Essentials help :)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Spinny99, Feb 21, 2013.

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    Hey everyone,

    Today I'm having some trouble with Group Manager - problems with prefixes. I'm asuming the problem is not having a Chat plugin installed such as EssentialsChat (please do let me know if this isn't the problem). Could someone please explain how to enable/install EssentialsChat?

    This part of my post does not pertain to the problem, but I'd like to throw out there I'm very willing to hire a Developer (Yes, I can arrange real money) to help me out with my PVP server. You probably see "Looking for a Dev!" quite a lot, but my server is actually going to be successful but I'll need help to get it there.

    Thanks in advance, Spinny
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    Spinny99 Any part of the 'EssentialsChat' section of the Essentials config needs the EssentialsChat plugin.
    I'm pretty sure it handles colours and chat formatting.
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    But when I do /plugins on a server running group manager, Essentials & EssentialsChat is installed. How do I install EssentialsChat
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    Navigate to then download the zip folder. EssentialsChat will be inside of it.
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    Wow I was stupid. Thanks for the answer guys!
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