Inactive [FIX/MECH/GEN] BurningCreativeSuite v1.8 - Keeping Creative Players, Creative! [1.0.1-R1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Ahniolator, Sep 26, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Creativity Re-Imagined​
    Requires [RB 1.0.1-R1] || Current Version: v1.8​
    I apologize, but due to time constraints and sheer lack of focus on my part, I can no longer maintain this plugin. I will ensure that this plugin stays up-to-date and working for every RB, but I will no longer be working on adding features and general optimization of the script. From this point on I will only be making sure that it works properly, but fear not! This plugin is open-source, so if there are any who wish to help keep this plugin in top-shape, adding new features and optimizing the script to fix the lag issues, please submit a pull request on Git and I will test your work. If it is satisfactory, it will become a part of this plugin. Happy Holidays everyone!
    Link to git repo: Link
    Have a suggestion? Post it here!
    What does this plugin do? To be put simply, you won't ever have to worry about players in Creative Mode interfering with Survival Mode players. Want to have Creative Mode players to live alongside the Survival Mode players without having to worry about Creative Mode players "making it easier" for the Survival Mode players? This plugin will take care of that! Want to keep your hard-earned items separate from your items that you've spawned into the world? This plugin does that too! Still interested? Read below and check it out!

    • Prevents players in Creative Mode from giving items to Survival Mode players
    • Prevents players in Creative Mode from breaking bedrock at the bottom of the world
    • Prevents Endermen from picking up/placing blocks in the world. "Now they can only stare at you angrily! ...Then chase you down and kill you. :D"
    • Separates Creative Mode and Survival Mode inventories!
    • Configurable! Everything can be disabled or enabled!
    • Permissions! Players can be given exclusive rights to bypass certain functions when enabled with a permissions node!
    • Can stop and start time!
    Sorry for the mic quality, my good one is broken and I am waiting on the new one to ship.​
    WARNING: It is not recommended that you edit any of the inventory files unless you are deleting them. Corruption could possibly occur and break the plugin
    Change Log:
    v1.8 || December 2, 2011​
    • Fixed enchantments not being saved/loaded
    v1.7 || October 24, 2011​
    • Several bugfixes, tbh I don't remember them all
    v1.69 || October 18, 2011​
    • Fixed bcs.bypass.entityattack permission. You should now be able to attack entities while you have this permission.

    v1.68 || October 17, 2011​
    • Added two new permissions: bcs.bypass.entityattack and bcs.bypass.chestaccess
    v1.67 || October 17, 2011​
    • I'm really sorry this time: Turned off developer mode, and removed loading/saving messages for block data
    v1.66 || October 17, 2011​
    • Sorry to those who just updated: I put the timeout method in the wrong order :p
    v1.65 || October 16, 2011​

    • Changed it so blocks that the plugin does not currently support now just don't get logged. It no longer prevents you from placing them.
    • Added a timeout to the update check portion of the script, it should no longer give long stack-traces due to not being able to connect to my host
    • Changed the way it saves and loads the blocks slightly, it should no longer give ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions while breaking "creative" doors.
    v1.6 || October 13, 2011​

    • Added new permissions
    • Fixed creative players and minecarts (They can't place/use them anymore without the correct .bypass permission)
    • Added optional preventing creative players from picking up items
    • Updated to new configuration api
    v1.51 || October 3, 2011​
    • Fixed bcs.commands.toggle permission. Should work properly now.
    v1.5 || October 2, 2011​
    • Added support for WorldGuard and LogBlock ( Thanks @Ycros )
    • Multi-threaded update notifications, so if a connection to the host is poor, it does not lag the server.
    v1.4 || September 30, 2011​

