
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by vodit51321, Dec 24, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Fun/Admin Tools/Mechanics

    Suggested name: EnchantEffects or EffectEnchants

    What I want: I want a plugin where I can hold a item and hit someone with it and they get the effect I enchanted on it... Also If I enchant food. When I eat it I get the effect... Too be very specific I want this: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/enchant-effects/ exactly that except without the glitch that gives the player Instant Health. I would message the developer but he abandoned the project. So if someone could take that plugin and fix the glitch or make a clone of it without the glitch I would appreciate. I haven't seen another plugin like this and I tried looking.

    Ideas for commands: Same commands:
    /enchanteffect is the parent command. Using it will list all sub commands.

    /enchanteffect setname will set an items name if the player has the permission, and subtract the amount of levels specified in the config.

    /enchanteffect enchant <enchant or enchantID> <level> Adds an enchant with the specified level to the item being held, and subtracts the amount of levels specified in the config.

    /enchanteffect effect <effect> <level> <time> Adds a potion effect "enchant" to the item in your hand, and subtracts the amount of levels specified in the config

    Ideas for permissions: Same permissions:

    Allows Item Name Setting


    Allows use of /enchanteffect enchant


    Allows use of /enchanteffect effect

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible please. No rush, but please do not take too long. I can't launch my server until I have this sorted
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    He doesn't provide any source code so it's impossible to modify his code :/
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    It's possible. But it's illegal. You could decompile and edit.
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    You can de-compile java files? :O
    I didn't know that. Cool!
    I suppose it makes sense.... lol I'm stupid
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    Yea... But don't do anything unless you have permission from the owner of the code or the license permits it.
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    But he has
    GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)
    Still can't be modified and distributed?
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