Seeds v2.0 Tested with CraftBukkit beta build 1.2-R0.1 Seeds is now supported, maintained and updated on BukkitDev. Click HERE for the project.
Btw didn't know u dedicated this to me but i am very thankful because when a good cb version comes out this will be great
I was hoping people would be smart enough to spot that themselves. The only reason I put it like this is because that's exactly how I coded it into the plugin. I will try that later on, but seeing as 815 only modified packet handling, I doubt this is fixed yet. I think the reason why it is broken is because Notch must've added something in 1.6.1/1.6.2 when "fixing" item duplication. Chris
Just a quick heads up, unfortunately, this is still broken in 816. Chris @Enzy @Juze @cholo71796 @kahlilnc Update released! v1.0b1 fixes the problem with seeds not being able to be picked up. Sorry, that was an error on my part. EDIT: v1.0b2 also fixes NPE when right clicking "air". Chris EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
@ChrizC: Please fix your title to [818] and test it against that latest RB. Read more:
It's not broken. You have to harvest seeds from tall grass now. Grab some bonemeal and use it on a block of grass and watch what happens.
That's why I used quotes, because some people consider this as a nerf on Notch's part. This is for those people who want to restore this functionality. Chris
thank you for this, i was wondering why i dont gain seeds from grass anymore with hoe ^^ this will fix all! <3 +1 for ye!
The plugin is great, but the description is a bit misleading. "Harvest seeds from tiling dirt", it sounds like you can get seeds from plain dirt which I don't believe is the case... Suggestion: Change description to "Harvest seeds from tiling grass" or "Old grass behavior"