Enabling a plugin on certain dates

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Vidsify, Oct 24, 2014.

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    I've managed to get my plugin to work only on certain days that the player specifies in the config but I am struggling to get it to work on certain dates eg DD/MM/YY 26/10/14.

    Here's my code for the days part

    1. @EventHandler
    2. public void onExpChange(PlayerExpChangeEvent e) {
    3. Calendar mydate = Calendar.getInstance();
    4. int dow = mydate.get(7);
    5. Boolean alreadyDone = Boolean.valueOf(false);
    6. List<String> EnabledDays = this.config.getStringList("DaysToEnable");
    7. this.config.getInt("CheckRadius");
    8. for (String Day : EnabledDays) {
    9. int currentDay = 0;
    10. if (Day.toLowerCase().contains("mon")) {
    11. currentDay = 2;
    12. } else if (Day.toLowerCase().contains("tue")) {
    13. currentDay = 3;
    14. } else if (Day.toLowerCase().contains("wed")) {
    15. currentDay = 4;
    16. } else if (Day.toLowerCase().contains("thu")) {
    17. currentDay = 5;
    18. } else if (Day.toLowerCase().contains("fri")) {
    19. currentDay = 6;
    20. } else if (Day.toLowerCase().contains("sat")) {
    21. currentDay = 7;
    22. } else if (Day.toLowerCase().contains("sun")) {
    23. currentDay = 1;
    24. }
    25. if ((dow == currentDay) && (!alreadyDone.booleanValue()))
    26. ;
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    Create a new Date object and it is immedietly initiated with the system's date. Then just only call the command and listener registers when you want them based on the date. Vidsify
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    Tecno_Wizard Hang on I'm confused as I had help doing this the first time from stevesmithjr but he's unsure on how to do the dates part
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    Vidsify you have a Calendar instance use that. Most methods in Date are deprecated. Moreover, instead of Boolean use boolean. Lastly, the getInt("CheckRadius") isn't used, so either use it or remove it.
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    fireblast709 ah ok and the check radius is used further down my code
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    I suggest you use Filip 's Date.java, as he has neatly put together a class designed to determine the day.
    Please can I also suggest that you apply this to a new class(@Filip 's class), remove the unnecessary code for your plugin and then refer to it like this:
    private CheckDate cd; //CheckDate is the class
    public void onExpChange(PlayerExpChangeEvent e) {
    cd = new CheckDate(); //initialisation. This could also be done on the loading of the plugin
    if (cd.isValid()){ //isValid() method inside CheckDate class
    //do stuff
    This will make your plugin look cleaner, and allow you to easily check whether it is
    a correct date, without constantly checking as an if statement as you are showing above.

    Hope this marginally helped,
    - Minty
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    es359 Wouldn't have posted it if I didn't want you using it :)
    es359 likes this.
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