Fire now doesn't stop burning

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by TnT, Feb 2, 2011.

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    Instead of having a never ending fire, it will now burn out. Anything around it will also burn to the ground.

    I know this is kind of a bug in Minecraft, but I really like this bug. It makes me ever so happy.

    Since fire acts as it theoretically is supposed to now, it has caused my beautiful treefort home to burn to the ground.

    Build 231.
  2. Offline


    wood block never ending in 193 for me but not 207 , so I downgrade the serv for now
  3. Offline


    Hey there TnT, welcome to the support forum - Always good to see newcomers [​IMG]

    I don't entirely get your problem - Are you saying that the old bug where most of a tree will burn forever is fixed?
  4. Offline


    The ever-burning wood block bug has been fixed in the latest CraftBukkit builds. According to the bug tracker, it will also be fixed in Minecraft proper in the next update.

    Time to stock up on netherrack. :)
  5. Offline


    I had to do some fast chopping to save my stuff because they "fixed" this bug. I liked that bug dammit.
  6. Offline


    A lot of people did. I was personally mystified at the disappearance of my fireplace (can't get netherrack in SMP without cheating!). Such is the way of progress, however. I won't miss the flaming floating tree fragments, anyway.
  7. Offline


    I can't understand why this bug was fixed before Notched fixed the nether on multiplayer servers. I figured that's why Notch had held off fixing it himself. Now players on multiplayer servers are left with no alternative.
  8. Offline


    That has me a bit perplexed too. I know it can be considered a bug, but maybe they had a hard time working around it?
    --- merged: Feb 3, 2011 3:30 PM ---
    I actually do miss them. I would plant entire forests and set them on fire. Kept the area well lit up. Plus, now my path of exploration isn't as clear (I lit the trees up as I went).
  9. Offline


    Also it was fun watching the animals stumble into the burning trees and catch on fire.
  10. Offline


    When used properly, I found them to be some of the best, easiest mob traps to setup.
  11. Offline


    I just hope they don't decide to "fix" boosters. [​IMG]
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