Essentials Global Chat

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by gustebeast, Aug 12, 2012.

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    I was wondering if there is anyway to change the global prefix for essentials. Currently its ! but i would rather it be something like /g . I didnt find anything in the regular config file so is there a way to open up the plugin and edit that?
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    That works to change the format of the sent message, say from [Shout] ___ to [G] ___ but i couldnt find the global prefix option in the messages file.
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    what is a global prefix? theres only local, shout, question and socialspy tags.
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    If you want to talk globally (shout) in essentials you put a ! before your chat. Like "!hey guys", would send a global message to everyone. Similarly if you type "?hey guys", it sends the message in question format. Im not asking how to edit the format for how the chat looks, Im asking how to change the !. I want it to be so that if you want to shout or talk globally, instead of using "!hey guys" you could type "/g hey guys"
  6. Offline


    so you mean you want to change it to a command? you cant.
  7. Offline


    Its a prefix just like !, the prefix is "/g " (see the space after /g). It doesnt have to be a command.
  8. Offline


    you cant. you can change the tag on format, nothing else.
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    Where can I change the tag format then?
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