forever about it; I feel like if you are going to develop a plugin for me i don't need to give you a deadline

    Similar plugin requests: none that i have found; if there is one (or another plugin that already does this) please tell me!
  2. Offline


    no one is responding...

    never mind about this, got movecraft, which makes this idea pretty worthless and crappy. sorry for wasting your time reading this, though if someone still wants to develop this, feel free

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  3. Offline


    i want the same thing but so far there has been none.

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