Solved Essentials Chat Format

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by OfficerDeveloper, Apr 14, 2015.

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  1. Hello, so essentials chat format REFUSES to work after everything I've tried. Also the 'default' tag in pex does not make it default.

    PS: No errors at all, just doesn't work.

      format: '&7{DISPLAYNAME} &8» &7{MESSAGE}'
      #format: '&7[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'
        Owner: '&4&l[&c&lOwner&4&l] &c{DISPLAYNAME} &8» &c{MESSAGE}'
        Admin: '&4&l[&c&lAdmin&4&l] &c{DISPLAYNAME} &8» &c{MESSAGE}'
        SrMod: '&9&l[&b&lSr.Mod&9&l] &b{DISPLAYNAME} &7» &9{MESSAGE}'
        Mod: '&9&l[&b&lMod&9&l] &b{DISPLAYNAME} &7» &9{MESSAGE}'
        TrialMod: '&e&l[&6&lTrialMod&6&l] &e{DISPLAYNAME} &8» &6{MESSAGE}'
        ClearVision: '&b&l[&9&lClearVision&9&l] &b{DISPLAYNAME} &8» &9{MESSAGE}'
        Member: '&7&l[&8&lMember&7&l] &8{DISPLAYNAME} &7» &8{MESSAGE}'
        Default: '&7&l[&8&lMember&7&l] &8{DISPLAYNAME} &7» &8{MESSAGE}'
    how it comes out: (Group Owner - It uses the prefix from PeX also):

    And yes, I have Essentials Chat installed.

    EDIT by Timtower: And yes, I merged your posts
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2015
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    @OfficerDeveloper Try commenting out the 'format' one and only use the group formats. Not sure, but worth a try.
  3. Wow. Im a noob, I left mstore chat format true... LOL. Ty anyways!
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