    • Reworked the BLOCK_PLACE and BLOCK_BREAK events. Should reduce server load greatly on most servers. (Plugin running faster FTW!)
    • Fixed a bug where blocks that break when the block below them breaks giving drops from "Creative" blocks.
    • Blocked placement of TNT and Beds for Creative players to prevent certain bugs from appearing until they are fixed
    • If an explosion would destroy a "creative" block, the explosion event gets cancelled to prevent a bug from occurring until it is fixed. Players and other entities, however, will still be damaged by the explosion.
    • Added autosaving blocks in the config. The block saving interval is how many blocks must be placed/broken before it saves the creative blocks to a file. (The larger the number, the less server load, but in the event of a server crash more data will be lost.)
    v1.31 || September 28, 2011​
    • Made creative player attacking configurable, and fixed the reload command
    v1.3 || September 28, 2011​
    • Creative players cannot damage other entities or be targeted by other entities anymore
    v1.28 || September 28, 2011​
    • Fixed creative block dropping bug when you re-enable it after disabling
    • Fixed small command errors
    • Added ability to clear a different player's inventory with the /bcs clearinv <player> command
    • Changed the inventory-clearing method that was being used for the clearinv command to tell who cleared the inventory if a player is specified
    • Added bcs.commands.toggle permissions node
    v1.25 || September 27, 2011:​
    • Fixed spamming console on inventory saving/loading
    v1.24 || September 27, 2011:​
    • Fixed update notifications again
    v1.23 || September 27, 2011:​
    • Fixed explosions giving drops for "Creative" blocks
    v1.21 || September 26, 2011:​
    • Fixed an error I made in the 1.2 update
    v1.2 || September 26, 2011:​
    • Fixed update notifications
    • Added time stopping/starting
    v1.1 || September 26, 2011:

    • Added update notifications
    v1.0 || September 25, 2011:

    • Plugin release
    tombik likes this.
  2. Offline


    What version are you using?
  3. Offline


    1.6, I haven't had the chance to get on my server to update yet.

    I'll update soon and let you know.
  4. Offline


    It should be fixed when you update. Just be sure to look at this before you update:
  5. Offline


    Hello again!

    I have stumbled upon some problems with the bypass permissions, the inventory change bypass works fine (I've disabled it while having '*' permission), but for some reason it doesn't work for 'bcs.bypass.creativepickup' and 'bcs.bypass.creativedrop'.
    I've tried both with a '-' in front of them and without.

    Currently I'm running version 1.67 with CB RB 1317 and PermissionsEx.

    PS: I would love you forever if you made a shortcut named "/bcs t" for "/bcs toggle"!
  6. Offline


    Could you send me a list of the plugins you are using, and whatever file you are using to specify your permissions? Those would be of great use to in helping solve your problem.
  7. Offline


    My plugins are these:
    WorldEdit, Multiverse-Core, WorldGuard, PluginManager, iConomy, GoinRound, PermissionsEx, FalseBookBlock, FalseBookCore, NullTerrain, Essentials, CombatTag, OpenInv, FalseBookExtra, NoCheat, MoneyDrop, Multiverse-Portals, HeroChat, MobDisguise, Spout, Ptweaks, LogBlockQuestioner, EssentialsProtect, NoFarm, Modifyworld, FalseBookIC, SpawnBed, EssentialsSpawn, mcMMO, Permissions, dynmap, VanishNoPacket, Factions, Register, NarrowtuxLib, Showcase, MobArena, WorldBorder, LogBlock, Burning Creative Suite, CreativeGates

    And I use MySQL for PermissionsEx.
  8. Offline


    I have been looking for a creative mode modifying plugin ever since 1.8 came out, so this makes me really happy!
    Quick question though. Is it possible to allow the flying and one hit block breaking, but disallow access to the infinite inventory and make the blocks be pick-up-able when you one shot them? I'd like to enable this as a reward on my server, but I don't want people to stop mining and altering the landscape.
  9. Offline


    disallow access to the infinite inventory: no
    make the blocks be pick-up-able when you one shot them: yes, see the Todo page
  10. Offline


    Is disallowing infinite inventory possible? I know java, but not bukkit modding, so if you can at least tell me if it's possible I might try my hand. That is, if you don't plan on implementing it.
  11. Offline


    As I said before, no. But if you want to go ahead and try to start making plugins by all means do so. If you ever need any help when you are, just send me a pm. Bukkit works pretty much just like all the other api's available for java so it shouldn't be hard to get to know how to do it.
  12. Offline


    Sorry, it did sound like I was asking the same question twice. I guess I meant to ask if disallowing infinite inventory is something that is allowed by the bukkit api at the moment. Also, thanks! I was just watching some vids on how to get started writing the plugins. Seems pretty straight forward so far.
  13. Offline


    problem: my inventories arent seperate:

    i first made the new map with multiverse and set the map in the multiverse world config to creative mode.
    then i installed bcs - bcs says "the gamemode has changed" if i go to another map, but inventories arent seperate.
    inventory option is set enabled.

    bukkit 1317, newest bcs and multiverse
  14. Offline


    Are you using any other plugins?
  15. Offline


    of course but no other multiworld plugin

    my "big" plugins are:

    big brother
    CleanroomGenerator (to make a flat map with multiverse)
  16. Offline


