First off, you may want to call me lazy and stuff, if you feel the urge to do this at any time while reading this post, may i redirect you to your back button, since I'm not really interested in being called lazy and nor is anyone really interested in reading it. With that over and done with, i am asking if anybody has an essentials 'worth.yml' which is either: Organized into a logical order Has logical pricing structure And would also like to share it I spent a good few hours converting my spreadsheet into the worth.yml the other day, by pasting in the item names and new prices over the old one so that a- it is logically organized and b- they are decent prices. Only to be told that my server doesn't sell any of the items whenever i try to /sell <itemname>. Obviously this is undesired and the only thing i can think of which could be wrong is that essentials doesn't like the names I've given them (for some reason even the ones like 'Bedrock' which has no other name didn't work). So if anybody wants to hand over their hard worked on worth.yml so i can at least modify it for my own use i would be very much grateful. (I'd put a link at the bottom of my site for you if you want) EDIT: Ok, for anybody who might be reading this wanting the same thing, i found this plugin which does the job much more intuitively: Am using this instead.
I'm afraid I have the same problem but I just need to fill in the prices: That has everything from the excel sheet