Edit users groups via permissions in-game?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by vReactiionz, Jun 14, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    I am running Permissions 3.1.5b and I am using the command: /pr (username) parents add (group)
    And it is working for me, but I can't seem to remove them?
    I did: /pr (username) parents remove (group) and it said user/group does not have such parent...
    Please Help?
  2. Offline


    Might just be easier to edit them Via Config file.. o..o
  3. Offline


    After running the add command go and check if what you've done is being added correctly in the user/groups files. Then at least you can narrow down the problem to the add or remove command.
  4. Offline


    parent is not a group...its the inheritance...to remove...hmmm wait...why would u want to remove a users group?does it have multiple groups?i think you are saying u want to demote or promote user to a group?
    check this site out(at the bottom of the page)
  5. Offline


    I've checked it out. But what is a Track? It says no tracks in specified world?
    I did: /pr (username) demote member
  6. Offline


    it should work...make sure the capital letters is the same...its case sensitive
  7. Offline


    What does Parent and Track mean?
    Is parent the current group he is in?
    And track is the group I want him to be demoted/promoted to?
  8. Offline


    parent is inheritance...hmmm....just type
    /permissions <players_name> promote g:<groups_name>
  9. Offline


    Tracks control what comes before/next when you promote/demote.

    Eg One track could be guest -> Member -> Mod -> Admin
  10. Offline


    It says user not in specifed group? Wtf?
    Why is this so complicated?
  11. Offline


    Is there any reason as to why you're not just editing the config files? It seems it would be far easy if you just checked them and edited them and things would actually work.
  12. Offline


    It just takes too much time. Plus I want my admins to be able to do it.
  13. Offline


    Well it may be worth actually setting everything up in the config file then, at this rate it will be quicker. Then admins can promote/demote quickly. Or just check the file to figure out what you're actually doing to it with all the commands.
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