Fetching and setting to MySQL

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Markyroson, May 28, 2015.

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    How do you go about fetching and setting information to a MySQL database (ie player stats/currency amounts) within Java?
    Last edited: May 28, 2015
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    @Markyroson "posting" is probably not the right word, anyway, have you tried using google? There are thousands of examples out there.
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    I changed the title and my original post to the correct terminology (changed "posting" to "setting"). I was just wondering if the community here had a better example than youtube videos and a couple of websites that had full out ones (was wondering especially after seeing bashing of youtube videos on forums).
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    @Markyroson Youtube videos are horrible, to be honest I would go with the Oracle Tutorials and maybe one or another site that has stuff right.

    As a note, you should read about Prepared Statements to increase performance and prevent sql injection.
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    I did find a website that seemed to have it but I cannot find it on this PC (found it on mobile so will look there later) and I will post it in here.

    I will look into prepared statements. How do they increase performance though?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Markyroson They protect against sql injection (something that could destroy your database at least)
    And they are just easier to use instead of normal queries (have experience with both methods)
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    @Markyroson The prepared statements are sent to the database and pre-compiled there, and can be used multiple times.

    Doing something like this would be faster than creating a new statement for each query.
    for(Data data : dataList) {
       preparedStatement .setInt(1, data.getId());
       preparedStatement.setString(2, data.getValue();
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    In an imperceptible way, yes that would be faster.


    The only real reason you would use prepared statements is to prevent SQL injection, a particularly common and hilarious exploit that allows someone to wipe your database.

    Also, do your queries on a separate thread, so as not to hang up the server.
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