Enchantments to Scrolls or Paper

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by BioRage, Nov 30, 2011.

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    Figured this could be done by Spout, so here it is.

    So, essentially if your familiar with WoW you'd understand the concept of this.
    1. X can enchant to a scroll of a paper of some sort;
    2. thus giving this scroll to Y;
    3. Which than Y can enchant weapon Z by using that scroll;
    Note: Enchantment should be some what restricted, if possible, to only users with that profession, or somewhat similar, thus making it so not everyone can enchant, unless they choose so.

    Note2: The user with the profession or skill / permission, can still enchant on their own weapons, they just have the option of placing it on an "expensive" paper or some sort, and selling it for profit, with the subtraction for the cost of the material made.

    Note3: If there would be a leveling system to enchant to XYZ that would be amazing.

    This seems like a hard job, so I can only hope for the best.
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