Finding the player in custom method?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TopGear93, May 24, 2012.

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    Im sure this is an easy question but how would i return the exact player from an event to use in another class? I would like to know this because a method im trying to use in another class will not pick up that player and send them the message.

    Custom method
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    public class rankgift {
    ReferGift plugin;
    Random r = new Random();
    PlayerListener pl = new PlayerListener(plugin);
    rankgift(ReferGift plugin){
    this.plugin plugin;
    void referrank(Player player){
    String playername player.getName().toLowerCase();
    int playernameamount Collections.frequency(ReferGift.thereferrerplayername);
    playernameamount <= 1) || (playername == null)){
    r.nextInt(10) == plugin.getConfig().getInt("refergift.rankaward.referrank.random")){
    player.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED "[" ChatColor.GRAY plugin.getConfig().getString("refergift.title") + ChatColor.DARK_RED "]-" ChatColor.WHITE plugin.getConfig().getString("refergift.rankaward.rankonemsg"));
    The listener
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    public class PlayerListener implements Listener{
    ReferGift plugin;
    PlayerListener(ReferGift plugin){
    this.plugin plugin;
    public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) { 
    rankgift rankl = new rankgift(plugin);
    Player player event.getPlayer();
    String pname player.getName().toLowerCase();
    plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("refergift.rankaward.receive.switch") == true){
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    Try this, on your listener
    2. @EventHandler
    3. public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
    4. Player player = event.getPlayer();
    5. //String pname = player.getName().toLowerCase();
    6. if(plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("refergift.rankaward.receive.switch") == true){
    7. plugin.referrank(player);
    8. }
    9. }

    or you can just move the method to the listener class
    2. public class PlayerListener implements Listener{
    3. public ReferGift plugin;
    4. public PlayerListener(ReferGift plugin){
    5. this.plugin = plugin;
    6. }
    7. @EventHandler
    8. public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
    9. rankgift rankl = new rankgift(plugin);
    10. Player player = event.getPlayer();
    11. String pname = player.getName().toLowerCase();
    12. if(plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("refergift.rankaward.receive.switch") == true){
    13. this.referrank(player);
    14. }
    15. }
    16. public void referrank(Player player){
    17. String playername = player.getName().toLowerCase();
    18. int playernameamount = Collections.frequency(ReferGift.thereferrer, playername);
    19. if((playernameamount <= 1) || (playername == null)){
    20. if(r.nextInt(10) == plugin.getConfig().getInt("refergift.rankaward.referrank.random")){
    21. player.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + "[" + ChatColor.GRAY + plugin.getConfig().getString("refergift.title") + ChatColor.DARK_RED + "]-" + ChatColor.WHITE + plugin.getConfig().getString("refergift.rankaward.rankonemsg"));
    22. }
    23. }
  3. Offline


    yea i could add the method to the listener but thats only the first few lines of code. the custom method is almost 500 lines long lol. Im trying to keep everything organized into its own class.
  4. Offline


    Woah wait. I didn't quite see this all the way through. You were right the first time with just the rank1.referrank(player);
  5. Offline


    hmm, i cant quite understand why my custom method wont work then. The frequency collector should pickup that the referrer's name appears once on the list. The method should fire this off then but i wont even bother.

    if(playernameamount == 1){
    r.nextInt(10) == plugin.getConfig().getInt("refergift.rankaward.referrank.random")){
                    if (
    plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("refergift.rankaward.block.switch") == true) {
    String giftsplit plugin.getConfig().getString("");
    String[] splitstring giftsplit.split(":");
    int dura0 Integer.parseInt(splitstring[0]);
    short dura1 0;
                        if (
    splitstring.length == 2) {
    dura1 Short.parseShort(splitstring[1]);
    ItemStack item1 = new ItemStack(Material.getMaterial(dura0), plugin.getConfig().getInt(""), dura1);
    player.getInventory().addItem(new ItemStack[] { item1});
    ReferGift.economy.depositPlayer(player.getName(), plugin.getConfig().getInt(""));
    player.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED "[" ChatColor.GRAY plugin.getConfig().getString("refergift.title") + ChatColor.DARK_RED "]-" ChatColor.WHITE plugin.getConfig().getString("refergift.thanksfor") + player.getName());
  6. Offline


    Do you have a github? It might not be here. I'm kinda curious about your static reference ReferGift.thereferrer
  7. Offline


  8. Offline


    Alright. So I sent 3 pull requests till I realized how much needed to change. I forked and imported it. Reworked most of it and tested it. Your command structure is a bit querky as well as since most of the commands are based off players any commands sent via the console will not work. Just pull my fork and merge it if you like. Its all yours but there were alot of changes I made to it.
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    uh thanks for rebuilding most of plugin when it didnt really need it. My only question was how to fix this method issue.

    so what was the main issue for the addon method? I just needed to change the frequency collector to a for loop?
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    Sorry its a pet peeve.
    "Every time a executed a static method in one class, no matter how trivial, synchronized or not, it would just hang. IntelliJ trace would just go to sleep. I was doing threading, and I had some locks internal to two ConcurrentHashMaps in the class, but they should lock on the Collection, not the whole class."
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