Essentials blacklist items not working

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by BlueEyedPandaBear, Jan 3, 2014.

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  1. So in the essentials config it gives you the option to blacklist the use of certain items being used or in dispensers, but when I add items the blacklist it does nothing. Can someone help me out?
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    Can you post text file of your black list or config also make sure that you have essentials antibuild installed before using black list or it won't block it.
  3. blacklist:

    # Which blocks should people be prevented from placing?

    # Which items should people be prevented from using?
    usage: 373:8206, 373:16388, 373:16392, 373:16394, 373:16396, 373:16398, 373:16420, 373:16428, 373:16452, 373:16456, 373:16458, 373:16462, 373:16484

    # Which blocks should people be prevented from breaking?

    # Which blocks should not be pushed by pistons?

    # Which blocks should not be dispensed by dispensers
    dispenser: 373:8206, 373:16388, 373:16392, 373:16394, 373:16396, 373:16398, 373:16420, 373:16428, 373:16452, 373:16456, 373:16458, 373:16462, 373:16484

    That's what I put in the config. and does essentials antibuild screw with any other plugin I might have? Like towny?

    Sorry if I seem noobish, it's because I am lol
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    You cannot use damage values in blacklist config. Use permissions for that.
    Also make sure you have essentialsantibuild.jar
  5. What do you mean I can't use damage values?
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    The number before the colon is id number for item and the numbers after your colon is damage value.
  7. So I can't make players not use certain items like poison potions?
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    If it doesn't accept damage values no. You can possible try different plugin or world guard might have some support.
  9. Okay. Well "You can possible try different plugin" doesn't help me one bit. But thanks for trying.
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  11. Okay, all I want to do is disable the usage of posion splash, instant damage splash, and weakness splash. Is that or is that not possible?
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