Solved EntityDamageEvent not being changed (Packet problem)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by kameronn, Sep 20, 2016.

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    The problem is im setting custom damages through entity damage event but it wont work, because now im using async hit detection, and it's not being change.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2016
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    (im using protocollib)
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    Paste your full code.

    And if you're trying to set custom damage, create a Sync runnable (Sorry for memory leaks and Nooby use of java Packets), and then create a method below it. Call the Event method in your runnable... and Don't put it in your runnable.
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    @HeartandSoul Fixed it, I was being an idiot, the problems were that I was checking if they were on the ground and their Y velocity is more then 0 then it will be registered and did an else event for the critical, but if you're not jumping your Y velocity will be 0 and therefore wont pass the if statement.

    The second problem was with my async packet sending, I used Syncstart(); instead of start(); and as for the knockback, I send a velocity packet to the user (not protocllib) and canceled the velocity event if the last attack was instanceof player (i know not the best way)
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