    Would you mind sharing your permissions files for PEX? I believe your problem is in there somewhere
  17. Offline


    ah!: i didnt write the new creative map at the bottom under "worlds:" - maybe that caused the error

            default: false
            info: []
            - Moderator
            - '*'
            build: true
            prefix: '&4[Admin]'
            suffix: '&4'
                rank: 60
            default: false
            info: []
            - Foerderer
            - multiverse.access.wettbewerb
            - permissions.manage.membership
            - spyer.spy
            - creaturebox.set
            - creaturebox.give
            - creaturebox.period
            - creaturebox.count
            - creaturebox.limit
            - creaturebox.requires
            - creaturebox.dropspawner
            - creaturebox.placespawner
            - mcmmo.commands.whois
            - spyer.spy
            - spyer.stopmobs.admin
            - iWarning.warn
            - iWarning.playerwarning
            - iWarning.resetwarnings
            - iWarning.viewbans
            - iWarning.removeban
            - lottery.admin.draw
            - lottery.admin.addtopot
            - obuvoting.cancel
            - mcmmo.motd
            - mcmmo.commands.ability
            - mcmmo.regeneration
            - mcmmo.ability.*
            - mcmmo.skills.*
            - payday.admin
            - nocheat.speedhack
            - nocheat.moving
            - nocheat.flying
            - nocheat.fakesneak
            - nocheat.airbuild
            - nocheat.bedteleport
            - nocheat.itemdupe
            - nocheat.bogusitems
            - general.time
            - general.player-info
            - minecartmania.commands.eject
            - worldguard.heal.other
            - worldguard.region.define
            - worldguard.region.list
            - worldguard.region.remove
            - worldguard.region.addmember.*
            - worldguard.region.removemember.*
            - worldguard.region.addowner.*
            - worldguard.region.removeowner.*
            - worldedit.navigation.thru
            - worldedit.history.undo
            - worldedit.history.redo
            - worldedit.selection.expand
            - worldedit.fixwater
            - worldedit.snow
            - general.player-info
            - essentials.tphere
            - essentials.tppos
            - essentials.delwarp
            - essentials.kick
            - essentials.tree
            - essentials.bigtree
            - essentials.spawn
            - multiverse.list
            build: true
            prefix: '&1[Moderator]'
            suffix: '&1'
                rank: 50
            default: false
            info: []
            - Kaufmann
            - general.teleport
            - elevators.advancedbuilder
            - elevators.builder
            - essentials.msg
            - worldguard.heal
            - worldedit.tool.tree
            - essentials.clearinventory
            - worldedit.navigation.jumpto
            - worldedit.navigation.up
            - essentials.back
            - essentials.back.ondeath
            build: true
            prefix: '&6[Foerderer]'
            suffix: '&6'
                rank: 40
                    - war.*
            default: false
            info: []
            - Bewohner
            - obuvoting.create
            - worldguard.stack
            - essentials.setwarp
            - essentials.warp
            - falsebook.blocks.bridge
            - falsebook.blocks.door
            - falsebook.blocks.gate
            - falsebook.blocks.lift
            - falsebook.blocks.*
            build: true
            prefix: '&3[Kaufmann]'
            suffix: '&3'
                rank: 30
                    - minecartmania.signs.*
                    - minecartmania.signs.*
            default: false
            info: []
            - Neuling
            - mobarena.use.join
            - mobarena.use.leave
            - mobarena.use.spectate
            - multiverse.teleport.self.*
            - multiverse.core.list.worlds
            - multiverse.core.list.who
            - multiverse.core.list.environments
            - multiverse.core.coord
            - multiverse.core.confirm
            - multiverse.access.world_nether
            - multiverse.access.freimaurer
            - multiverse.access.oben
            - multiverse.access.Mine
            - mcmmo.motd
            - mcmmo.commands.ability
            - mcmmo.regeneration
            - mcmmo.ability.*
            - mcmmo.skills.*
            - deathmessageplugin.sendmessage
            - deathmessageplugin.getmessage
            - essentials.list
            - essentials.compass
            - essentials.afk
            - essentials.getpos
            - essentials.helpop
            - essentials.sethome
            - essentials.home
            - essentials.mail
            - essentials.mail.send
            - iConomy.payment
            - iConomy.access
            - iConomy.rank
            - iConomy.list
            - war.warp
            - war.player
            build: true
            prefix: '&2[Bewohner]'
            suffix: '&2'
                rank: 20
                    - lwc.protect
                    - lwc.protect
            default: true
            info: []
            inheritance: null
            - general.spawn
            - essentials.spawn
            - essentials.rules
            - essentials.motd
            build: false
            prefix: '&7[Neuling]'
            suffix: '&7'
                rank: 10
            - world
        freimaurer: null
            - freimaurer
        Mine: null
  18. Offline


