Solved Essentials, Magic Signs, and Multiverse permissions

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by T04ST3DMinecraft, Nov 10, 2013.

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  1. Hi, for my server I was setting up signs that would warp you to different worlds and different parts of those worlds, they seemed to be working fine because i was op, but as soon as I de-opped myself, I couldn't go through portals or use signs, I am 100% sure that this is a problem with my permissions but I'm not sure which permissions. I am using group manager for my permissions and below are links to all my files
    worlds/spawn groups.yml:
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    You haven't given any permission to use multiverse portals.
  3. Iroh so should I just add in the perms to the default group?
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  5. Offline


    Thats not a groupmanager file.
  6. oh yea, hold on let me get you the actual one
    here it is:
  7. Offline


    That doesnt seem to be an actual multiverse permission. Reread the multiverse documentation.
  8. Necrodoom I looked for the permission nodes and those are what I found, I'm gonna look again though

    Necrodoom I've been looking on the Multiverse wiki, and the bukkit page and still can't find the nodes, I found one list which contained the nodes that I put in to the config, but those didn't work, so I'm not sure where else to look
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  10. Iroh I already looked at that but didn't find it very helpful. Would i just add the permission multiverse.access.* ?
  11. Offline


    Directly from the list I gave you (saying this is not very helpful is ridiculous, the answer was in the third line of text):
    multiverse.access.WORLDNAME <-- access to WORLDNAME can be replaced with *
    multiverse.portal.access.PORTALNAME <-- access to PORTALNAME can be replaced with *
  12. Iroh wow... i feel like a total idiot. I completely skimmed over that... Thanks for all the help!
  13. Offline


    No problem, set thread to solved.
  14. Iroh that still didn't fix the problem with the signs, I made it through the portals fine, I added in the essentials.warp node but that still didn't fix it. this is my current
    worlds/spawn groups.yml:
  15. Offline


    What is the problem with the signs? What commands did you type with magic signs?
  16. Iroh the problem was that if somebody wasn't op, they couldn't use the signs. the signs were just /warp and /kit signs both of which the default class has permission to use if I'm correct.
  17. Offline


    Were they essentials or magic signs?
  18. Iroh I used magic signs for them to click on and I'm using essentials for my kits and such
  19. Offline


    You could just use the essentials actual signs? permission for these is essentials.signs.use.signname
  20. Necrodoom will the essentials actual signs allow me to mask them so that the players can't see the commands?
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  22. Necrodoom I looked at the sign commands but can you do double commands? because my signs are warping, giving the kit, and an effect.(i'm using magic signs)
    /kit S %p && /W
    arp %p So

    would you be able to do that with the essentials signs? and would you be able to change what it said so that it would do the same thing but look different?
  23. Offline


    T04ST3DMinecraft Oh, no, you cant. From the magicsigns syntax it looks like you are missing magicsigns permissions, you dont need to give users the actual /warp and /kiot permissions.

    After checking documentation, i see you gave wrong permission, you need to give magicsigns.consolecommand.use
  24. Necrodoom I put that in the worlds/spawn config file but it still didn't work
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  26. Necrodoom Iroh nvm, i figured it out I needed to set up permissions for multiple worlds
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