Solved EnderDragon

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Funergy, Nov 29, 2014.

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    I have fixed a bug in BarAPI. but
    Because people might be using Spigot with a protocol hack.
    He's teleporting it to the direction hes looking at.
    But there's a problem he probably didn't think of.
    he gets the viewdistance * 16 but we don't see it because our render distance isn't that far
    So I have also changed it to * 11 and we can see it. but players that might have their render distance set to tiny they can't see it.
    Is there any way to send a bar to the player?
    And bypasses the render distance of a player?
    or any other way to fix this problem?
  2. Offline


    Hey funergy, I don't get what you are saying because you put a period everywhere :p
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    In 1.8 you can only see a boss bar if you are looking at the enderdragon. in 1.7 you could spawn the enderdragon at y -500 or something. and you still could see the boss bar.
    Because there can be 1.8 players on the clients server. they don't see the bar the whole time.
    so we are spawning the enderdragon at a players direction.
    but now if you have a low render distance you don't see the bar.
    but if I know then how to get his renderdistance and I spawn it the enderdragon is visible but I want to make him invisible but I don't know how to do that with the code of BarAPI
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    can I have proof that it only renders if you are looking at it
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    ChipDev I have found a better way.
    for 1.7 players I show them the boss bar and for 1.8 players I show the action bar :D
    and everything is working
    ChipDev likes this.
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    ChipDev 1. Don't be hostile 2. Why would you want proof, he wouldn't be lying?
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    I want a video to see actually how it works, and see it in action, I'm not trying to be hostile
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    ChipDev likes this.
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