    Because you gave all admins the "*" permission, you gave all admins all of the bypass permissions. You need to give yourself the following permission AFTER the "*" permission:
    - -bcs.bypass.*
  19. Offline


    thanks a lot!
  20. If i have made world Creative with MultiWorld and i have normal survival world Semicraft <-- does this make possible i can go from survival to creative world and have creative build there with separated inventory? and when i go back to semicraft which is survival -> im back with survival mode and no creative worlds items with me?

    Also if i log out in creative world , do i stay in creative gamemode? or do i switch to survival game mode and it bugs? when moving back to survival from creative does it turn me to creative when being in survival if logged out in creative and turned to survival?

    if i made any sense XD
  21. Offline


    I haven't done any multiworld testing, but since this plugin doesn't try to change your game mode in any of the situations that you've mentioned it should work just fine.
  22. Offline


    Request: You should make a setting to prevent people who are in creative mode from going to certain regions, Or even better, set an x or z value that they can not cross unless they switch to survival mode first.
    So Creative_area: < x=200 means you can only be in creative mode below x=200 and trying to cross x=200 would be like hitting an invisible wall. Do the same for Survival too, but I personally would let survival go anywhere since they won't be able to mine creative made recources with your plugin. Separate inventories and no creative drops is key.

    I want a server where creative and survival players play together, but build apart from eachother for the most part. But I want to allow Creative players to be able to switch in and out of creative mode, so they can play as survival in their creative made homes. Survival players have the option to build anywhere, but have the option to stay away from the crazyness of the creative side. The survival side uses minecart stations to get around so it wouldn't be cool to have people flying around on that side so it would be better to limit where creative players can go rather than where they can build. They just switch to Survival to cross the line.
  23. Offline


    I just had a problem on the server.

    The problem was when I removed blocks in a cuboid (The cuboid was made by an error with your plugin), there were no drops, even though I put the blocks down with survival mode, and removed them, no drops.

    The fix was to delete the blockData folder.

    And it was caused by one of my players using the BCS for a long period, and then it bugged.
    His only permission was 'bcs.commands.toggle'.

    Do you happen to know why this happened?
  24. Offline


    Could you elaborate on this a little more?
  25. Offline


    Liking the sound of this, however im having just one issue.

    I have the admin '*' permission ( using pex) , and while i can toggle my own game status, I cant seem to do so for other players. For example, I type /bcs toggle <playername>, but all i get returned in game is /bcs help. The command doesnt seem to be recognised. All other features see to work fine though.

    Im using CB 1318 and BCS ver 1.69
    Any ideas
  26. Offline


    Try adding the permission bcs.admin manually. All of the permissions work properly if you add them in specifically, but apparently they aren't getting added when just using the "*" permission. I think it's probably a problem with the permissions plugins because of that. It could be because I'm using the most recent build, but since the other perms work, I doubt that's the problem.
  27. Offline


    I don't know how to explain it actually, just imagine that somehow your plugin had "reserved" an entire cuboid, and if you destroyed blocks within that cuboid, you didn't get any drops.
    And I'm not exactly sure if it was a cuboid.

    But my friend used the plugin to build 4 towers insides (stairs etc.), and after that then the error happened.
    It even made it so the dirt at layer 64 didn't drop stuff, but the layer beneath it did. And the cuboid's top was where the top block he placed was.
  28. Offline


    Do you have the actual error? I can't really do anything without it, especially since I can't recreate it with what information that you've given me.
  29. Offline


    No errors.

    Except sometimes when I remove a block it says "Block was a door" or something.
  30. Offline


    That... wasn't meant to be in the release... It was part of some testing and it was a debug message. I guess I forgot to remove it, so it'll be gone in the next version.

    It is an odd problem... Something must have happened on your server to corrupt the data in the block file because my plugin doesn't operate using cuboid regions, it saves and checks everything on a block-per-block basis
  31. Offline


    Ive added the bcs.admin permission node manually, and tried adding it before the '*', and after it. Ive even tried adding it to my username, but sadly, for me at least, using the latest version of pex (version 1.15), it still refuses to allow me to toggle other players.

    Im guessing pex doesnt like me, but thanks anyway :)

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