[EDIT/FUN/SEC] VoxelSniper v5.019 - Flexible Long-Range In-Game Map Editor [BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Voxel Box, Jan 23, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Voxel Box

  2. Offline


    I really like that idea. :D
    or also the ability to save brushes like /b save 1 and /b load 1 to load/save it.
  3. Offline


    This mod is above excellent, learning curve at the start but once you learn it quickly it becomes very natural to use.

    The /b over d# function doesn't replace the block under torches, any shortcut to fix that ?
  4. it works flawlessly under b935. (advanced testing in here :p)
  5. Offline


    its weird cuz 2days ago i cud use it on my 935 server and the yesterday when i tryd it and it didnt worked maybe its not stable with 935builds
  6. Offline

    Voxel Box

    Totally 1.7 compatible. Keep on snipin'!
    Redyugi likes this.
  7. Offline


    WTH i get a fail when i try to use sniper command such as /b o and all others this is the log:

    /b select-radius
    Example: /b 5 -- sets a brush radius size of 5 (11 spaces accros)
    Ecample: /b idr -- sets an ink disc replace brush.

    its realy annoying it was working fine the other day and yes i updated my build and the voxelsnper to the newest version

    try doing /u if u miss placed something it will undo it ^^

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  8. Offline


    same thing happened to me... but idk what "build" i have i use McMyadmin and they put bukkit in for me haha but i updated it today so idk
  9. Offline


    i use brotherhost and they let u install a build u like and if u wanna change it aftwerwards u still can do it. and about the fail i removed all the plugins so i started clean so i know its not causing by a other plugin but i still got the fail
  10. Offline

    Voxel Box

    we used to have this function without typing. there was a "go to last brush used" that was accessed through what is now the quick-delete (crouch + right click with the gunpowder). i was originally loathe to lose the feature, but the quick delete, in truth, i use more often, and as the above posters have noted, once you get the commands into your hands and fingers, good sniping goes very quickly with fewer and fewer typed commands.

    we took the feature out because bukkit was on the eve of entering their own alias commands so we figured people could/would start using that for issuing short and easy to remember command strings.

    We may discuss a good way to bring this feature back in the future, but przerwap and the team are busting balls on our new plugin, VoxelTronix, which, if you are a fan of some of VoxelSniper's special effects, trust me: you are going to go ape for VoxelTronix.

    Check out more on that plugin at: http://www.voxelwiki.com/minecraft/VoxelTronix

  11. Offline


    Oh ok i get it what you need to do is put ur username into the snipers.txt file
  12. Offline


    nope its already in thats the first thing i checked

    and voxel the new plugin is going to be freaking sweet think about what u can do with it you can combine the animation and the fan so u make a rocket thats animated so u get dragged up and then there are some fans that blow u away so its like rocket traveling :D

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  13. Offline

    Voxel Box

    Re-read the installation instructions. My guess is your OS is hiding your file extensions from you and your file is named snipers.txt.txt -- Thanks a lot, Paul Allen.
  14. Offline


    i don't host it on my pc its hosted by Brohoster and asfar as i know its just snipers.txt
  15. Offline

    Voxel Box

    I have had several reports of Brohoster setting VoxelSniper up incorrectly from users. Sounds like its time to stop haranguing the developer you aren't paying, and start geting your money's worth from people you are. Tell them to READ THE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS BECAUSE THEY ARE DOIN' IT WRONG. AND IT'S NOT THE FIRST TIME. Tell them I'm the one who said it.

  16. Offline


    Sweet this sounded like alpacino xD but nvm i have found the fail it was my name it wasn't Nexusrightsi it was with a lowercase n >.< but i knew for sure that i didn't changed it cuz it was working earlyr so i checked if a co admin changed it and yes he did >.< so srry for the problems and btw the new plugin is going to be awsome the gorilla is monkey madness dude :D
  17. Offline


    I LOVE this mod, I use all the voxelmods on my server, and I'm getting pretty good with VoxelSniper's tools. But there is one thing; maybe it's obvious or doesn't exist but I can't seem to find it.
    Is there a way for me to use the snipe brush (/b s) but instead of placing the block, a block is placed on the face you click on. Effectively being similar to normal building but from an unlimited distance with unlimited materials. I would appreciate it if someone can help me with this, how can I set up a brush to do this? (I want to place single blocks at a time not blobs etc.)
  18. Offline

    Voxel Box

  19. Offline


    ya i been really waiting for VoxelTronix since you releases that video

    Umm me and you are on 2 different topics :confused:

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  20. Offline


    For some reason i do not have the erosion brush, it keeps saying 'No Such Brush', am i typing it wrong? '/b e melt'
  21. Offline


    No that is correct make sure you have the current voxel sniper version =D
  22. Offline


    oh well all i did was that and i was good to go
  23. Offline


    Hey VoxelBox, I'm loving the VoxelTronix previews. Not sure if this is where you want suggestions for brushes, but heres mine: A wall brush. Just load it up and it'll do a wall wherever you click, with definable width, height, and material.
  24. Offline


    You can do that already with the voxel disk face:
  25. Offline


  26. Offline


    it seems sniping ice is insanely annoying.
    snipe (/d) arrow right click on ice, turns into water.
    that's an example because ANY action that removes the ice block (or replaces it) just turns it into water.

    makes removing ice oceans INSANELY annoying.
  27. Offline

    Voxel Box

    I agree. Ice is annoying. Even Mojang agrees, Jeb has made numerous complaints about the way that MINECRAFT handles the block, and VoxelSniper is, at the end of the day, limited to what MINECRAFT does. You will have to take your frustration's to them, however, we are not responsible for how ice is programmed.

    The way I handle ice is to do it en masse with a replace once I have exactly what I want.

    Speaking of VoxelSniper, version 4.749 is out today!

    Try out the jockey brush, which lets you ride pigs, sheep, cows, slimes, wolves -- even other players!

    You may want to delete the plugins/VoxelSniper/items.txt file if you're having difficulty sniping in the new piston blocks (29 and 33). VoxelSniper will generate a new items.txt for you with the pistons in there or you can add them manually if you alias your own /v values.

  28. Offline


    /b dr
    /vr ice
    /v stone

    just turns it to water...
    maybe i misunderstood...
  29. Offline

    Voxel Box

    you are correct. when ice CHANGES, it becomes water. that's minecraft. ice must be dealth with in two steps with VS. however, if all you are after is a surface replace, just use a regular disc brush and burn into the ice by holding the button down.

  30. Offline


    I still cannot get this plugin to function at all, i'm using xenonservers the .jar is in my plugin folder. the snipers.txt is in my plugins folder, i double checked the name so it wasn't snipers.txt.txt, My name is in the file correctly and i've read the installation setup several times but for whatever reason i cannot get it to work.
  31. Offline


    try /reload then try =D

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